[20:54:02] Good evening gentlemen. [20:56:53] hi [22:12:06] Hey all, I am trying to install wikibase and the very last thing I am supposed to do, which is run the update scrips, it fails claiming the pages are trying to include multiple copies of the files. [22:12:19] This update script "php maintenance/update.php" [22:12:33] Anyone have any advice? [22:14:26] <[d]_> This update script "php maintenance/update.php" [22:14:27] <[d]_> [edit]: [22:14:49] Huh? [22:15:30] [mattermost] hm, can you paste the error message somewhere? [22:18:40] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/a00988ec8c5b2cccba70a727f032c86c/image.png [22:20:52] [mattermost] I assume you’re using the master branch of Wikibase? [22:21:29] [mattermost] I suspect there’s something wrong in how your LocalSettings.php loads the extension (possibly the mistake is in our documentation, if you followed it) [22:22:19] [mattermost] maybe you have both `wfLoadExtension( "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/extension-repo.json" )` and `require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/repo/Wikibase.php"` in there? (or something similar) [22:29:49] [mattermost] or the `wfLoadExtension` plus `require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/Wikibase.php"` (not sure if that file still exists) [22:33:10] I am using REL1_35 [22:35:52] [mattermost] hm [22:36:09] [mattermost] then please make sure you’re not referencing any `extension-repo.json` file directly in your `LocalSettings.php` [22:36:21] [mattermost] in REL1_35 it’s not ready for direct usage yet [22:36:53] [mattermost] beyond that, I’m not sure why the extension registry would have two paths for the file [22:36:56] Lucas, that seems to have been it. [22:37:02] [mattermost] ah, okay! [22:37:02] Im here because I want to use Infoboxes on my wikimedia instance, however, Im curious if there is any comprehensive guide on doing that? [22:39:02] King, I believe infoboxes are custom templates. [22:45:04] Lucas, I have been working on this for ages. Thank you for you assistance. I finally installed it. [22:45:55] [mattermost] \o/ [22:47:31] Plazey:I know king, I know theyre Templates but they rely on some complicated shit Ive read [22:47:49] Which has wikibase as a dependency [22:47:58] Im just thinking if theres a smpler option [22:48:34] They're pretty simple to be honest. [22:49:03] I was able to setup mine in like 1 hour. [22:49:18] I just looked at how others did it online, and used wikipedia as an example. [22:51:24] Lucas, is easier installation a future feature? [22:55:01] [mattermost] Plazey: I think so – we’re also working on improving the documentation