[10:36:13] problem with DISTINCT [10:36:27] SELECT DISTINCT (STR(?label) AS ?user_name) ?gender WITH { SELECT ?human WHERE { ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5. } OFFSET 4000000 LIMIT 500 } AS %humans WHERE { INCLUDE %humans. ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P21 ?gender; rdfs:label ?label.} [10:37:17] will give you a list with "Sun Amei" name [10:37:21] now try [10:37:36] SELECT DISTINCT (STR(?label) AS ?user_name) ?gender WITH { SELECT ?human WHERE { ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5. } OFFSET 3999999 LIMIT 500 } AS %humans WHERE { INCLUDE %humans. ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P21 ?gender; rdfs:label ?label.} [10:37:48] same name appear in the list [10:37:56] "Sun Amei" so other names [10:38:08] same name same gender [10:40:54] SELECT DISTINCT (STR(?label) AS ?user_name) ?gender WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?human WHERE { ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5. } OFFSET 4000000 LIMIT 500 } AS %humans WHERE { INCLUDE %humans. ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P21 ?gender; rdfs:label ?label.} [10:40:58] even this one [10:41:25] return duplicated names on the next page [10:45:31] i think the lang. labiled accore here since [10:45:35] can we group by? [11:10:22] DanielK_WMDE: what's the reason notes/comments can only be left when undoing, but not when just removing or adding? [11:10:49] Say, I'd like to leave in history some info of why I remove something, or even add a label, but I can't just use references for either of those [13:35:23] is there any item for "no value"? (: [14:36:26] SothoTalKer: does this help? :) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Statements#Unknown_or_no_values [14:37:46] should this be used on identifiers also? [14:40:26] this is kinda funny: "In general, the most reliable sources are: Peer-reviewed journals" [14:43:18] What's funny? [14:44:06] what i quoted :) [14:49:35] it might be better for science fields like physics, but it's quite bad for medical research. and of course i can give a valid scientific source (: [14:49:36] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1182327/ [14:50:46] if the item would be expected to have a particular identifier but doesn't for some reason, it can be useful to use novalue there [14:51:53] nikki: you cannot add something like a date for a "novalue", right? [14:52:06] you can add qualifiers [14:52:49] to an empty statement? [14:53:06] yes [14:53:15] thanks <3 [14:53:40] i totally love this customer support chat [14:55:07] you could for example have spouse: some person, end date 2000 and spouse: novalue, start date 2000 to be explicit that someone got divorced and is now not married [14:58:13] mhm, ok (: [14:58:25] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q9301#P218 here's an example of where I used novalue for an identifier... iso 639-1 codes are expected to also have iso 639-2 codes, but this one doesn't, which created a constraint violation. adding the novalue statement both fixed the constraint violation and makes it clear that it's not missing data, it doesn't exist [14:59:19] nice (: [15:00:20] would this be stuff for wikidata? https://wrecksite.eu [15:02:12] links to it, you mean? [15:03:37] yes [15:04:15] can't see why not, looks like it has lots of info [16:59:03] i gave up with the wikidata RDF , it is very slow .... and confusing .... is there any mysql dump of wikidata ? [17:03:46] beshoo: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data_dumps [17:07:50] SothoTalKer is wikimedia = wikidata [17:08:28] it is valid for all Wikimedia Foundation projects [17:09:04] aha [17:10:40] It contains all the information needed and links to all data dumps [17:18:24] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Database_download might be better [17:24:00] it asked for SQL dumps *shrug* [17:28:41] hi there. I was wondering, is there a way to get the property values associated to a given entity in the EXACT same order as in the WIkidata interface? Thanks! [17:29:47] the properties are reordered when displaying them according to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties [17:31:28] nikki: For example, I want to get the occupation of a given entity. Assume that I want to get the occupation of Rihanna (singer). In the interface "singer" is displayed as first because it is what she is known for. How can I directly get that? [17:32:09] I've tried to deal with the Wikidata rank that you can get through the statement but I was not able to get the correct order [17:33:01] if you use the json directly via the api or via https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q36844.json, the statements should be in the same order as they were added, which is what we display [17:33:05] the first one is not necessarily the best one [17:34:39] So there is no way to get the most relevant property for a given entity using SPARQL? [17:35:05] the only way we have to say what the most relevant statements are is the ranks [17:35:06] I mean, because Rihanna is considered an actor but she's actually know to be a singer [17:38:28] nikki: http://tinyurl.com/y7k65s6b [17:38:50] This is the only sensible thing that I'm able to get. How can I use it in an effective way? [17:41:38] jewels: she just starred in a big Hollywood film, I think that qualifies her as both a singer *and* an actress [17:42:18] Anyway, no, there's no real way to pick just one. If you think some don't apply, they can be removed [17:42:38] But in this case both are useful - you'd want to find her when looking for both things [17:43:16] reosarevok: The annoying thing is that in the website are in the correct order :) [17:43:32] Sure, but that's absolutely a coincidence [17:44:10] I have seen plenty of cases where they get added from categories for example, and if "American actors" gets ran before "American singers" (because it's alphabetically first or whatever) then it'll end up the other way around [17:44:54] Or someone does have the category "violin player" (which they did a bit as a young person) and that gets added but their current main occupation never got added (and even if you add it it'll show second) [17:58:29] reosarevok: i thought about that already :p the display of multivalue statements just sucks (: