[01:11:07] 6Phabricator: Wikimedia's Phabricator installation should use a custom favicon - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T273#1200566 (10Perhelion) I think there is no really contest necessary. The design of the native phab-icon is more than obvious and the color combination are compulsorily very limited. The only pos... [01:22:49] 6Phabricator: Clarify/remove 'stalled' status - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T95746#1200574 (10Dzahn) 5Open>3declined a:3Dzahn The classic example of stalled is when you are waiting for an external party who will definitely not use this bug tracker so you can't just assign it to them. For example the... [01:23:16] 6Phabricator: Clarify/remove 'stalled' status - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T95746#1200577 (10Dzahn) 5declined>3Open eh, sorry, the status change was by accident, i just wanted to comment. [02:11:01] 6Phabricator: Wikimedia's Phabricator installation should use a custom favicon - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T273#1200587 (10Isarra) If we want to use the current favicon but recoloured, it's best to keep it simple. A lot of the suggested ones are very busy, especially around the edges of the cogs, which l... [04:10:59] 6Engineering-Community, 3ECT-April-2015: Engineering Community quarterly goals for April-June 2015 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T93770#1200654 (10Spage) [08:22:08] 6Engineering-Community, 3ECT-April-2015: Engineering Community quarterly goals for April-June 2015 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T93770#1200832 (10Spage) a:5Spage>3Rfarrand Quim, feel free to disagree with my goals :) [09:33:21] 6Phabricator: Wikimedia's Phabricator installation should use a custom favicon - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T273#1200867 (10Perhelion) >>! In T273#1200587, @Isarra wrote: > > See F111260 for an example (Commons-style colouring). I could agree with your suggestion. Here are your showing example + the othe... [12:23:54] 6Phabricator: Wikimedia's Phabricator installation should use a custom favicon - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T273#1200972 (10Qgil) I like {F111345}. It looks Wikimedia AND Phabricator. [18:24:20] 6Engineering-Community, 3ECT-April-2015: Engineering Community quarterly goals for April-June 2015 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T93770#1201151 (10Qgil) I had an interesting conversation with @robla about these objectives and about defining objectives in general. He says that in general we need to have s... [19:22:32] qgil, what do you think we could use 'JIRA-like "Namespaces"' for? [19:38:43] 6Phabricator: Process to request a private project - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T823#1201165 (10Qgil) According to [[ https://secure.phabricator.com/T3820#106442 | this estimate ]], asking Phacility Ink to prioritize the development of private spaces in Phabricator would cost about $18K USD. How I see it,... [19:48:45] 6Phabricator: Process to request a private project - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T823#1201167 (10Krenair) "global, default-deny walls around groups of unprivileged users"? Hmm. Not sure if that is entirely what we want. [20:09:23] Krenair, the Zero team keeps a private Trello board to deal with bugs filed by carriers [20:09:35] yeah [20:09:53] Ops, Fundraising and Tech have similar problems [20:10:36] And we have ways of setting up private projects through policies [20:10:46] and then we have HR, Grants, Administration, etc... which are using private Trello or Asana projects, or private mailing lists, google docs, etc... [20:11:29] Krenair, sure, but maintaining our Security extension as local patch also have a cost, and the whole setup is a lot more fragile [20:11:49] Krenair, anyway, this is the right discussion to have in the related task. [20:12:23] So what we're really asking for is a way to have pre-defined policies that can be chosen by any user for each new task created [20:12:31] Krenair, I'm acting as kind-of product manager saying "we need this and it would cost how much". Then mmodell chasemp and others can say how wrong I am. No problem. :) [20:13:17] Krenair, it is more than that. You would file a task for ProjectPrivateInSpaceB, and it would acquire all thoe related policies by default. [20:13:47] private projects, private workboards [20:14:15] when a private task becomes public, you could move it to wherever in SpaceA. That's it. [20:14:57] I'm interested because it would debunk the last good reason for WMF teams to keep using !Phabricator for project management [20:18:11] private projects and workboards? [20:18:58] That's why people use private Trello and Asana projects... [20:19:22] I don't see what the use case for it is in Wikimedia. [20:19:43] People use Trello etc. for private tasks. [20:20:02] The fact that the Trello workboards exist isn't private. [20:21:51] Also I've just decided to create myself a new account upstream and tidy up some stuff there as well, found we have an 'In Progress' workboard column with only one task in it... that's resolved. [20:22:26] not quite sure what to do with it [20:22:30] Krenair, there are teams that have significant amount of private work, and it makes sense that they want the same tools to organize it. [20:22:51] yes, and they can have private tasks etc. [20:23:10] we don't need to give them entirely hidden projects for it [20:24:23] Krenair, I think you and me (who work with 99% of public tasks) can discuss as much as we want, but the point is to ask them. Asking for 30K is a way to escalate this question to Terry & co. [20:26:00] maybe I'm just misunderstanding but you seem to be proposing allowing entirely hidden projects, as in you can't even see the name of it, let alone purpose, members, etc. [20:28:20] speaking of workboads, projects and private tasks, I should ping csteipp and figure out how to organise the security tasks better.. [20:34:22] Krenair, my priority here is to move more / all WMF activity to a single tool (Phabricator). Improving the status quo on transparency around private projects is a related goal, but a different one. I prefer to focus on the first one because I don't have the time to pick both fights. [20:35:28] The fact is that, as of today, I (with my NDA signed) don't have any idea about many projects that I assume are being run by WMF teams. It's a situation that exists, out of Phabricator. Keeping it as is inside Phabricator is already an improvement. [20:39:35] I guess so. [20:39:47] Need to go. Thank you Krenair for the good discussion (this one and in general), and also thank you for any help you can bring to triaging/updating #Wikimedia tasks upstream [20:39:56] * Krenair waves [20:56:00] 6Phabricator: Wikimedia's Phabricator installation should use a custom favicon - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T273#1201201 (10Perhelion) I've created the first favicon in multisize. {F111599} [21:47:18] 6Phabricator: Process to request a private project - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T823#1201277 (10Negative24) @Krenair Its been renamed to "Implement top-level "Spaces" that provide policy isolation to groups of objects" and that, I believe, is what we want.