[14:12:48] Lydia_WMDE: around ?:P [17:30:13] addshore: hey :) how are you doing? [17:40:15] benestar: good! [17:41:55] I suck at making queries and searches. Is there a way to fins items with P105:Q7432 and P31:Q16521 but no P171? [17:41:59] find* [18:06:21] Josve05a: autolist sounds like what you need, http://tools.wmflabs.org/autolist/?language=en&project=wikipedia&category=&depth=12&wdq=claim%5B105%3A7432%5D%20and%20claim%5B31%3A16521%5D%20and%20noclaim%5B171%5D&statementlist=&run=Run&mode_manual=or&mode_cat=or&mode_wdq=not&mode_find=or&chunk_size=10000 should find what you want [18:06:54] Thanks nikki! I suck at those tools [18:07:27] you're welcome :) [19:09:23] addshore: /me is having fun setting up travis with a c# project ^^ [19:09:53] benestar: c# on Travis.... [19:10:03] sure, it works :) [19:10:04] Fail dohs! [19:10:35] * JeroenDeDauw likes c# and is mad about it being a faildows lang [19:10:43] JeroenDeDauw: it's a pleasure to work with generics and lambdas :) [19:10:56] benestar: you evil basterad! [19:11:29] benestar: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/35954/C-NET-Background-File-Downloader [19:12:10] :D [19:13:39] benestar: the event handling is also nice [19:14:03] Way more cumbersome to do events in PHP