[14:35:41] hi all... [14:35:48] can I discus API "abuse" here? [14:36:11] Lars Willighagen is working on a tool linking the Content Mine and Wikidata... [14:36:26] using QuickStatements... but runs in to the "abuse" limit... [14:36:51] he is documenting things here: https://larsgw.blogspot.nl/ [14:37:44] User:Lagewi [14:38:49] Api abuse? [14:39:06] well, that's the term it uses... [14:39:12] quickstatement does... [14:39:19] when you try to create too many string values... [14:39:31] ohhh [14:40:12] Maybe hitting abuse filters? [14:40:45] yes, exactly... [14:40:49] but he's not doing that much... [14:41:04] yeah, but he still hasn't a lot of edits [14:41:08] let me see the sourcecode [14:41:13] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Lagewi [14:41:26] the sourcecode is quickstatements... [14:41:45] Lars' code creates (interactively) a QuickStatement, and sends it of there... [14:42:03] his code is not using the API itself... but uses QuickStatements as a proxy [14:42:10] I don't see recent abuse filter hits [14:42:19] Yeah, but QuickStatements is giving a error right? [14:42:39] right [14:45:18] hmmm [14:49:44] sjoerddebruin: or should it normally just work? [14:50:10] I really don't know. The source code doesn't say anything. [14:50:19] ok, no worries! [14:50:38] it just forwards the errors of the api [14:50:44] we're having a nice hackathon :) [14:51:03] with the ContentMine stuff he converts tables into statements... [14:51:24] and he's now working on interactively converting rows with a statement into a QuickStatement [14:51:28] for easy entering into Wikidata [14:51:33] *with* literature reference :) [14:51:51] * egonw thinks it's pretty cool where this is going :) [14:58:30] (demo screenshot in the making...) [15:01:08] sjoerddebruin: https://twitter.com/larswillighagen/status/802527547594571776 [15:01:17] (so, a single statement works fine :) [15:01:30] it should be a abuse filter then... [15:42:39] egonw: I'm doing that too (use quick statements for the actual edits), see for example the create links on http://tools.wmflabs.org/multichill/painters/index.php?collection=Q4819492 [15:43:49] Looks for example like https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q27919063&action=history [15:44:27] egonw: Never hit any limits there, but I'm an admin on Wikidata so might have some higher/softer limits [15:52:37] He was still under 50 contributions when I checked [21:12:36] Hello. Can anyone help me with a module about wikidata? [21:12:43] Lua [22:09:57] Xaris333__: Welcome to irc. Don't ask if you can ask a question, just ask it. [22:10:04] And if you're lucky, someone will respond :-) [22:10:45] p = {} local wikidata = require('Module:Wikidata') function p.main () local entity = wikidata.getEntity(); local first_season = wikidata.getClaims{item=entity,property='P527', rank='valid', sorttype='inverted', numval=1} if not first_season then return nil end first_season = first_season[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.id local edition = wikidata.getC [22:10:45] El búfer 1 está vacío. [22:10:56] See d:Q155965, property 527, qualifier P393. I want to show the item of P527 if it has the smallest qualifier P393. Only that.