[02:31:08] Hi johnflux. [02:31:23] MediaWiki allows per-user JavaScript in user subpages. [02:31:37] Like "User:Johnflux/monobook.js" is a wiki page where you can store JavaScript. [02:31:47] There's some configuration variable to enable the functionality. [02:31:54] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/JavaScript [02:33:24] !wg AllowUserJs [02:33:24] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgAllowUserJs [13:53:39] hey everyone [13:53:54] can anyone help me with the json result that i get from mediawiki API [13:56:19] supppose this is the query [13:56:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=parse&pageid=1317961&format=jsonfm [13:56:34] i only want html from it i.e. "text" in that json [15:03:03] I wonder if javascript501 realized &format=jsonfm isn't the same as &format=json. [15:38:43] sounds like jsonfm was the desired format, but javascript501 doesn't know how to deal with json [23:33:25] Hi! Anyone here would be able to give a clue what is wrong in my parsoid/visualeditor setup? [23:34:51] Getting HTTP 500 error even when Parsois seems to be operating and tried myriad if different settigs that should work. Site is at http://granitedevices.com/wiki [23:35:15] settings are: parsoidConfig.setMwApi({ uri: 'http://granitedevices.com/w/api.php', domain: "localhost", prefix: 'localhost' }); [23:35:42] $wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid'] = array( // URL to the Parsoid instance [23:35:45] // Use port 8142 if you use the Debian package [23:35:47] 'url' => 'http://granitedevices.com:8000' , [23:35:50] // Parsoid "domain", see below (optional) [23:35:52] 'domain' => 'localhost', [23:35:55] // Parsoid "prefix", see below (optional) [23:35:57] 'prefix' => 'localhost' [23:36:00] ); [23:36:02] If anyone could take a look whether the Parsoid seems ok on the server, I would greatly appreciate :) [23:37:50] Same behavior if I leave "localhost" params out [23:38:34] anything in your parsoid log? [23:39:44] on /var/log/messages: [23:39:44] May 16 02:26:59 vps node: [info][worker][27320] ready on :8000 [23:39:45] May 16 02:27:04 vps node: [info][localhost/Main_Page?oldid=5023] started parsing [23:39:48] May 16 02:27:06 vps node: [info][localhost/Main_Page?oldid=5023] completed parsing in 1960 ms [23:39:51] etc [23:40:27] new lines lines appear when I hit "edit" in browser [23:40:39] Ah [23:40:44] The issue is actually not between VE and parsoid at all [23:41:02] If you look in the browser network log when opening VE, you see it is the MW API which responds with HTTP 500 [23:41:10] check your web server error log [23:41:44] Ah! I'll do [23:51:05] found it: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getTitle() on a non-object in /home/granited/public_html/w/extensions/FlaggedRevs/frontend/FlaggablePageView.php on line 1813 [23:51:36] ew. [23:52:07] That code. [23:52:47] what version of FlaggedRevs are you using? [23:53:30] old. just updating it [23:54:43] I wrote that FlaggedRevs integration code against newer versions [23:54:59] how old? [23:55:24] not sure, probably 2+ years old version [23:55:44] did just install new version, and visual editor now works! :) [23:56:05] not sure how I missed that php error in the first place [23:56:26] the code I'm thinking of is about 18 months old [23:56:28] but you have removed lots of frustration from me :) thanks!