[08:39:45] how do I add an identifier to an entitiy: when there is already an 'identifiers' sections it is easy. But what if it is the first identifier? [08:43:45] or is the identifiers section automatically added when I add an identifier as statement? [08:48:11] tested it -> yes [09:51:20] One more reason to move the "add statement" to the top, where the position is less misleading. :) [13:48:28] Aleksey_WMDE: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE; [14:20:25] hi! [14:22:22] I have a question about wikidata [14:25:49] ask [14:25:52] :) [14:25:58] thanks :P [14:26:27] I'm developing an application for a university homework [14:27:27] I have to find classes by their labels, so I'm write a sparql query to retrieve that [14:29:06] I'm using jena api in order to query dbpedia sparql endpoint, and it returns results from wikidata but, when I use the dbpedia sparql web interface, these results are not appearing... [14:29:24] is that normal? [14:30:59] folks, for this https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q662115 should I add original country=japan or =tokugawa shogunate? [14:31:10] the latter is more accurate [14:31:32] if anyone can point to a discussion like that, that would be nice [14:37:18] for [14:37:27] for example [14:37:48] if I run the query [14:38:03] PREFIX owl: [14:38:03] PREFIX rdfs: [14:38:03] PREFIX rdf: [14:38:03] select ?individual ?labelIndividual ?class where { [14:38:03] ?individual rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . [14:38:03] ?individual rdfs:label ?labelIndividual . [14:38:04] ?individual rdf:type ?class . [14:38:04] FILTER regex(?labelIndividual, 'band', 'i') . [14:38:05] } [14:40:26] I run that query against https://dbpedia.org/sparql by using jena api in my program and I get results as http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1004, whose labels contains "band", but this result is not appearing when I use the sparql dbpedia web interface [14:42:47] I'm sorry, the query is the following [14:42:58] select ?class ?labelClass where { [14:42:58] ?class rdf:type owl:Class . [14:42:58] ?class rdfs:label ?labelClass . [14:42:58] FILTER regex(?labelClass, 'band', 'i') . [14:42:58] } [14:45:56] I copiedthe wrong query at first [15:59:14] max_power: I don't think there are many people here who are familiar with dbpedia's sparql endpoint :/ [15:59:46] SMalyshev: do you have any idea who might be able to help with the question above? [16:01:03] I know nikki, but I think if anyone knows about my question, this person is here :P [16:01:25] :) [16:02:30] I think SMalyshev is probably the most likely person to know who can help, but if I'm not mistaken it's still quite early in their timezone [16:04:52] I'll connect tonight then :P [16:15:34] I have to leave now [16:15:57] folks, for this https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q662115 should I add original country=japan or =tokugawa shogunate? [16:16:04] I hope return soon, see you! [16:21:33] nikki: Dbpedia feels like the past.... [16:22:36] I wonder what will happen with it in the next 5 years. The researchers are still using it, but when it's no longer cool.... [17:03:52] max_power: please use pastebin [17:04:28] pasting a ton of text at once is bad etiquette and considered flooding, so please don't do it [17:07:38] JD|cloud: he's gone [17:19:16] I didn't see his quit [17:19:19] lol [20:23:15] in SPARQL, is there a way to specify the language of a label when manually selecting it with a triple like "?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel" ? [20:23:48] pintoch: FILTER(LANG(?itemLabe) = "en"). [20:23:53] * ?itemLabel [22:28:23] WikidataFacts: thanks! :-) [22:28:30] yw :)