[16:30:21] <_joe_> duesen: we're debugging a wierd problem, and we need mediawiki expertise in #wikimedia-sre [16:30:26] <_joe_> or anyone else really [18:22:30] updated my own MW install that I haven't touched in a few months [18:22:44] $ php maintenance/createAndPromote.php --wiki mediawiki_dev Alex asd --force [18:22:45] [255a43d6e6e4f10a25af13a9] [no req] PasswordError from line 137 of /home/alex/Development/MediaWiki/maintenance/createAndPromote.php: * The supplied credentials cannot be changed, as nothing would use them. [18:22:45] * The authentication data change was not handled. Maybe no provider was configured? [18:23:51] did I miss something important relating to AuthManager perhaps? [18:27:04] > var_dump( $wgAuthManagerAutoConfig['primaryauth']['MediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider']['class'] ); [18:27:04] string(57) "MediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider" [18:27:56] Krenair: Just dfff6555859774ce3162fe08349e84f4f579502e [18:29:06] that doesn't seem to show up in AuthManagerAutoConfig [18:29:20] I don't have AuthManagerConfig set to anything [18:30:32] I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas, sorry. [18:46:11] James_F, it would appear when I run this it is trying to say the username is [18:50:06] } elseif ( $exists ) { [18:50:06] + var_dump( 'CAP: Username from user object before getGroups: ' . $user->getName() ); [18:50:06] $inGroups = $user->getGroups(); [18:50:06] + var_dump( 'CAP: Username from user object after getGroups: ' . $user->getName() ); [18:50:07] } [18:50:15] string(53) "CAP: Username from user object before getGroups: Alex" [18:50:15] string(57) "CAP: Username from user object after getGroups:" [18:50:43] this... seems bad [19:02:29] seems maybe my cache is returning nonsense [19:07:05] okay it randomly started working :/ [19:43:41] Krenair: Always the best way.