[20:03:22] * reosarevok sighs, changes the etwiki link from disambiguation to family name in like 40 surnames [20:22:20] Is there a bot looking for disambiguation items and family name items with the same labels and adding the "family name has to use a different item than disambiguation pages" thing? [23:03:40] addshore: ping? [23:03:49] pong [23:04:12] addshore: so I tried to install wikibase manually using https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Installation - after vagrant failed [23:05:13] and when I try to run rebuildItemsPerSite I get this: [23:05:19] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Wikibase\WikibaseSettings' not found in /vagrant/mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/rebuildItemsPerSite.php on line 37 [23:05:42] looks like somehow Wikibase's autoloads not getting picked up [23:05:45] any ideas? [23:06:04] hmmmmmmm [23:06:13] whats in your localsettings? [23:06:26] for wikidatawiki? let me see [23:07:02] the usual stuff vagrant generated and then $wgEnableWikibaseRepo = true; [23:07:02] $wgEnableWikibaseClient = false; [23:07:02] require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/repo/Wikibase.php"; [23:07:02] require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/repo/ExampleSettings.php"; [23:07:16] just as the page says [23:07:27] so, WikibaseSettings is in lib [23:07:32] yes [23:07:50] however i think repo/Wikibase.php should load the lib entry point if it isnt already loaded [23:07:58] if ( !defined( 'WBL_VERSION' ) ) { [23:07:59] include_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/WikibaseLib.php'; [23:07:59] } [23:08:57] yeah but does it also load the autoloading config? [23:09:01] and WikibaseLib.php loads the autoloader and the autoloader definitely has the correct line [23:09:04] 'Wikibase\\WikibaseSettings' => __DIR__ . '/includes/WikibaseSettings.php', [23:09:42] yeah my autoloader files have this [23:10:22] can it be that rebuildItemsPerSite.php doesn't use right entry point or something? [23:10:31] at a guess i would say for some reason vagrant isnt calling "repo/Wikibase.php" from your localsettings [23:10:34] but that seems odd [23:10:44] PHP Stack trace: [23:10:46] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/w/MWScript.php:0 [23:10:46] PHP 2. require_once() /var/www/w/MWScript.php:95 [23:10:46] PHP 3. require_once() /vagrant/mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/rebuildItemsPerSite.php:85 [23:10:46] PHP 4. Wikibase\Repo\Maintenance\RebuildItemsPerSite->execute() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php:94 [23:11:19] hmmm [23:11:21] I wonder if maintenance scripts set it up right? [23:11:25] $basePath = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) !== false ? getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) : __DIR__ . '/../../../..'; ??? [23:11:31] try changing that to.... [23:11:36] $basePath = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) !== false ? getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) : __DIR__ . '/../..'; [23:12:04] or to the standard... [23:12:07] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/0wef4ODf/ [23:12:43] is it supposed to call global mediawiki Maintenance or local WIkibase class? [23:13:00] global mediawiki Maintenance afaik [23:16:13] $basePath seems to be right [23:17:49] so which could would load the autoload.php for Wikibase? [23:18:03] which could? :D [23:18:18] which code [23:18:21] :) [23:18:30] so there is an autoload.php for each of client lib and repo [23:18:39] and the autoload file is loaded by the respective entry point [23:19:31] This is all i have for wikibase locally [23:19:33] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ncXiKmEN/image.png [23:20:29] hmm doesn't look like it even gets to LocalSettings.... [23:20:44] I see you manually require WikibaseLib though [23:20:52] and autoload [23:21:09] the vendor autoload is no longer used for the wikibase classes [23:21:32] but as I do composer install of wikibase rather than use the mediawiki-vendor repo i need it [23:21:43] does vagrant use mediawiki-vendor? [23:22:08] if it doesnt get to localsettings then I think it has something to do with MWScript.php [23:23:18] hmm I have no idea.. I'll try do debug it. But it works fine in my non-manual install... but non-manual install does not work anymore :( [23:24:56] hmm it looks like for some reason mwscript on vagrant does not local local configs for specific wikis... [23:24:59] not sure why