[13:41:41] for people interested on DB changes, feel free to veto drop tables on latest list on T54932 [14:36:40] jynus, so I think some of those are supposed to be kept [14:37:00] devwikiinternal.old, rel13testwiki.old, zh_cnwiki.old [14:37:29] Sort of. [14:38:00] These are 'deleted' wikis in the sense that mediawiki doesn't expose them anymore [14:38:12] They're not typically deleted in the DBs as far as I know [14:38:27] even if you are not 100% sure, please add that to the ticket [14:38:37] so I can conserve it [14:38:59] 1 extra table is no big deal, it was the other 5000 that were :-) [14:39:37] ok :) [14:40:07] thanks, Krenair ! [14:40:30] your help is really appreciated, even if I do not say it very frequently [14:45:01] I checked a couple of ipblocks_old tables and it looks like the data was copied into the real ipblocks table, so those should be fine [14:45:34] That leaves a bunch of wikimania2005wiki things [14:46:49] "fine to go", I understand? [14:47:24] as far as I'm concerned, based on the two I checked, I think those ipblocks_old tables should be good to go [14:47:38] thanks [14:54:14] I think all of the wikimania2005wiki *_old tables are fine to go as well [14:56:42] well, in any case, I am archiving them [19:30:30] tendril crashed again :-( [19:33:52] so, good news: habemus replacement [19:34:01] https://icinga.wikimedia.org/cgi-bin/icinga/status.cgi?host=es1011