[18:07:52] * aude rages [18:08:02] why is it so complicated to install phabricator? [18:09:39] aude: so complicated? [18:09:55] installing it in the most basic sense is pretty simple [18:10:16] but there are a lot of pieces, getting everything set up is less simple [18:15:09] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Aude/Phabricator [18:15:22] i would think i could git clone phabricator [18:15:30] then composer install and it puts the pieces together [18:15:47] and then can install the tables correctly to the database i created [18:16:13] and no documentation how to make an extension afaik [18:16:29] i wonder how open they are to improving these things? [18:18:31] * aude gives up for now but might poke later [19:51:06] aude: They are very open to improvements :) [19:51:20] you should join #phabricator [20:05:51] joined :)