[07:50:08] trial map of all osm features with a wikidata tag [07:50:32] color is the location distance between osm and wikidata feature [07:50:56] https://osmlab.github.io/wikidata-osm/#3.93/49.31/11.93 [07:51:18] Germany is crazy! [07:51:49] and so is The Netherlands [07:53:39] and czecha, and slovakia, and switzerland, and austria :p [07:55:09] all the crazy open data communities lie here [07:56:44] repo: https://github.com/osmlab/wikidata-osm/issues [07:56:46] france be like "meh" [14:38:01] Lydia_WMDE: Wikidata is still not in http://lod-cloud.net/ but it fulfils all requirements now. Would be cool to add it I think [15:07:59] Lydia_WMDE: I might have protect this page again due to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Contact_the_development_team#Pinged_by_rollback [15:16:21] frimelle: We'll just wait a bit and replace the DBpedia with a huge Wikidata circle ;-) [15:16:26] hm. I can't figure out what to do with deprecated ietf language codes... they have a deprecated date and a list of now-preferred codes, but "end date" would be wrong because they're still valid and marking them as deprecated would be even more wrong because they're not deprecated in the wikidata sense [15:23:35] frimelle: Dig up the Wikimedia Germany account on ckan and start improving http://validator.lod-cloud.net/validate.php?package=wikidata [18:06:12] I am Amirouche from the mailling list, I am here if you would like to discuss something with me related to my post on the mailling list [18:10:26] amz3: Welcome! What's the context for those not "on the mailing list"? :) [18:21:30] andre__: I am working on a graph database library I'd like to know about tasks that I can achieve using wikidata to demonstrate my project [18:21:35] https://github.com/amirouche/AjguDB [18:29:45] it might be "create a bot" but I don't know what bot is needed by wikidata [18:29:45] I want to solve a "real problem" [18:45:59] usually a bot is used either to retrieve data, or to automagically add/change data [21:01:46] nikki: great. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7048615 [21:02:07] the suggestions? [21:02:14] of course [21:03:47] yeah, I've noticed a load of taxon stuff appearing because of topic's main category [21:03:52] it's like whack-a-mole... [21:04:06] you get rid of one property and all the bad suggestions find another one to affect instead [21:04:29] soon we'll have blacklisted all the properties :P [22:11:22] multichill, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vega-js/16wTQZ_r_4I [22:12:12] nikki, it seems our region's administration tree structure is highly broken ... do you know who might be interested in that? [22:12:46] what's our region? [22:20:39] nikki, what do you mean "our" ? [22:20:55] nikki, ah, our i meaant wikidata :) [22:21:22] nikki, https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=User:Yurik/Admin_regions [22:23:59] I guess in general, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Country_subdivision should be interested but it seems a bit dead, I'm interested (if you hadn't guessed ;)) and there are probably some people who are interested in specific countries [22:24:11] I seem to remember someone being interested in the uk, but I can't remember who right now [22:24:44] is it the p131 values being too vague that's the main problem? [23:14:57] nikki, no, actually p131 is perfect (i think we should move the data from p150 into it, and delete it - i already proposed its deletion, please comment) [23:15:38] it just that p131 frequently points to the incorrect parent (e.g. instead of pointing to currentadmin-1, it points to currentadmin-2 or even more) [23:15:40] what I meant was that lots of things in the uk have p131 set to england rather than something more specific [23:15:47] exactly [23:15:47] and wondered if that's the main problem [23:15:57] yes, that's what i was trying to cleanup [23:16:10] and I did already comment on the deletion for p150... frwiki is currently using it and I don't know how to replace it :/ [23:16:23] i looked through https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subdivisions_of_England [23:16:27] but got very lost :( [23:16:36] frwiki itself?? [23:16:47] heh, I can imagine, the uk loves making things complicated [23:16:50] yeah [23:17:07] bummer, it really shouldn't - we have guzzilion p131, and just a few p150 [23:17:45] I don't think there's any way to use sparql queries to fetch things from p131, so it's p150 or nothing :/ [23:18:06] at this point, p150 is probably much more accurate, but much less used [23:18:48] for an example, see the "subdivisions" section in the infobox on https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samtgemeinde_Bevensen-Ebstorf [23:18:54] nikki, what is a good way to change many statements for a given map [23:19:14] is there a pywikibot script for that? [23:19:20] i don't want to start from scratch [23:19:56] i must admit - i really like that infobox [23:20:32] if only anchors worked correctly :))) [23:20:45] hmm... I don't know every pywikibot script :) I think there's a harvest_templates one which might work (without needing a map) just by fetching a more specific subdivision from the template [23:21:38] if you can do a query that returns only things which should be in a particular subdivision, magnus's quickstatements tool could easily add the same statement to them all [23:22:49] (but then the now-redundant ones would need removing somehow) [23:23:50] nikki, maybe it would make sense to delete p131 then [23:23:56] and move all of its data to p150 [23:24:11] it would make it much more managable [23:24:18] and useful to wikis (like frwiki) [23:25:01] p131 is used for pretty much anything, like buildings, streets, rivers [23:25:37] nikki, well, we could get rid of it for admin areas? [23:25:47] it does make it kinda bad though :( [23:26:26] thing is, p131 should almost never point to a county/state/... - it should only point to the lowest level of govt [23:26:27] I don't think it would be easy to convince people to use it for everything except one category of items :/ and it would complicate queries [23:26:34] yeah [23:26:46] bummer, stuck both ways :( [23:27:44] i wonder if we should have some sort of a tool that runs when a statement is updated, and highlights it in red if it doesn't match some rule [23:28:11] there's been some work on integrating constraints, but it never got as far as being visible when editing [23:28:50] query-based constraints would be awesome... and sometimes it should be ok possible to have it saved despite being incorrect :( [23:28:52] complicated [23:29:44] aanyway, if i ever come up with a list (a map) of subject -> value, what tool should i use to quickly update them, replacing the existing value [23:32:04] hm... it might be possible with petscan (it used to be possible in autolist before magnus got rid of it and apparently petscan has most of the functionality that autolist had) but I still haven't figured out how to use it so I'm not much help there, other than that I can't think of anything other than making something using pywikibot :/ [23:32:18] I'm really tired though, I need to go to bed [23:32:25] feel free to leave me messages here, I'll see them in the morning :) [23:45:59] gnight :) [23:46:01] thx! [23:53:01] yurik: Thanks for asking! I guess a bit of math is needed there.... [23:53:55] i guess so too. I saw some venn diagrams using d3 on the web, they could be adapted i guess (vega after all is a json->d3 translator) [23:54:29] yurik: http://www.benfrederickson.com/venn-diagrams-with-d3.js/ ? [23:54:33] I used that in the past [23:54:49] yep [23:54:59] i think its math can be adapted [23:55:29] That would be excellent. Do some sparql query to return A, B, C, |A∩B|, etc, output it like that [23:55:42] but difficult :) [23:56:12] At least he shared his code at https://github.com/benfred/venn.js [23:58:00] in vega, you can draw any circle, at any location, with any radius... but you have to calculate those params either by hand, or by scaling some value on a range of all values (e.g. given values 5,10,7,3,6; you could treat 3..10 as your range which would visually span the whole width/height of the graph, and plot accordingly [23:58:30] there are a few other built-in transformations that also help, but i don't think there is anything specific for venn [23:59:54] ok. Time for bed. Let me know when it's time to file a task in phab ;-)