[15:53:08] SMalyshev: curious if maybe you know why inside "" this undefined access yields a different value and no warning? https://3v4l.org/ASDmG [17:22:10] Krinkle: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#120414 The official example on that page uses non-quoted associative array access (search for "koolaid1"), but without explanation. I wasn't aware of this subtlety either. On outputting a different value, the boolean true value will first be converted to the string "1" as part of variable expansion then var_dump will output that string. [17:22:42] bpirkle: Ah, right, I forgot (string)true is "1" in PHP. [17:22:48] It's "true" in JavaScript. [17:23:00] That makes more sense. [17:23:41] Thanks! [17:23:53] Sure thing - I learned something too!