[00:57:06] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page User talk:Lixxx235 was modified, changed by Gentryallen link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642845454 edit summary: [+606] /* I'm responding per your request. Thank you for your help. :) */ [00:57:07] * SIGN [01:01:18] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page User talk:Lixxx235 was modified, changed by Gentryallen link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642845953 edit summary: [+315] /* I'm responding per your request. Thank you for your help. :) */ [01:01:19] * SIGN [01:07:04] wm-bot3: stalk [01:09:13] lol what [01:10:16] How to get a wm bot? [01:10:20] I want one in ##UltimateNate [01:11:10] UltimateNate: sorry, you can't [01:11:31] ever since a week ago, petan disabled @add on the wm-bot channel [01:11:40] because of abuse [01:24:50] UltimateNate: you can beg to add wm-bot but it won't work [01:47:05] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page User talk:Lixxx235 was modified, changed by Lixxx235 link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642850566 edit summary: [+267] /* I'm responding per your request. Thank you for your help. :) */ re [01:47:05] * SIGN [01:47:18] :) [01:47:20] :(* [01:49:42] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Microsoft was modified, changed by AirWolf link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642850805 edit summary: [+2] "or" is seen while browsing [01:49:43] * SIGN [04:23:22] !help channel [04:23:22] Uh, do you need op help? If you do, use !ops. If you need command help use @help [04:23:22] Agent_Isai: The help message should show as a notice, if not, check your query. [04:23:22] Agent_Isai: alert, ban add, ban hostmask, ban list, ban remove, capability add, capability list, capability remove, capability set, capability setdefault, capability unset, cycle, dehalfop, deop, devoice, disable, enable, halfop, iban, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, invite, kban, key, kick, limit, listbans, lobotomy add, lobotomy list, lobotomy remove, mode, moderate, nicks, op, unban, (1 more message) [04:23:51] !channel list [04:23:52] Agent_Isai: Error: 'supybot.list' is not a valid configuration variable. [04:24:07] !config supybot.list [04:24:07] Agent_Isai: Error: 'supybot.list' is not a valid configuration variable. [04:24:14] !channel list [04:24:15] Agent_Isai: Error: 'supybot.list' is not a valid configuration variable. [04:24:17] :| [04:25:34] !channel list b [04:25:34] Agent_Isai: Error: 'supybot.list' is not a valid configuration variable. [04:25:43] !channel list ##Isai [04:25:43] Agent_Isai: Error: 'supybot.list' is not a valid configuration variable. [04:25:52] !moar [04:25:53] Agent_Isai: unmoderate, and voice [04:26:13] !channel capability [04:26:13] Agent_Isai: Error: 'supybot.capability' is not a valid configuration variable. [04:26:50] !network connect YourBNC [04:26:51] Agent_Isai: Success! Connection to YourBNC initiated. [04:27:02] !help TriviaTime [04:27:02] Uh, do you need op help? If you do, use !ops. If you need command help use @help [04:27:02] Agent_Isai: The help message should show as a notice, if not, check your query. [04:27:02] Agent_Isai: acceptdelete, acceptedit, acceptnew, add, addfile, authweb, clearpoints, day, delete, edit, givepoints, info, listdeletes, listedits, listnew, listreports, me, month, next, ping, repeat, report, restorequestion, rmdelete, rmedit, rmnew, rmreport, showdelete, showedit, shownew, showquestion, showreport, showround, skip, start, stats, stop, time, transferpoints, week, and year [04:27:20] !stats [04:27:21] Agent_Isai: I have 4 registered users with 2 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 0 admins. [04:27:30] !TriviaTime stats [04:27:30] Agent_Isai: (triviatime stats [] ) -- Show a player's rank, score & questions asked for day, month, and year. Channel is only required when using the command outside of a channel. [04:28:01] disconnected from YourBNC: Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email mail@yourbnc.co.uk for more information. [04:28:03] disconnected from YourBNC: Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email mail@yourbnc.co.uk for more information. [04:28:12] disconnected from YourBNC: Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email mail@yourbnc.co.uk for more information. [04:28:14] disconnected from YourBNC: Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email mail@yourbnc.co.uk for more information. [04:28:16] disconnected from YourBNC: Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email mail@yourbnc.co.uk for more information. [04:28:32] !network disconnect YourBNC [04:28:32] Agent_Isai: Success! Disconnection to YourBNC initiated. [07:51:24] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia was modified, changed by BattyBot link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642879740 edit summary: [+45] /* External links */Added [[:Category:Articles containing video clips]] & [[WP:AWB/GF|general fixes]] using [[Project:AWB|AWB]] (10741) [07:51:24] * SIGN [08:01:03] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Microsoft was modified, changed by P.G.Antolinos link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642880816 edit summary: [+18] /* Businesses */ [08:01:03] * SIGN [08:34:52] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia was modified, changed by Bigbaby23 link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642883630 edit summary: [+702] Undid revision 642777484 by [[Special:Contributions/GliderMaven|GliderMaven]] ([[User talk:GliderMaven|talk]]) pseudo wiki lawyer . reverted [08:34:52] DOUBLESIGN [10:02:08] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Microsoft was modified, changed by AnomieBOT link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642890574 edit summary: [+18] Dating maintenance tags: {{Update}} [10:02:08] * SIGN [15:26:07] .. [15:26:11] wtf [15:26:14] stop [15:26:44] @fsend mode IsaiWolf +DRgw [15:26:46] yey [15:26:54] @start [15:26:57] whoo [15:27:01] It's deaf [15:27:13] . [15:29:15] Stop [15:29:49] !load Github [15:29:49] Agent_Isai: Error: No plugin named "Github" exists. [15:29:51] Er [15:32:30] !load Github [15:32:31] Agent_Isai: Success! [15:32:40] !help github [15:32:40] Uh, do you need op help? If you do, use !ops. If you need command help use @help [15:32:40] Agent_Isai: announce add, announce remove, repo info, and repo search [15:32:54] !enable Github [15:32:54] Agent_Isai: (enable [] ) -- Enables the command for all users. If if given, only enables the from . This command is the inverse of disable. [15:33:08] !help enable [15:33:08] Uh, do you need op help? If you do, use !ops. If you need command help use @help [15:33:08] Agent_Isai: Error: 'enable' is not a valid plugin. [15:33:20] !enable !github [15:33:20] Agent_Isai: Error: That command wasn't disabled. [15:33:31] !enable github [15:33:32] !github is now enabled. [15:33:32] Agent_Isai: (enable [] ) -- Enables the command for all users. If if given, only enables the from . This command is the inverse of disable. [15:33:33] Key was added [15:33:44] !enable wikipedia [15:33:44] Agent_Isai: Error: That command wasn't disabled. [15:33:52] !help github [15:33:52] Uh, do you need op help? If you do, use !ops. If you need command help use @help [15:33:52] Agent_Isai: announce add, announce remove, repo info, and repo search [15:34:09] AgentBot: repo info [15:34:10] Agent_Isai: (repo info [--enable ...] [--disable ]) -- Displays informations about 's . Enable or disable features (ie. displayed data) according to the request). [15:34:29] AgentBot: github announce add [15:34:29] Agent_Isai: (github announce add [] ) -- Announce the commits of the GitHub repository called / in the . defaults to the current channel. [15:46:22] !github announce add ##isai Agent-Isai * [15:46:22] now enabled. [15:46:22] Agent_Isai: Success! [15:46:24] Agent_Isai: An error has occurred - HTTP Error 404: NOT FOUND - Try again. [15:46:32] O_O [15:46:43] IsaiBot: !help [15:50:30] !Github Agent-Isai [15:50:41] !github Agent-Isai [15:50:41] now enabled. [15:50:43] Isai Castro's favourite coding language seems to be PHP (9 contributions). They seem to like reporting issues. [15:52:35] AgentBot: repo info Agent-Isai StormWiki [15:52:36] Agent_Isai: description: StormWiki is a fork of Snowstormer's PointWiki Wiki Software that has been abandoned, forks: 0, open_issues: 0, watchers: 0, pushed_at: 2014-12-30T15:37:35Z [15:52:52] :( [15:57:18] !join ##Snowstormer [15:57:18] Agent_Isai: Done. [16:41:23] Agent_Isai: You know Python? [16:47:52] Yes [16:49:26] Why not contribute to UltimatePyCalc? [16:54:52] UltimateNate: sure [17:35:36] lol Agent_Isai you don't know Python [17:36:03] cats: ikr [17:36:24] I'll just use stolen python codes anyway :D [17:39:03] cats: https://www.agentisai.tk/stats/isai.html <-- I think pisg is broken for me [17:39:21] kk [17:39:38] Also, does that look correct [20:25:46] cats: Do you know python? [20:25:53] Because you want to contribute? [20:25:59] https://github.com/UltimateNate/UltimatePyCalc [20:26:00] Title: UltimateNate/UltimatePyCalc ยท GitHub (at github.com) [20:26:36] UltimateNate: I do know Python [20:26:49] I might contribute possibly [20:27:51] how could I help though? :P [20:38:37] wait [20:38:51] Why is everyone devoiced [20:39:08] okey [20:39:29] @fjoin Agent_Isai [20:39:33] Uh [22:42:01] cats: hold on [22:42:03] you still there? [22:42:07] I need to paste alot of lines here [22:42:11] Of the to-do list [22:42:37] <UltimateNate> I have some ideas [22:42:37] <UltimateNate> We could do this [22:42:37] <UltimateNate> Add a restart command [22:42:37] <UltimateNate> Add wildcards to the admin/trusted list, and also make it do more than hosts, like accounts. [22:42:37] <UltimateNate> Add multiserver [22:42:41] <UltimateNate> Add a better channel list, Where it adds channels on join and del channels on part/kick. [22:42:44] <UltimateNate> Add DH-BLOWFISH/AES/CHALLANGEAUTH/EXT features for SASL [22:42:46] <UltimateNate> Code Cleanup [22:42:48] <UltimateNate> Add more calculation stuff [22:42:50] <UltimateNate> n4x: I don't have the knowledge to do that above [22:42:52] <UltimateNate> Oh could also add Ans to the calculator [22:42:54] <UltimateNate> Also, Time to put Trusted to good use, So add options to calc :D [22:42:56] <UltimateNate> like !calc --f 1**1**11**11**11 [22:42:58] <UltimateNate> --f = Forces the message into channel, Whether or not it's longer than 50 in length [22:43:00] <UltimateNate> --i = Ignores (or bypass) timeout [22:43:02] <UltimateNate> --e = Uses eval instead of ast [22:43:04] <UltimateNate> so i could do !calc --fie 11111111111111111111111111111111111111**11111111111111111111 [22:43:06] <UltimateNate> WOFall, nyuszika7h: ^ [22:43:10] <UltimateNate> That is something we all might have to do together :P [22:44:19] That's for the bot in stable [22:50:28] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page User talk:Lixxx235 was modified, changed by ClueBot III link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=642970059 edit summary: [-10234] Archiving 15 discussions to [[User talk:Lixxx235/Archive 16]]. (BOT) [22:50:29] * SIGN [23:04:38] However if you have some suggestions, Feel free to say about it