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Wikimedia IRC logs browser - #wikimedia-tech

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2018-03-07 12:23:19 <Reception123> Hi. I want to use on a wiki for blocked/globally locked users to appeal a ban. Does the form still work for users who are locked?
2018-03-07 14:00:35 <Nudin_WMDE> Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 2 hours in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @addshore & @Christoph_Jauera_(WMDE) - all questions welcome, more infos:
2018-03-07 14:40:47 <Tarawneh> Hello. I know this is a bit late, but we need help regarding the gender Editathon tomorrow in Amman, Jordan. We need to lift of IP cap during the event.
2018-03-07 14:54:06 <Wiki13> Tarawneh: I'm not a tech guy, but thats on a too short notice probably to get it done
2018-03-07 14:57:04 <Tarawneh> Wiki13: I know, I got the IPs 10 mins. ago :(
2018-03-07 14:57:18 <Wiki13> ouch
2018-03-07 14:57:29 <Wiki13> tell them to get it sooner next time :P
2018-03-07 14:58:01 <Wiki13> Tarawneh: if you can get ahold of an admin on the arabic wiki you could ask them to create accounts
2018-03-07 14:58:36 <Wiki13> they have no rate limits (like creating users) afaik
2018-03-07 14:58:48 <Tarawneh> I am already an account creator, and we will have a few others with us.
2018-03-07 14:59:43 <Tarawneh> But the system sometimes refuses simultaneous edits from the same IP. Have no Idea why that happens
2018-03-07 15:00:21 <Wiki13> in that case it could be done then without lifting the cap right? I do understand lifting a cap would be nicer, but its all you can do on such a short notice
2018-03-07 15:01:40 <Tarawneh> LOL, I do that all the time. :) I am used to creating accounts.
2018-03-07 15:01:49 <Tarawneh> for the events that is :P
2018-03-07 15:01:52 <Wiki13> hehe
2018-03-07 15:02:52 <Wiki13> I mean ideally you would know it a week in advance so stuff like this doesnt happen
2018-03-07 15:04:16 <p858snake|L> Reedy legoktm ^
2018-03-07 15:05:42 <Wiki13> I dont know this for sure, but I thought there were ideas for this... not needing a gerrit patch to add IP cap lift
2018-03-07 15:07:14 <Tarawneh> hmm. hope it can be done. If not my life will be a bit more $^#$^#$^ . Still , Dealt with worse through that last 16 years on wikipedia :D
2018-03-07 15:07:30 <Wiki13> hehe
2018-03-07 15:08:33 <Wiki13> I found it... a request to add an extension to do this Tarawneh
2018-03-07 15:08:54 <Wiki13> only thing is, the request for that task has been open for like 7/8 years now :")
2018-03-07 15:09:11 <Tarawneh> Yes, still open
2018-03-07 15:09:20 <Tarawneh> Well, I have to go
2018-03-07 15:09:24 <Wiki13> so I hope stuff gets done soon
2018-03-07 15:09:26 <Tarawneh> Thanks Wiki13
2018-03-07 15:17:26 <Reedy> Where did Tarawneh go?
2018-03-07 15:17:29 <Reedy> Oh
2018-03-07 15:17:36 <Reedy> irc client didn't scroll down
2018-03-07 15:59:06 <addshore> 3:13 PM ⇐ Tarawneh quit (5e8e247c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Ping timeout: 260 seconds
2018-03-07 15:59:20 <addshore> <Tarawneh> - Thanks W-i-k-i-1-3
2018-03-07 16:00:07 <addshore> o/!!!!!
2018-03-07 16:00:10 <addshore> \o CFisch_remote
2018-03-07 16:01:08 <CFisch_remote> \o/
2018-03-07 16:01:33 <addshore> It's time for the next instalment of......
2018-03-07 16:01:40 <addshore> ..... the technical advice irc hour!!!!!!!!!!!
2018-03-07 16:01:53 <CFisch_WMDE> :-D
2018-03-07 16:02:45 <Reedy> How do I get addshore to review ALL of my patches in a timely fashion?
2018-03-07 16:02:49 <Reedy> glares at addshore
2018-03-07 16:02:53 <addshore> Reedy: cake
2018-03-07 16:03:04 <CFisch_WMDE> *g*
2018-03-07 16:06:27 <d3r1ck> Hi everyone!
2018-03-07 16:07:12 <d3r1ck> I'm currently searching for a means of editing Wiki tables using the MW API
2018-03-07 16:07:31 <d3r1ck> Any help please? Basically, I want to start of with a table that has 2 rows 1 column
2018-03-07 16:07:53 <d3r1ck> The table should have a header and a cell with content. Then edit this table via the MW api
2018-03-07 16:07:55 <Reedy> I think you've only got action=edit
2018-03-07 16:08:50 <CFisch_WMDE> Yeah afaik the MW API cannot be used to directly edit arbitrary wiki tables
2018-03-07 16:09:13 <d3r1ck> Reedy: Thanks. CFisch_WMDE, Okay!
2018-03-07 16:09:55 <d3r1ck> I'm trying to build this tool that simulates a wiki table like a spread sheet
2018-03-07 16:10:09 <d3r1ck> So that when a cell in the spreadsheet is edited, it edits same corresponding cell in the Wikitable
2018-03-07 16:10:21 <d3r1ck> I've succeeded in scraping data off a spreadsheet to a wikipage
2018-03-07 16:10:46 <d3r1ck> But now doing it to a table is my worry but I was just wondering if there is a way to do it directly with the API but no luck yet
2018-03-07 16:10:58 <Reedy> Does VE allow this sort of editing?
2018-03-07 16:11:13 <d3r1ck> Reedy: No idea actually, I don't know
2018-03-07 16:11:21 <Reedy> I'm sure it does table editing...
2018-03-07 16:11:28 <d3r1ck> But I think VE allows editing of tables
2018-03-07 16:11:33 <d3r1ck> Reedy: Yes, it does
2018-03-07 16:12:49 <CFisch_WMDE> Ahhh ... so with "Wiki Table" you refer to a table in wiki text .. sorry - I was thinking of Database tables in my response ^^ - So of cause aus Reedy said you can manipulate that via the API, but only with the default API edit methods.
2018-03-07 16:13:14 <d3r1ck> Yeah,
2018-03-07 16:13:28 <d3r1ck> action works but I'm thinking how to do that in wiki table cells
2018-03-07 16:13:40 <d3r1ck> Directly from the API or maybe some other way
2018-03-07 16:15:48 <d3r1ck> CFisch_WMDE, Reedy, I'll keep digging! But I've succeeded in taking data (on changes) from a spreadsheet to a Wikipage
2018-03-07 16:16:11 <CFisch_WMDE> So I have no Idea how VE does editing of tables, they of cause have parsing logic that takes care of conversion from their internal "table" layout to wikitext table
2018-03-07 16:16:15 <d3r1ck> Just something very simple, like a proof of concept but need to replicate that to Wikitables now then scale the solution to larger tables.
2018-03-07 16:16:32 <d3r1ck> CFisch_WMDE: Yeah!
2018-03-07 16:22:33 <Reedy> CFisch_WMDE: Parsoid... Wikitext -> Html -> Wikitext
2018-03-07 16:23:06 <CFisch_WMDE> yeah, thats the thing
2018-03-07 16:24:39 <d3r1ck> Hmmm....., thanks Reedy :)
2018-03-07 16:25:00 <addshore> :D
2018-03-07 16:41:32 <CFisch_WMDE> Seems all the questions are being discussed on :-)
2018-03-07 16:41:38 <addshore> yupp :P
2018-03-07 16:41:39 <CFisch_WMDE> *advertise*
2018-03-07 16:45:12 <d3r1ck> :)
2018-03-07 16:59:20 <Wiki13> is discourse going to be in production?
2018-03-07 16:59:35 <Wiki13> or will it stay there?
2018-03-07 17:02:30 <addshore> Wiki13: only time will tell
2018-03-07 17:02:37 <addshore> I think the plan is for production though
2018-03-07 17:02:43 <Wiki13> ah
2018-03-07 17:02:44 <addshore> Right, thats the end of the hour!!!
2018-03-07 17:02:46 <addshore> until next time!
2018-03-07 17:06:05 <CFisch_WMDE> o/
2018-03-07 17:06:44 <d3r1ck> o/
2018-03-07 21:04:14 <snitch> [[Tech]]; Ozzie10aaaa; /* hi, any help is appreciated */ new section;
2018-03-07 21:31:16 <teles> good evening! I will be hosting an editathon tomorrow and need to set a lift for the account creation limit. Can anyone help me please? I have already the IP, period and link to activity page
2018-03-07 21:33:36 <teles> this is the link:
2018-03-07 21:33:44 <legoktm> teles: see
2018-03-07 21:35:50 <teles> legoktm, ok. I am writing it on phabricator
2018-03-07 21:35:52 <teles> tks
2018-03-07 21:40:00 <teles> legoktm, can I subscribe you?
2018-03-07 21:40:35 <legoktm> I don't think I'll be able to help much in this case
2018-03-07 21:45:59 <teles> ok :/
2018-03-07 21:46:06 <teles> here is the request:
2018-03-07 21:48:05 <teles> maybe Reedy?

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