[16:38:03] hi [16:39:09] are passwords secure when I have AndChat remember my IRC passwprds meaning that nobody can steal my device or use malware to get it? [16:39:21] *passwords [16:59:19] why do get this error? Disconnected: Read error: ssl=0x7976cb98: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer [17:15:34] I'm not sure if I recieved a response to my question yet [19:55:11] hm [19:55:19] bye [19:55:19] re: Passwords secure [19:55:28] ??? [19:55:34] If you export your data to an XML backup, they are stored in plain text [19:55:47] I am not sure how they are stored inside the app, it's closed source and I haven't seen the source [19:56:03] Regarding the connection reset by peer, sounds like you pinged out/had a connectivity change [19:56:10] from wifi to mobile network, or vice versa [19:56:25] no, I was on wifi the whole time, I believe [19:56:59] unless the connection was disrupted from the AP [19:57:06] the AP probably has issues [19:57:19] it's a AT&T provided one [19:57:47] thanks anyways [19:57:56] first time I ever got a reply here :P [19:58:11] it's pretty idle [19:58:18] haven't seen alcapwn in a long time either [19:59:53] oh [19:59:58] alright [19:59:58] thanks, bye