[00:47:04] anyone here use AWS with MediaWiki ? [01:14:30] I host in on my rented boxes, so - no [01:16:32] c: why do you ask? [01:16:48] simply running MW on top of EC2 should be as easy as running it anywhere else [01:17:27] Krenair: it is, but I am wanting to trial Amazon's secret keeper functionality, which encrypts things like database credentials so they aren't stored in the source code in plaintext [01:18:03] so it what, pulls the secrets from the API at runtime? [01:18:46] yup, i have them setup just trying to figure out how to get MediaWiki to communicate with the API in terms of replacing the $wgDBfoo variables [01:20:58] well I assume you'll want to do something like https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v3/api/api-secretsmanager-2017-10-17.html#getsecretvalue [01:21:37] though I've used neither the PHP SDK nor the Secrets Manager service [01:21:48] AWS supplies you with code (i chose python), but i was trying to find a use case with MediaWiki [01:23:21] I would think that service is more efficient to use with long-running programs [01:23:25] rather than PHP scripts [01:23:34] where you only have to load in secrets once [01:27:21] possibly. i was just wanting to trial it out. would be nice not having database passwords and such stored in the source code [01:28:08] we don't generally consider LocalSettings.php 'the source code' [01:28:14] but sure [01:28:35] maybe stick it behind some cache though [01:29:15] yeah, you know what I'm getting at [04:19:24] alright [04:19:41] it seems p.defau.lt has been bamboozled [05:15:34] amazing [05:17:26] GDPR: Just shut your web site down. [05:21:04] c: I ran a wiki farm on AWS. Basically secrets get loaded from the service into environment variables: $wgDBfoo['server'] = $_ENV['server_name_foo']. [05:21:08] *run [05:21:31] That way opcache gets leveraged as well. [06:31:55] I have a wiki with the following categories: Plots, Characters, Scenes. Two questions: (1) How can I code the scene pages so they will be automatically listed under the appropriate character and plot pages? (2) How can I assign a date and time to the scenes so they can be listed in order? [07:02:49] Should I be using the "cargp [07:02:56] "Caro" extension? [07:03:02] "Cargo" [11:49:25] hexmode[m]: Re Wikiapiary. There seems to be a problem with Search. Searching for "wikem" gives a number of results, "wikem.org" yields nothing. Incidentally, could you delete https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/WikEM_2? [12:30:17] daud_: for the beginning I would use some tricky template that does that for you. Setting "sortkeys" for date might work, or having some set of calendar pages like Wikipedia does might help (if this is a lot) [12:30:21] !sortkey [12:30:21] By default, a page is sorted under the first letter of its full name including the namespace. A sort key specifies under which letter heading, and where in the category list, the page will appear. You can add a sort key by placing it inside the tag after a pipe character. See also [13:00:32] @saper, thank you. [15:55:56] hi. are there machine translation facilities where i can input a text in mediawiki format and get the translation in the same mediawiki format without much breaking it? [18:41:25] hi, im trying to use pageforms and the doc isnt well understood (for runquery option), any of you know an example form that i can look at? (at the source)? im using cargo as well, ty :) [18:48:29] 1 [20:01:32] I have a small question when dealing with creating a local mediawiki do i have to worry about copyright for what i only want localy ? [20:04:00] exit