[18:57:56] multichill: thanks, I agree :) [23:25:46] Hi everyone! [23:26:00] Is there any script in Wikibase to delete all items created? [23:26:24] I created some items to test but I check that the namespace was wrong [23:26:46] so the items gives me now a "RuntimeException" [23:27:05] specifically: Exception type "RuntimeException" [23:27:36] I read that exist an script called "deleteAllData.php" [23:27:50] but I don't find it in any maintenance script of Wikibase [23:27:55] I read it here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Wikibase_Repository/es#rebuildAllData.php [23:30:11] Then, I have another problems with the namespaces, because the system gives me a notice in the header about the constants to define the namespace [23:34:23] !admin