[12:17:32] t/offland [12:18:13] ich brauche ein bild zu Kleider machen Leute von gottfried keller [12:18:22] mfg Mulle [12:18:48] ich habe auch keiene iddeee [14:20:51] There were some talks about integration of references from Wikidata into the Cite gadget in VisualEditor. Anyone knows what happen? Is this a coming feature, or is it dead? [14:21:23] I can't find anything about it in Phabricator. [14:25:57] I’m not aware of anything like that [14:26:17] T199197 is kind of the opposite – integrating VisualEditor’s references (i. e. Citoid) into Wikidata [14:26:17] T199197: [2.11] Integrate Citoid in Wikidata - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T199197 [17:42:43] hi [21:31:23] hm.. how do i linke an isntrument ot https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5149174 (what property should I use?) [21:31:34] hm.. how do i link an instrument ot https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5149174 (what property should I use?)