[12:42:25] Wikipedia is missing species :O svWP's species-creating bot is slacking :p https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q26845716 [16:35:04] SMalyshev gehel are you around? and do you know how I can override the "RDF store reports the last update time is before the minimum safe poll time. You will have to reload from scratch or you might have missing data." for my own query service? [16:35:20] or, how I can fake / change the "Found left off time from the updater" :P [16:36:15] * gehel is mostly not around [16:36:52] * gehel has mostly no idea what addshore is talking about :P [16:36:58] Sorry [16:37:36] no worries :D [16:39:12] mwhahahaa rdfRepository.fetchLeftOffTime(); [16:40:01] ahahaha, it checks it from sparql [16:40:04] b.append("SELECT * WHERE { <").append(uris.root()).append("> schema:dateModified ?date }"); [16:40:14] I wonder if a hack of ... change the system time woudl work... [16:48:36] addshore: You any good with SPARQL? I have a range of identifiers going from SK-A-1 to SK-A-5000 and I would like to get the identifiers that are missing [16:49:02] For https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Multichill/Paintings_in_the_Rijksmuseum_SK-A-0_to_999 [17:04:26] gehel: or how to forcefull update the dateModified in blazegraph via a query? if you know that? :P [17:07:28] addshore: https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteInsert [17:07:34] that should do [17:07:55] right, trying to figure it out, to set it to yesterday, and then I wont need a reload... [17:08:26] my brain is still hurting though [17:08:27] :D [17:10:49] addshore: What are you poking at? [17:11:01] librarybase sparql endpoint [17:11:11] that I am using in a hackathon now (or trying to) and need to get it updating) [17:11:21] but librarybase has been down for months (back up now) [17:11:46] but the dateModified in blazegraph is months ago, and it has to be less than 30 days ago for the updater to start successfully (as it uses recentchanges)... [17:12:09] so I need to change the dateModified so I can get the updater running without reloading everything [17:16:37] so im guessing somehting like ... curl -X POST http://localhost:9999/bigdata/namespace/kb/sparql --data-urlencode 'update=WITH DELETE { a b c } INSERT { x y z } WHERE { ... }' [17:18:45] yes [17:21:16] multichill: I'm not good enough at sparql :/ I got as far as http://tinyurl.com/j5f3dos but as soon as I uncomment those two lines it times out. maybe it's good enough though or maybe you know how to avoid the timeout [17:21:34] also there are two items claiming to be 666 [17:23:41] multichill: sorry, I may have time to look later! [17:25:50] addshore: That looks good! Doesn't time out for me [17:26:06] Oh wait, you used the set of natural numbers. Cute [17:26:30] I was wondering what to use as a generator! [17:36:12] addshore: Excellent, works for me at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Multichill/Paintings_in_the_Rijksmuseum_SK-A_missing . We just need to hope no other museum is using SK-A-* [17:37:14] ffs blazegraph [17:40:52] addshore: Fun stuff, included a url now for easy finding ;-) [19:08:16] i figured out my blazegraph issue! woo! [19:28:31] multichill: that was me, not addshore :P [19:31:23] the idea to use the set of natural numbers came from a question jens had a while back about finding pokemon whose numbers are primes [19:31:49] I dunno if there's a way to actually generate a list of numbers, if there is, I'd love to know [20:48:24] nikki: It's a really awful hack. I love it! ;-)