[05:27:40] [{exception_id}] {exception_url} LogicException from line 140 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.33.0-wmf.20/includes/jobqueue/JobQueueGroup.php: Domain 'ukwikimedia' is not recognized. [05:28:06] AaronSchulz: Looks like a deleted wiki issue. I forgot what we did last time. Some kind of maintenance script? [05:29:43] where is the trace? [05:32:51] AaronSchulz: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/app/kibana#/doc/logstash-*/logstash-2019.03.12/mediawiki?id=AWlwO-Zp8aQffZ3HC0Oq [05:32:55] GlobalUsageCachePurgeJob.php [05:33:25] commonswiki [05:34:23] no user impact presumably, just internal bug causing some noise. [05:44:42] looks like some dead entries in the GU table...I thought DeleteWiki.php was supposed to clean that up [05:44:47] maybe no one ran it [05:44:57] in WikimediaMaintenance [10:06:30] Hey guys, is the a way to trigger units to run on Gerrit without having +2 on WIP change? [12:35:14] vedmaka: hi, if you are whitelisted then it should be running the tests for you. [12:54:24] thanks, any clue on how I could become whitelisted ? :D [12:58:19] Yup, in the integration/config repo you add your email that you use on gerrit to https://github.com/wikimedia/integration-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L44 and https://github.com/wikimedia/integration-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L351 [12:58:23] vedmaka: ^^ [13:01:17] great, thanks!