[18:44:55] hoo, WARNING slave_io_state Slave_IO_Running: No / CRITICAL slave_sql_lag Replication lag: 396.824618 seconds / WARNING slave_sql_state Slave_SQL_Running: No [18:45:06] that should cover your gap [18:45:11] in monitoring [18:45:24] Awesome :) [18:45:37] now we have microsecond-accurate lag measurement [18:45:52] and we can get rid of useless monitoring [18:46:08] (that works even if replica is stopped) [18:46:37] it may also help debugging lag issues [21:07:42] jynus: are you taking already a look at labsdb1003? [21:08:08] yes [21:08:47] what is it? [21:14:17] and there is 1.77 GiB unallocated [21:14:27] so do not lose sleep for it [21:14:48] loving LVM a bit more? [21:14:51] :-) [21:16:32] lol :) [21:18:31] you know I am not a fad either, I told you, but somtimes administrative reasons are more important than yet-to-be proved performance issues [21:18:36] *fan [21:18:54] ehehe I understand, btw, no mysql logs there? [21:19:46] buff, pretty much anything is disabled on labsdb, binlogs, performance schema [21:20:05] it requires every single bit we can squeeze from it [21:21:20] if you see the CPU, and iops, you will understand: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/server-board?from=1455657658935&to=1455743818935&var-server=labsdb1003&var-network=eth0 [21:21:31] yes, saw the load