[10:26:37] Lydia_WMDE: Any plans to offer json-ld for entities? Would be nice to be able to do something like http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q220859.json-ld [11:00:11] what would ld mean for a single entity? [11:46:27] pintoch: what do you mean? :) [11:49:23] I thought json-ld meant line-delimited json, which for me only makes sense for long lists of JSON blobs (such as the wikidata dumps@) [11:50:23] I assume ld in this context means linked data [12:04:44] Yeah [12:05:16] For an example of our json-ld at musicbrainz: curl https://musicbrainz.org/artist/22a1f4d7-81ff-4216-ac06-3387da6bc118 -H "Accept: application/ld+json" [12:05:32] (not sure how great that is, we basically added it because Google asked us to [12:05:32] ) [13:03:19] ah nice, ok :)