[10:03:30] hey, hoo, when you have time: should we proceed with gerrit:230301 schema change? [10:04:24] Yes, please :) [16:20:24] jynus, what do you dislike about the current grants model? [16:23:49] I send it to ops-private only, because it is NDA-related (and I want first springle feedback) [16:24:07] let me forward it to you, too [16:26:04] ok [16:27:40] it is related to T104900 and T82799 [16:27:53] both NDA- restricted :-) [16:28:20] but hopfully we will solve both at once [16:29:14] FWIW ops@ list is NDA required as well [16:29:22] I was told not [16:29:43] I asked first and they said not [16:29:59] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Lists.wikimedia.org#Authorized_recipients_for_Ops.40lists.wikimedia.org [16:30:08] Anyway what you said makes sense to me [16:31:00] for now, lets create the user- bein badly on puppet [16:31:10] is better than not being on puppet at all [16:31:15] yep [16:31:34] also those clases started very elegantly [16:31:56] but with time, they end up as copy-pastes, etc. [16:32:42] I am not going to do nothing radical, just a clean base class [16:33:06] and subclasses for main wikis, etc. [16:33:33] it will also allow labs to reuse them without problem [16:53:19] Krenair, deployed labswiki grants- do you want to test them? [16:54:51] hm [16:55:29] will they work with the latest sql changes? [16:55:52] I haven't got it to work with plain mysql client yet [16:56:10] let me try [16:56:12] It should just work with the sql command change, in theory [16:56:19] oh, there we go [16:56:24] just took an unreasonably long time to connect [16:56:31] yes, silver seems slow [16:58:18] also, a trick, when using the mysql command line, specially on production, run it with -A [16:58:44] otherwise it starts to query metadata like crazy- it is not dangerous , but it is slow [16:59:08] and when all you do (in my case) is run mysql, 1-5 seconds saved are a lot :-) [17:03:56] `sql` command does still work [17:04:15] nice [17:04:32] or starts working again, I suppose [17:05:03] and mediawiki maintenance scripts are happy to query data from labswiki now [17:05:12] so that's resolved