[00:17:25] RECOVERY - wikidata.org dispatch lag is higher than 300s on www.wikidata.org is OK: HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 1929 bytes in 0.146 second response time [01:50:49] any norwegian user with admin-rights on NO:WP here ? There's a vandal on the loose [01:50:54] https://no.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?limit=50&title=Spesial%3ABidrag&contribs=user&target= [13:41:43] Dear all, there is an ongoing request for bureaucrat. Please express your opinion about the candidate at the request page. The most recent request for bureaucrat in January failed due to a lack of quorum. Although there was 80% support the total number of support votes was too low to make it pass. The quorum for a bureaucrat request is nearly double that of an admin request. Shame if it fails due to lack of participation with 100 people in here. [13:41:50] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bureaucrat [14:41:15] multichil: dunno if you want to comment on this - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#Using_Wikipedia_as_a_source [16:54:18] Hello! How would a simple SPARQL query look like that selects items with the name "Berlin"? [16:55:19] saverage: SELECT * WHERE { ?item rdfs:label "Berlin"@en. } [16:56:25] WikidataFacts: Wow, awesome! Thanks! [16:58:00] yw :) [16:58:29] unfortunately, it gets a lot trickier if you want to search for labels in all languages, not just one (above: English, notice the @en) [16:59:31] There is an entry for the city of Berlin in every language? [17:00:15] no, it just has one item (Q64), with labels in many languages [17:00:25] So why the @en? [17:00:43] that specifies that we’re the string "Berlin" is in English [17:00:47] Ah! [17:00:48] Nice [17:00:50] so it searches for any item that has Berlin as the English label [17:01:11] I have the feeling WikiData is evolving pretty nicely. [17:01:26] Everytime I check it, it gets noticably better. [17:01:50] e. g. Q64 has the labels "Berlin"@de, "Berlin"@en, "Berlim"@pt (ends in ‘m’ in Portuguese) [17:02:13] Yeah [17:02:59] Why does this return nothing? SELECT * WHERE { ?item rdfs:label "starwars"@en. } [17:04:26] probably because it should be "Star Wars"@en? [17:04:31] Ah [17:04:42] this only works if the label matches exactly, it’s not a general-purpose search [17:04:49] It also seems to be case sensitive. [17:04:55] Can it be made case insensitive? [17:05:11] not efficiently [17:05:17] Really? [17:05:18] SPARQL isn’t meant for fuzzy searching afaik [17:06:34] No way to cast it? aka SELECT * WHERE { ?item LOWERCASE(rdfs:label) "star wars"@en. } [17:11:58] well, you can do it, but it will take ages to run – probably run into the timeout [17:12:26] SELECT * WHERE { ?item rdfs:label ?label. FILTER(LCASE(?label) = "star wars") } if memory serves [17:13:20] I see. Is there another way to query WikiData that supports faster case insensitive lookups? [17:14:29] Yeah, your qurey timed out. [17:14:45] yeah, there’s a search API [17:14:46] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=wbsearchentities&format=json&search=star+wars&language=en&type=item [17:17:10] Interesting [17:17:53] Can it be made to only return exact matches? Case insensitive, but not return "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope". Only "Star Wars"? [17:18:16] not that I know of [17:18:38] Damn. That's why I got into the SPARQL thing :) [17:20:11] For example when I want to see all entries for the label "a". What do I do? [17:21:12] you could simulate case-insensitivity by searching for "a" and "A" ;) [17:21:48] Sure. But "a" is just an example. "MS Elliot" would be more complicated. [17:22:28] Does query.wikidata.org always only output the reference link or can I query title and description directly? [17:23:03] you can use the label service to add label and description variables, but you can’t really use it well to search for them [17:23:14] label service? [17:23:49] most of the example use it, look for SERVICE wikibase:label [17:24:29] *examples [17:26:00] Ah! https://query.wikidata.org/#SELECT %3Fitem %3FitemDescription WHERE {%0A %3Fitem rdfs%3Alabel "a"%40en.%0A SERVICE wikibase%3Alabel {bd%3AserviceParam wikibase%3Alanguage "en"}%0A} [17:30:13] WikiData is becoming something really huge. [17:30:24] Who are the major players who feed it with data? [20:15:19] Where do the facts that have 0 references come from? [20:17:16] no_gravity: You have to ask the user who added these claims [20:17:39] I see. So the "reference" is a user then. [20:20:03] The PHP entry states that PHP is "followed by Hack" which I suppose is nonsens/spam/vandalism? [20:20:06] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q59 [20:24:18] no_gravity: I wouldn't call that spam or vandalism - AFAIK the language "Hack" was indeed presented as a successor of PHP [20:24:34] the extent to which this is true or objective is debatable [20:24:53] but at least it is clearly well-intended [20:25:15] pintoch: Hmm... that doesn't match my definition of "successor".# [20:25:25] yeah [20:26:13] That's like putting "Successor: Duck Duck Go" into the entry for "Google". [20:27:13] makes sense [20:27:32] feel free to remove it! [20:27:53] you can also find the user who added it and have a chat about that [20:28:32] How do you see the user who made an entry? [20:30:36] Ah, I see [20:31:40] Looks like it had been removed on 1 June 2017 by and then readded by Billinghurst on the same day? [20:32:31] I'm not sure though. [20:32:38] No. [20:33:39] Ok, looks like it was added 26 November 2014‎ by Yamaha5.