[07:18:45] paladox: Hey! :) [07:18:51] PolyGerrit is up and running :) [07:19:08] Thanks a million for the upgrade [12:09:23] d3r1ck yep :) [13:39:59] 10Africa-Wikimedia-Developers, 10MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, 10Easy, 10Gender-Support, 10I18n: [[MediaWiki:Tsb-reject-confirmation/en]] needs GENDER support for singular 'User' - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T159890#3943369 (10matej_suchanek) 05Open>03stalled [19:59:24] d3r1ck i suppose your using the new ui? :) [19:59:48] have any feedback you can add it here https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/330/ and i can forward it upstream.