[03:40:27] Soapy, Cloak up :P [03:41:09] * Lor_ Lays out tea and crackers and lollipops around the table :3 [03:42:33] tea? earl grey? hot? [03:43:22] !tea [03:43:30] indeed [03:44:49] !tea is Gives $1 tea [03:44:50] Key was added [03:45:01] !tea juliancolton [03:45:01] Gives juliancolton tea [03:45:06] Much better..wait.. [03:45:35] !tea del [03:45:35] Successfully removed tea [03:46:02] what just happened [03:46:21] Meh... wm-bot's don't like to use the /me command. [03:50:48] * Lor_ makes the channel tidy..first time having visitors in a while...sigh...i have no friends :P [04:27:44] oooOOOOoo, free voice [04:27:47] fancy [04:28:30] wm-beta, g'day [04:28:37] L235, [04:28:48] ^ [04:29:04] %trustadd .*@wikipedia/Lor [04:29:05] Wrong number of parameters, go fix it - example @trustadd regex (admin|trusted) [04:29:07] %trustadd .*@wikipedia/Lor admin [04:29:08] Successfuly added .*@wikipedia/Lor [04:29:27] ...oh dear..your making my channel your testing monkey :P [04:29:54] lol [04:30:23] sorry, I already have way too many testing channels [04:30:39] it may scratch it's arse most of the time but..erm....okay that's what my channel does all day actually. [04:31:08] I trust: .*@wikipedia/Lor (2admin), [04:31:08] @trusted [04:31:42] Lor_: now, if you *really* wanted to make this place a bot controlled zone... [04:32:02] ,Ahh hell :P [04:32:03] Lor_: Error: "Ahh" is not a valid command. [04:32:13] what? [04:32:23] LOL, L235-bot's prefix is a comma [04:32:28] Oh :P [04:32:30] ,help [04:32:30] Lor_: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [04:33:01] * Lor_ sighs..more opping to do it seems :p [04:33:01] Lor_: do ,list for a list of plugins, and ,list for the list of commands in any given plugin [04:33:12] ,list [04:33:13] Lor_: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, BadWords, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Ctcp, Filter, Format, Games, Internet, Later, Math, Misc, Network, Owner, Plugin, Protector, Reply, Scheduler, Seen, Services, Time, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, User, and Utilities [04:33:18] ,list Admin [04:33:19] Lor_: capability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part [04:33:28] interesting... [04:34:30] and that's the most i think i've ever involved my operator magic...ever...huh [04:34:32] Lor_: hmm, you probably want to voice them using /cs flags instead [04:34:42] because this is temporary [04:34:44] see: [04:34:46] ,cycle [04:34:51] in a moment....not too good with /cs flags really. [04:35:01] no, L235-bot actually has a wikimedia cloak [04:35:03] but for example: [04:35:06] @cycle [04:35:17] >cycle [04:35:18] Error: You don't have the ##Lor_,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [04:35:22] hmm [04:35:27] >part [04:35:42] as the bot's supreme ruler :p [04:37:23] ..As you can see.....give me a moment [04:39:11] Lor_: /cs flags ##Lor_ RTBot +V [04:39:18] Lor_: /cs flags ##Lor_ OBCbot +V [04:39:19] i did that actually.... [04:39:23] really? [04:39:25] @cycle [04:39:29] nope [04:39:42] But any other bots loses voice.. [04:39:46] ok, *now* [04:39:47] hmm [04:39:59] give *!*@ +V [04:40:16] and you put *!*@unaffiliated/rt/bot/rtbo, not *!*@unaffiliated/rt/bot/rtbot [04:41:14] :P [04:41:29] as you can see...i'm not very good with flags :P [04:44:51] hell, i don't even know a good source listing all the freenode flags... [04:48:11] well..other that /cs help flags :P [04:48:15] *than [04:48:50] ,list [04:48:50] Lor_: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, BadWords, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Ctcp, Filter, Format, Games, Internet, Later, Math, Misc, Network, Owner, Plugin, Protector, Reply, Scheduler, Seen, Services, Time, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, User, and Utilities [04:49:12] ,list User [04:49:13] Lor_: capabilities, changename, hostmask, hostmask add, hostmask list, hostmask remove, identify, list, register, set password, set secure, stats, unidentify, unregister, username, and whoami [04:49:28] ,whoami [04:49:28] Lor_: I don't recognize you. [04:49:47] ,capabilities [04:49:47] Lor_: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). [04:49:57] ,identify [04:49:57] Lor_: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel. [04:50:12] ,hostmask add *!*@wikipedia/Lor [04:50:12] Lor_: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel. [04:50:19] * Lor_ Grumbles.... [22:21:51] wow lots of boys [22:21:53] *bots