[11:35:35] nikki: https://ceb.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategoriya:Country_not_in_Wikidata [13:04:20] abian: :D [13:04:22] is it done? [13:05:02] also did you have to do anything special to make touch.py work? I tried it but I got rate limiting errors after the first 8 pages [13:12:52] nikki: The bot is still running (since we talked about this) :) [13:13:06] ah :) [13:13:17] yeah, I noticed the numbers going down, I kept checking because it was satisfying to watch :D [13:14:22] Cool, it is :D [13:27:59] it's annoying that there's so much opposition to creating items for the cebwiki pages which don't have them... [13:28:40] I keep finding loads of items with no statements at all because someone added an interwiki link to one of the cebwiki pages [13:29:36] (which creates an item with sitelinks and no statements) [13:31:36] and adding all the statements by hand is definitely not easier than merging a duplicate [19:37:33] Hey hello [19:38:09] I need to know a very specific thing about wikidata API and this is the only place I found to ask, is anybody present? [19:40:26] AvidLearning: ask away! [19:40:32] Hey perfect [19:41:04] So I'm working with the python wrapper for the WikiData API that is suggested on tools for programmers [19:41:20] I have a list of strings and I wanted to get their id's con wikidatas webpage [19:41:40] And I've been reading the documentation 2 days and can't find a way to do that [19:42:18] I know that with the id you can get the label but I can't figure out how to do it the other way round [19:48:33] Hola, AvidLearning :) [19:48:41] Hola :) [19:48:43] Which wrapper is it? [19:49:08] https://github.com/dahlia/wikidata/tree/069486aa6e70ff6d932a2441edc36ed09889e8e9 [19:49:11] this one [19:49:46] it is referenced in tools from programmers [19:50:14] https://wikidata.readthedocs.io/en/stable/wikidata.html [19:50:22] You could instead use the API directly or another framework/software (e.g., OpenRefine) [19:50:42] https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbsearchentities [19:51:22] Damn I didn't see that [19:51:33] And I've read all the methods available [19:51:44] Well I guess now I have something to work with, thanks! [19:52:00] No problem :) [19:52:11] I'm curious, what are you doing with Wikidata? [19:52:46] Hey so I have an assignment [19:52:57] I'm doing searches with elastic search [19:53:03] And then I have to validate the data that I get [19:53:27] Concretly I'm trying to know if a list that I have is instance of the medication type in Wikidata [19:53:39] So my main problem is getting the id's for that list [19:54:44] I've never worked with an API without wrapper so this is going to take a while for me but I think I'll manage to do it :D [19:54:54] Interesting :) [19:55:55] Do you know how to integrate that request in python? [19:56:59] You could iterate through the list, check each item and read the suggested entity [19:57:10] But using OpenRefine could be easier [19:57:23] OpenRefine [19:57:31] http://openrefine.org/download.html :D [19:57:32] Alright I'll have a look [19:57:40] thanks dude [19:57:42] Which university/school are you from? [19:57:57] You're welcome :P [19:58:15] I see they don't let you take a rest for Christmas [19:58:19] mmm why do you ask? [19:58:26] Yeah dude I can't take a breath [19:58:36] I'm just curious :D [19:58:40] Oh [19:58:49] Maybe too much (?) [19:59:08] I mean I don't like to give personal info like that hahaha but it is np that you ask [20:01:02] I think it's always cool to know where people are using Wikidata and perhaps even keep in touch with those people, but it's reasonable you don't want to give certain data, especially because this channel is publicly logged [20:01:24] yeah that's why, nothing personal with you or anything lol [20:02:17] Anyway, feel free to tell me via pm if you want, I'll keep the secret ;) [20:02:43] And, if you need something more, we'll be around [20:37:21] sorry, I totally disappeared for that question! [20:45:44] You don't have to be available 24/7, addshore [20:49:50] abian: :)