[11:35:47] are there any commons admins around? [11:36:31] or maybe I should start by wondering if *anyone* is around... been rather quiet here lately :( [11:37:20] surprisingly little conversation... [11:40:22] yeah, then there's me, hiding inside from the sun [11:41:45] anyway, I noticed that some of the map data on commons appears to have been traced on geojson.io, which seems like it would be a copyright violation [11:42:02] yann_ is an admin, I believe? [11:42:42] I know that osm doesn't allow tracing from other maps, but osm is also rather strict about using other sources [11:42:55] and I'm not that active on commons so I'm not sure what happens there [11:43:59] I'm also frustrated that commons still only accepts cc0... how am I supposed to add lots of geoshapes to wikidata when almost all the sources are not cc0 :< [11:44:33] then there was the mediawiki page claiming cc by 4.0 is ok, I got all excited because I had a cc by 4.0 shape to add and then it turns out it's not actually supported after all [11:45:41] I guess I'll just have to save everything locally and then go on an adding spree once it finally allows it [12:54:39] Why is the query service so slow today? Is this due to the heat? [20:04:06] WiseWoman: AFAIK some bots are doing unintended DDOS [20:04:54] takitam[m]: oh dear, someone forgot to sleep between updates? [20:05:20] It was *really* slow, we had lots of timeouts in class today. (I'm teaching Wikidata as a method of semantic modeling). [20:05:37] We are modeling University degrees: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_University_degrees [20:06:04] is query servise affected by data updates? I was sure that its diffrent thing... [20:06:33] Repeating the query a bit later gave results, but sometimes very strange ones. [20:07:59] https://w.wiki/5G4 is supposed to give us people with a bachelor's degree in Computer science [20:08:24] But some folks show up with Latin American studies :) [20:08:30] No idea why :)