[00:04:58] it does.. lets say my polynomial is x1x2+x3x4 [00:05:00] and I don't really have time for that [00:05:03] but that isn't always cut and dried to do [00:05:05] As far as we know, there is no 'easy' exact solution to TSP. [00:05:08] StupidDanbo: run free for a better understanding of current usage of overall RAM. [01:02:29] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/auth-methods.html#AUTH-PASSWORD says about scram-sha-256, "This is the most secure of the currently provided methods" [01:02:29] i remember the last big round i did of this stuff when i was last living in the country house, i was surprised how little if at all different the simple little no-moving-parts (outside popup/down which is a single strong spring and a tube in a tube) things differed from the big clunky ancient ones [01:02:29] Logg: then can your wireless clients print to your printer? [01:02:33] the vpn is bridging? that makes things more complicated, it might still work [01:02:36] I call them twist acetoline cause it's not necessarily a full rotation thing [01:10:20] ccrpto: anecdote on IDEs - i have VSC installed on the machine i am typing this on, right now [01:10:24] so I have the following setup W <=> V <=> C, where W is some server on the web, V is my vpn server, and C the vpn client. Starting git clone on C, eventually it stalls. On reason could be an outgoing packet gets stuck on V, or an incoming packed on V is not forwarded to C. [01:10:26] garbage. [01:10:30] it's plain stupid to justify a full new service with webinterfaces and mobile clients just because you want to send someone a message who's not there. [01:10:32] nighty-: it's the same as the client code. [01:28:11] the main difference between laptops and tablets/phones in battery use is the operating system, not the processor [01:28:13] sᥙᥒ is not doing Allaһ is ⅾoіng [01:38:14] mozzarella: It's a universal motor, you put voltage on the brushes it spins. You reverse the voltage it reverses. The third wire can be protective ground, can be feedback tachometer, can be anything. [01:38:16] solves the problem [01:38:19] are tesla batteries charged to 100%? and to what percentage are they allowed to drop? [01:38:22] lf94: OMG [01:38:24] revel: I'm using /set [01:39:28] noahmg123, if that's the entire output, then it appears that that disk contains no partitions (i.e. it's empty) [01:39:28] If `somename` is used of course [01:39:30] PTECH: filthy human :P [01:39:30] e.g. for perl i have ,l to choose perlcritic and ,c for just perl -c [01:39:31] A case for indieweb approaches disguised as silo nostalgia? Let's all go back to Tumblr - The Outline https://nzzl.us/zFnbiSJ via @nuzzel [02:13:22] they have these strange just-in-time interpreters now [02:13:22] Thanks for reply [02:13:22] I only expect the if to be entered the first time through, plus any time the board changes [02:13:23] ~Ç]öÑ'TýLêƒ÷D¦ ­ÃjR'þp^?€²Bâôa±5šÝ:°²:É鈪|7í{«íLŒS(9àAuÂOòé«֞ØÐ×À [02:39:15] git status prints usage for the common commands above each group of files [02:39:15] seriously, i would try what happens with a minimalist wm. [02:39:16] omg, even this seems to work ${(MkP)v:#$s*} [02:39:17] mochi101 lmao wtf [02:39:17] I wouldn’t even care if the data doesn’t save… [02:48:00] can you please be retarded somewhere else [02:48:03] if we're supposed to feel guily we might as well exploit it [02:48:05] (That's not recommended though) [02:48:08] spaces: not the same context or topic of discussion but..nice to know. [02:48:10] im not a fan of them [02:53:18] is the order of evaluation defined? [02:53:20] elichai2, it's almost certainly less okay than not doing that [02:53:23] Had to create a nickchange with another client to check the tags on it [02:53:27] skhan23: ok, you never answered so maybe i confused you. |z-1|=2 is all z's that are a distance 2 away from (1,0) [02:53:29] i suggest checking the faq. [02:59:27] Sven_vB: I believe that is correct then [02:59:29] but idk any of these [02:59:31] encode 10 seconds and check [02:59:34] black_mamba: `du -h ./*` and maybe some sorting magic for longer lists [03:03:18] but I've done all this work on the avr now [03:03:22] Doesn't make much difference in a file like a .vim file with foldmethod=marker, but for a file where you have folds around functions I like the function definition to be unchanged in the fold text [03:03:25] zerox10C: And no backups, of course. [03:03:29] Alina-malina: linux got out of the legacy hardware business. only the fringe specialist distros try it & they suck. 4Mlinux, tinycore [03:03:31] and will result in the right thing most likely ;) [03:09:15] /usr/bin doesn't have nearly the performance consequences as many other locations. [03:09:17] I thought that was a mandatory field. [03:09:20] compdoc: not a virus. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/L1TF [03:09:22] how are you checking that? [03:09:25] still weird though. [03:12:06] Ohhh that’s an interesting distinction, Zegnat. IndieWeb uses Microformats and there is some intersection but that overlap doesn’t make them the same. We do push Microformats a lot though so that Webmentions are enhanced. [03:46:15] this is troublesome https://pastebin.com/raw/LQrLfVqx [03:57:31] c: how big is the file? the error seems like the max shell memory is too low [03:58:15] yeah, i just tripled the default and it worked. and it was only 188kb [03:59:38] the webm file was that small? o.O [04:01:06] yes, the GIF was like 4 MB tho [04:16:02] e: no, but don't exaggerate. you really had no other option but musl, i believe. [04:16:04] so.. I recorded me burying it [04:16:07] you need to check [04:16:09] kuz3, man 3 printf [04:16:12] \x: well, you're not obligated to go with convection optimized, you can direct flow/pressure anyway you like then [04:17:56] not if they don't have the r bit set :) [04:17:59] PaladinMichael: did you sudo echo 1 > /proc/somefile ? :) [04:18:02] I notice some vim configuration I find online works fine while others don't [04:18:04] "Three year warranty applies to USA and Canada only [06:06:47] i've still got an earth break on a ring somewhere [06:06:49] Stop polling already. [06:06:52] BlazingBlckBeard, table 25-4, look at SPIEN for example. [06:06:54] Did you open the Connections menu and scroll down? [06:06:57] i mean i want to explore the programming graphic area of technology [06:10:49] No fires?! That is not nice. [06:10:52] ARK: Survival Evolved runs better on Ubuntu 16.04.5 than Windows 10, OpenGL vs DirectX 12.1 [06:10:55] it should be a library, not a full blown application, something like matplotlib in python [06:10:59] any modern cipher uses at least a 128-bit key, which means 2^128 possible keys, which is 3 * 10^38, which will take 10 billion billion years if you are able to check 1 trillion keys a second. [06:11:40] wtf [06:11:59] hi foks [06:12:02] hey [06:12:13] I guess that's the next evolution in the unicode spammer [06:12:21] oh you haven't seen it yet? [06:12:28] they're just pasting logs from other IRC channels now [06:13:09] oh sweet [06:15:50] I've spent the past days reading the Makefile for arduino. I've also reimplemented the serial communication in C. Because C is better than C++. (And it was fun.) [06:15:52] i think that'll work [06:15:54] you could write a disk image with dd [06:15:57] You can use any distro for that. [06:16:00] i can go through some of things i had to do once installing [07:14:54] that would be crazy [07:14:57] Couldn't find anything from a google search [07:14:59] I guess it's a personal choice. [07:15:02] kurahaupo: can we please talk in private please? because it's busy here [07:15:04] pfred1: yes, you recharge it [07:27:21] Of note: My server had just about reached max hard drive space prior to this issue, so I'm wondering if that messed up something with MySQL? [07:27:23] I've sorta known him since oh, 2003 or so [07:27:28] but you have to invest some time, and start with the basics. [07:27:31] thanks cmj [07:27:33] no, i have my system o legacy bios still [07:49:57] hello? [07:56:31] Can anyone help me? I set up translation of sidebar on wiki according this guide: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Unstructured_element_translation Translate to other language work but translation does not depend on the switching languages. That is, whatever language I choose, the translation will always be one [07:57:59] how to install them [07:58:01] goes pop [07:58:04] pnbeast ok i did [07:58:07] you're right. orders should be (order_number bigint, product text, price numeric, quantity integer) [07:58:09] it doesn't make sense for public rooms though [08:14:54] I set up translation of sidebar on wiki according this guide: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Unstructured_element_translation Translate to other language work but translation does not depend on the switching languages. That is, whatever language I choose, the translation will always be one [08:19:17] chips n' gravy we call it [08:19:19] m_ben, 'Zactly. [08:19:22] Compu-Celebi: This conversation is really only applicable in the area of natural language. [08:19:25] i need help with autoconnect soem channels say i am not autheticated but i am [08:19:28] 3Tree opened by buildbot@chromium.org: Tree is open (Automatic: Uve nemhanza yakanaka) [08:31:35] hmm is that on default latex? [08:31:37] because I do this from 2011 [08:31:40] posix doesn't require /bin/sh to exist [08:31:42] Check firewall settings, too. [08:31:45] dshep: Yes [08:50:49] Pretty old, isn't it? [08:50:52] That sounds good [08:50:54] it just needs to evaluate to 0 [08:50:58] PlanckWalk: so why did you say "that rules out functions that take both positive and negative values"? It's clearly impossible for a function of the type Ke^(2t) to cross 0, and thus that condition rules out nothing? [08:51:00] mniip: I kind of which this would work :P [09:01:37] a gröstl, quasi [09:01:39] yes, in client memory [09:01:42] https://www.cio.com/article/2914850/linux/is-ubuntu-moving-away-from-deb-packages-here-is-the-complete-story.html [09:01:44] rascul, ah sarcasm? haha [09:01:47] M5M400: put it on your tr [09:32:30] fromBeyond: maybe you have multiple systrays embedded in your dock...? [09:48:48] i love all the different random bridgy accounts i come across. eg this news and talk radio station in oklahoma: https://brid.gy/twitter/NewstalkKCLI [09:48:50] any way to put the prompt over the bottom status bar? [09:48:53] that's what routes are for [09:48:56] ltc_timecode is a data type. It is not a variable or structure. It is a definition, just like int refers to a specific data type. [10:24:32] ill look help [10:24:35] Appears to be some riot going on in Sweden with up to 60 cars being torched but f' if I can find a reliable news source for it [10:24:38] hahainternet: what os are you running? Normally there should be a way to reset each peripheral separately [10:24:41] the_document: and neither are starting points for learning electronics in general. [10:27:50] Looks like random bullshit paste spam is the new concept. [10:37:34] ¥€¢£$ [10:37:37] try [] == [] in javascript [10:37:40] ab9rf: Well up to dealing with zero-width primitives and stuff it’s pretty much the same. [10:37:44] ChaiTRex, right [12:21:57] I rarely quit vim throughout the day anyway [12:22:00] hello. Anyone know how Can get you know...a regular ETHERNET card to work under you know... Ubuntu Linux, A NETWORK OS? [12:22:03] Dagmar: but where in the strace is the permissions of the process changing? [12:22:05] echeveria, it was just an example of "not wasteful" [12:22:10] megaxenon: welcome. And Fedora is super nice. Manjaro, AntargOS, ARchlabs and such, are pitfalls on the road to Arch. There is a plethora of issues with those oppinionated Franken-archs. And seeking help on those in the Arch channel, is like a chicken entering a Foxhouse. [12:22:14] that's such a cute application of Stiefel-Whitney classes [12:29:38] d-day for EP [12:43:23] remyo: Personal challenge was trying it with the touchpad using force touch for some shit like zooming in with the sniper scope [12:43:25] why doesn't the hammer do that though? [12:43:28] and about 6 upper division math courses (numerical analysis and pdes/odes) [13:29:01] i know it has benificial properties [13:29:04] Trying to build with libvpx and I keep getting "ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=1.4.0" even after re-pulling git and rebuilding vpx. [13:29:08] Tipping_Fedora: we've had a few problems with authentication timeouts, but nothing right now. can you connect from where the znc is via another client? is there an error? [13:29:11] Millennial, I understand it's false, I know that isn't what chemistry's about [13:29:13] weno u.u [13:52:58] No :) [13:53:01] auditd.service can't start due to "RefuseManualStop=yes". Is this a bug? [13:53:04] you dont even have a job why not sleep longer lulz [13:53:07] I think it's awesome. [14:07:31] Watts are like GHz - the more the better [14:07:34] let's start over. what is the question? [14:07:37] Hi! I had created a RAID with mdadm, but removed it again. Then I zeroed the superblocks on all devices in that array and ran update-initramfs. However, the system still tries to mount that device on boot (resulting in emergency mode)... How to debug and fix that? [14:07:40] why do you expect those commands to work in Vim like they do in other editors? [14:07:43] logic is hard [14:07:46] well, ltree might be fine for your use-case, I don't know [14:16:07] new kinds of spam every day, huh [14:16:23] i wonder what is going to be spammed tomorrow [14:19:40] I dont like this type. Its distracting because it looks real [14:25:47] sadly i have these spam on many many multiple channels, eg many libreoffice channels [14:31:39] Yeah, its all over freenode appearently [14:40:29] Good morning folks! [14:40:32] printf 'Line of text\n' >&2 [14:49:47] duh, ofc I tried that but they kinda remember your bank account number :) [14:49:50] I don’t think there is a lot of theory behind it, it’s a tradeoff made on a case-by-case basis [14:49:52] Ayatollah Khomeini [14:49:56] his comment: "why you worry, thats what you got a helmet for" [14:49:58] lsof command not fond [14:50:01] but will my connection speed reduce, will i still have 100mbps on vpn with a 200mbps connection [15:08:34] It cuold be integrated into the terminal through which one accesses IRC [15:08:37] Bacteria, i cant do anything unless i have the full story, so feel free to pm me but thats all, thanks [15:08:40] hmm, right. mine has no env either [15:23:12] weston* [15:23:16] worch: I use gundo [15:23:25] Monero price in USD = $93.08 [15:23:26] not even using the json syntax? [15:23:26] void* is only guaranteed to be able to handle plain object pointers [15:23:27] Thats what I meants too. [15:27:35] thats a seasonic [15:27:37] baobabfruit, I actually have to basically do that... drive out to an agreed upon place where a bunch of people go to trick or treat from car to car in a parking lot [15:27:40] leftyfb: that got them into legal hot water with Canonical over the trademark, few years ago [15:27:44] rascul: just like it was trivial to not use the amazon lens? or popcon? [15:28:34] you can keep the counter in the project table [15:28:36] if you drop the direction, it's all about control, taking away freedom, huge parts idelogy pushing, and creating a better world (3rd reich, the global caliphate, the leftist uopia) [15:28:39] your first submitted share creates it [15:31:40] DMAshura: i guess it is. i'd still go for a shading like this https://rfclipart.com/image/big/63-9a-3c/black-font-with-shaded-letters-Download-Royalty-free-Vector-File-EPS-59414.jpg [15:32:44] lol "has quit IRC: Killed (e (spam))" [15:35:52] oh [15:35:55] banlist is full, fun [15:37:07] pardon the spam [15:41:02] that should be good enough for now [15:41:19] heh [15:42:35] anyway it seems these spambots don't (currently) rejoin on kick [15:49:11] hi guys, is this a good place to ask questions about DynamicPageList wizardry? [15:49:25] sure :) [15:49:37] just be patient as someone good at DPL might not be available right this moment [15:51:44] in any case, I think you are doing it wrong :D [15:51:45] or "type" instead of "write down". [15:51:49] tip me Xeon Gold [15:51:52] https://old.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/94evr5/msys2_mingw64_gcc_82_support_filesyetem_on_windows/ [15:51:55] } [15:51:58] You should learn C by following a C book [15:54:35] gnome-terminal? [15:54:38] Kanye you have to explain more what version and ,, etc [15:54:42] and are immortal [15:54:44] hey vetok, in that case i think you are lucky, but try to contact pool's support! [15:54:47] you said you spends "hours" [15:54:50] thanks mhroncok [15:58:04] :P [15:58:17] i am using table= and includepage= commands to gather info from articles' infoboxes. this works fine and renders me a wikitable with name, description, status etc. i can also obtain the image filename from this box but i can't figure out how to use the filename and actually display the image in the table [15:59:20] iirc you have to use the "before" and "after" type parameters to "build up" the wikimarkup around the image filename [16:01:33] that sounds plausible [16:01:39] with the kool-aid and the sneakers [16:01:42] There you go [16:01:45] .trigger_edit gl-stay . [16:01:48] Common-Lisp, having trouble figuring out how to have dhclient autostart with systemd [16:01:51] usually it was like "you wanna do gui, use gtk or qt" [16:02:56] Reedy: mind if I set +zq $~a? [16:03:08] that'll let us at least see if people are trying to request help when unid'd [16:03:21] I mean, copy and paste into menuentry [16:03:24] the only way you break out of the loop is by passing in "quit\n". Otherwise, you will loop infinitely. [16:03:40] hmm [16:03:50] * Skizzerz needs to reconfigure his ban settings, that's a bit too wide [16:03:53] what is this? [16:03:57] spambots [16:03:59] ignore them [16:04:15] :)) dafuq? [16:40:51] Skizzerz, I'm not thrilled with having +q $~a on this channel [16:41:30] If I was getting pinged every time someone unvoiced spoke it'd be okay but [16:41:35] they just appear as normal messages [17:23:16] Krenair: yeah, it's not great. I'm hopeful that freenode will update their filters to be able to catch stuff like this so we can remove it in a day or two [17:23:41] if you let me know your client, I can script something that'd ping you on that [17:23:51] Skizzerz, I'm on hexchat [17:23:56] k [17:55:56] https://www.realitys.org/index.php/Main_Page# [17:56:02] ups sry [18:02:47] hi DennisRoczek [18:04:41] DennisRoczek: I would recommend pointing your script at Gerrit instead of GH since it's the authoritative source [18:10:01] Cooool. [18:10:12] ? [18:10:19] ...IRC modes. >.> [18:10:22] oh [18:10:37] Sorry. [20:55:18] I am trying to upgrade a Mediawiki 1.28 install to 1.31 and the database upgrade script throws an error. I don't know what to make of it. Could someone poke me in the right direction? [20:55:32] The core of the error seems to be this: [20:55:34] A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading? [20:55:35] Query: ALTER TABLE `l10n_cache` DROP KEY lc_lang_key, ADD PRIMARY KEY(lc_lang, lc_key) [20:55:35] Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::sourceFile( /var/www/chrooted/jrweb/htdocs/wiki.rohr.org/maintenance/archives/patch-l10n_cache-primary-key.sql ) [20:55:35] Error: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (mysql) [20:56:17] Freenoodle: i think that restriction goes away in newer mysql [20:56:58] Freenoodle: basically it can sometimes happen with certain db collations [20:57:06] particularly utf8 [20:57:20] bawolff, I have another current mediawiki install on the same machine [20:57:31] so there must be a way around it [20:57:48] If you use binary tables it does not happen [20:58:29] Do I have the choice? Can I convert them prior to upgrading? [20:58:53] I believe you can [20:59:02] using an ALTER command [20:59:08] goddammit [20:59:28] and then change $wgDBTableOptions [20:59:48] definitely back up your db before messing with it though [20:59:58] okay that will do, sorry for the interruption [21:00:35] Well i have to go now anyway - good luck!