[00:48:33] hello [00:49:05] anyone around to help me with my issue installing virtual editor [01:16:13] does any one have experience [01:16:28] with instaling visual editor [01:19:42] fou: what kind of trouble do you have [01:28:54] sorry i was kicked out for some reason but my problem is this [01:29:01] I have installed the plugin [01:29:04] no problem [01:30:36] I have installed the requirments for the software to work as well [01:30:37] Parsoid [01:30:44] ect [01:31:03] but for some reason the plugin works with media wiki but can not access Parsoid i beleive [01:31:09] believe [01:31:37] sorry for the spelling mistakes still getting use to broken wrist [01:32:30] o boy [01:34:21] anyone around ? [01:38:15] exit [01:38:16] exit [01:42:29] sorry about that again strange [01:47:10] fou: what kind of error messages are you getting [01:49:06] ok the error message let me find it but i believe the plug in [01:49:17] does not connect with [01:49:30] Parsoid [01:50:33] hold on let me create the error [01:52:32] i am going to setup a VM and fallow the guid that i have followed and then show the error hold on [01:55:44] ok i have a vm that has the error [01:56:11] Error loading data from server: (curl error: 7) Couldn't connect to server: docserver-http-error: (curl error: 7) Couldn't connect to server. Would you like to retry? [09:05:52] im trying to enable file uploading using a custom a element, but can't find any documentation besides one that tells me to go to Special:Upload (which isn't very helpful in my case) [09:06:18] is there a best practice for implementing a custom image upload form? [09:11:31] tkore: best practice is not to :) but if you really want to, you should probably extend the SpecialUpload class to create your own special page [09:11:37] I hope not, yeah. :) [09:12:33] tkore: there are a few extensions out there that do. see e.g. MultiUpload (SpecialMultiUpload) or SocialProfile (SpecialUploadAvatar) [09:13:49] tkore: alternatively, if it's okay for your form to be JavaScript-only, use the action=upload API, which is a lot less pain to deal with, in my opinion. [09:16:12] thanks MatmaRex, i'll look into those \m/ [10:19:52] MatmaRex, i see what you mean by upload api being a lot less pain to deal with [10:20:20] tried to use a new instance of UploadForm.. jaysus [10:21:01] i already have a special page, i just need to implement a minimalistic upload form inside of it. ;s [10:22:06] tkore: much of this code was written like thirteen years ago, in much simpler times, and then extended in ways it really wasn't meant to be :/ [10:22:48] yup, that's what i hear. [10:22:51] fun times ;D [10:23:03] got a huge 8 year old project to deal with here, lol [10:23:12] at least everything is up to date ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [10:31:17] tkore, MatmaRex: think of it as a city. you can modernize infrastructure, but it will never be entirely nice and clean, you will always have to deal with legacy cruft, stuff always breaks, and you'll never be finished with fixing stuff. [10:31:40] you can tare down the city and start from scratch, but that would kill it. all changes have to be made while the city is still functioning [10:31:58] yup, reminds me of an angular2 project we're maintaining.. [10:33:44] tkore: haha, abgular is all but 2 years old! try to think what a software project looks like after 10 or 20 years. [10:34:37] especially when it'S a platform - i.e. you can't radically chaneg stuff without breaking things for everyone who uses it. [10:37:26] yup, i know [10:38:41] the amount of the word 'horrible' in certain files is amazing, lol [10:39:12] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=horrible&type= [13:04:20] Is there a way for me to redirection new users to a registration form? [13:04:32] with fields that i pick out [13:04:42] and then would get appended to either there user page or a namespace/category [13:05:54] I don't know, look into custom user profiles or something? [13:05:58] how to customize* [13:56:23] Hello, trying to get The One Step Process to create a page name via a Form to work...however when i use the following code i get an error that the specified target page cannot be created https://pastebin.com/FMX7kkEm [13:56:36] specifically line 11 [13:56:45] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Forms/Linking_to_forms#The_one-step_process [13:57:07] is how i attempt to try...i tried with the <> and without which is the example in the pastebin i showed. same message with or without <> [14:11:00] kevindank: page titles cannot contain square brackets [14:11:04] they conflict with the link syntax [14:15:44] hi. how do i create a book from all articles names of which I type in? Kinda Special:Export but for books. [14:23:54] DanielK_WMDE: I wasnt sure if the functionality would be different using the Page Forms extension...the other variable they mention as a possible works based off the documentation [14:27:24] kevindank: oh, if there is some magic syntax that does magic things, I don't know. I just know that titles can't have square brackets [14:29:09] gleki_: in theory, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Book - but that's currently disabled. [14:29:16] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Reading/Web/PDF_Functionality [14:54:42] DanielK_WMDE: Yeah i believe that PageForms allows you to use the Syntax since its parsed by the Mediawiki Parser...im just not sure why its not properly displaying the page name attributue when i follow the documentation...i gues si need to wait for Yaron [15:43:09] Hello, am I alone? [15:43:27] No [15:43:38] That is reassuring. [15:44:10] What is the primary topic of discussion? [15:47:09] Perhaps that isn't the function of this group. [15:47:55] iNtPatrick, see the channel topic. [15:49:14] Where do I find this? [19:22:31] hi [19:22:41] I need some help [19:23:08] Is there any body to help regarding mediawiki [19:29:26] probably [19:29:27] !ask [19:29:28] Please feel free to ask your question: if anybody who knows the answer is around, they will surely reply. Don't ask for help or for attention before actually asking your question, that's just a waste of time – both yours and everybody else's. :) [19:32:44] Muhammad: better just ask for help, otherwise no one can help [19:37:03] I have moved my wiki to an other hosting. Now I am observing that when a person make any change in any page, it get automatically approved. No moderation. [19:56:58] Muhammad: you need to look into the settings I guess [19:57:17] Flagged revs is no longer enabled? [19:57:27] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Documentation [19:59:24] harmaahylje [19:59:30] how and what to see [20:01:15] Muhammad: the answer lies in the documentation, maybe Reedy can point you to the right place [20:02:16] and how can get attention of Mr. Reedy [20:03:44] Muhammad: "approving changes" usually means flaggedrevs, or approvedrev extensions [20:03:55] It would sound like these haven't been installed on your new hosting provider [20:22:38] Hi, I'm having problems printing on a mediawiki site. The site looks normal when reading it, but when printing, it begins to concatenate all the text and starts inserting spaces in the wrong places. [20:23:50] Do you have a print style sheet defined? [20:24:27] It's not my site [20:24:32] Does that site? [20:25:18] Yes, printable=yes [20:26:17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Print.css