[13:52:09] Cscott: Hey! can you canforim that variants don't affect the global content language in MediaWiki? [13:56:38] Or Amir1 [13:57:50] duesen: I have no idea tbh, do you mean the other Amir maybe? [13:57:55] Hm, considering the wiring code of getContentLanguage(), I guess it can't. Which is probably a good thing. [13:58:29] Amir1: ha, sorry, yes :P [13:59:14] No worries. Happens all the time [13:59:34] You'd think I have known you two for long enough though :P [14:00:08] Otoh, the fact that your handles are Amir1 and Amire80 doesn't make it easier... [14:03:04] Lol. You're right 😁