[15:01:31] Hi everybody [16:03:58] Hi [16:04:47] Hello Manav [16:04:52] Hi Ravi [16:05:29] Hi satdeep [16:06:56] I just connected again [16:07:19] So who has some updates regardig WCI ? [16:09:26] Well... I had a word with some caterers from Chandigarh... [16:09:48] did you update the Budget accordingly ? [16:09:49] Let us register it here that we put forward our PEG request and the grants team has requested for a Google Hangout to clarify more details [16:09:55] before making the proposal live again [16:10:01] Yes [16:10:06] So, it gives us some more time to add details and plan further [16:10:37] I would like to know if anyone has comments or questions for the current draft - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/Satdeep_Gill/WikiConference_India_2016 [16:11:09] Satdeep, did you note Rohini's comment at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:PEG/Satdeep_Gill/WikiConference_India_2016 [16:11:09] the basic quotations were exceeding our budget coz everybody told me that cutting cost will impact the quality of food and cutlery [16:11:43] Yes, Ravi I checked it [16:12:04] I asked our Venue Coordinator to discuss this with the Authorities [16:12:31] I had a word with senior warden from CU and she told me that they have a number of attendants who can take care of the kids [16:12:56] Thats great [16:13:46] Manav currently Breakfast is 200 per head, Lunch is 300 and Dinner is 400 per head plus 400 for refreshments [16:14:09] Yes satdeep, I checked it [16:14:12] 1300 per head for the whole day will be more than enough.. I will contact a caterer and discuss with him [16:14:39] So, an update from my side.. Which I guess is a good news for all of us [16:14:56] on Monday I'm meeting someone who has tie-ups with a no.of caterers from Chandigarh and he can get us some discount [16:15:21] The Logical Indian Community has offered to be our Alternative Media Partners [16:15:39] They have around 50 lac likes on FB [16:15:52] and a big presence on all the major platforms [16:16:34] that's great [16:17:13] They will be writing regular blog posts about our event and we can give them presence on our banners along with some tickets to the event [16:17:21] ya, I also do feel that the food budget is already good enough [16:17:39] May be we have to clarify that we are not expecting grant wedding lunch like stuff [16:18:22] I guess it should be understood that we just need decent food :) [16:18:28] yess... [16:19:09] I was talking about the earlier quotations [16:19:28] the present budget seems fine [16:19:35] With a buffet style, this budget is good enough [16:19:37] One more thing, The Logical Indian community have one request that they will be become our alternative media partner if we have only them as our alternative media partner [16:20:04] Satdeep, what is our expectation from alternative media partner? [16:20:27] They will write some blogposts about our event before the event, during the event and after the event [16:20:40] It will help us in reaching a wider audience [16:20:44] basically for promotion of the event [16:21:04] OK. How can we stop others from writing by themselves? I see it contradictory to the open way we operate [16:21:08] especially in online media [16:21:20] No we wont stop [16:21:33] we won't engage someone officially [16:21:46] but we will be having the logo of Logical Indians on our banners [16:22:56] This way we will have a deal with them and they will write the blogposts themselves with our support of course [16:22:57] I think we should explore some more options before finalising something [16:23:06] They just need presence on our banners [16:23:29] ok... nice [16:24:11] They are on Youtube as well [16:24:17] Yep.. [16:24:36] they are on instagram, youtube, G+, twitter [16:24:45] hmm... [16:25:28] I guess we will reach a different kind of audience during this channel.. [16:26:17] Y don't u update it on meta and lets have the opinions of other members [16:26:31] OK, let's give it some more time before finalizing [16:26:32] I think we should not waste more time... [16:27:00] Yes, sure [16:27:05] First, we need to be clear what we want to achieve with our online outreach through our own and partner channels [16:27:38] Okay [16:27:49] So should we try and make a timeline right now ? [16:28:19] yes [16:29:29] I guess we need to make the Scholarship form open soon [16:29:30] And I think we should talk to Ravinder...regarding recording the event [16:29:37] So basically as of now [16:29:54] 1 May to 30 May - Scholarship Application [16:30:10] 15 June - Notification to Scholarship recepients [16:30:41] 1 July - All travel arrangements finalized [16:31:00] Then We have one month to manage everything at the venue [16:31:35] what about tickets booking [16:32:03] Yes, should we have a staff member or hire a travel agent for this stuff ? [16:32:25] the travel agent will book. they know their business best [16:32:31] staff can help in coordination [16:32:44] Okay. We have to include this into the budget then [16:33:02] Before going forward with announcements like scholarships, we will have to inform PEG review team [16:33:10] I think hiring a staff member would b a better option... [16:33:22] and seek their approval [16:33:33] okay [16:33:36] Otherwise, such efforts can be misunderstood as taking the grants team for granted [16:33:46] Yes... [16:33:56] So let us hope we can get approval by 1st May [16:34:00] It is hard [16:34:04] but still [16:34:10] we are running short of time [16:35:51] Approval shouldn't be an issue. Just reminding the protocol [16:36:30] By the way, next Monday - Wednesday around 9.30 PM IST we will have a hangout with the grants team [16:36:45] Everyone is welcome to join. Exact time to be confirmed yet. [16:37:26] So, Ravi should we add the budget for a travel agent and a staff member ? [16:37:56] But satdeep... we have 'n' no.of issues to be addressed [16:38:12] so hiring someone would be a better option [16:38:41] I am saying both [16:39:19] ok [16:39:31] No separate budget for travel agent is needed. Usually, they charge a per ticket flat rate (in case of train tickets) or commission is included in airfare [16:39:42] So, travel budget alone will take care [16:39:48] ok [16:40:37] Okay [16:41:16] Then i guess we should add budget for a staff member for 4 months ? [16:44:48] Yes, that needs to be added [16:45:04] so, 25000 per month is okay.... [16:45:05] So, who is fully familiar with the budget table other than Viswa? [16:45:27] Well, I guess only Viswa knows that :p [16:45:55] what more changes are required ? [16:46:01] In budget [16:46:01] hmm.. are the figures there guestimates ( based on his experience organizing malayalam events may be ) [16:46:20] I am not actually looking at changes.. But, adding more notes and explaining abbreviations [16:47:54] For example, what does M V L R SD SP CG HA MR mean for quantity? [16:48:11] How do we explain four types of travel reimbursemennts [16:48:14] etc., [16:49:19] I will try to get in touch with Viswa before our hangout next week [16:49:43] He says that he will be adding a Legend the Grants table [16:50:00] and if we want to make some changes to the amounts [16:50:10] we can do that in google sheets even now [16:51:22] okk... [16:52:42] ok [16:53:04] Besides scholarships, we will to call for papers and presentations ASAP [16:53:11] and also finalize the speakers, programs etc, [16:53:44] We have to add some budget for speakers [16:53:57] Travel reimbursement 1 is for air travel [16:54:07] travel 2 is for railway travel [16:54:41] travel 3 is for people from farther parts of Punjab [16:54:52] and travel 4 is for people nearby [16:55:33] Ya, we need to add such details in notes section [16:55:42] Budget for speakers...as in? [16:55:45] whatever will provide clarity for people external to the event [16:55:45] okay [16:55:59] travel, stay etc., for speaker [16:56:00] i meant travel scholarship for speakers [16:56:03] yes [16:56:48] ok [17:00:33] OK, I am signing off for now. Good to hear from you, Manav [17:00:40] Catch you all again soon :) [17:00:44] Okay, then [17:00:48] see you everyone [17:01:01] good night Ravi :) [17:01:18] Good night Satdeep [17:01:26] Good night... [17:02:58] Gn :)