[00:38:13] (PS5) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [00:42:41] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) (owner: Eileen) [01:53:49] (PS6) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [01:57:54] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) (owner: Eileen) [02:36:38] (PS7) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [02:40:53] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) (owner: Eileen) [02:42:47] (PS8) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [02:44:32] (PS9) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [02:48:48] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) (owner: Eileen) [02:57:44] (PS10) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [03:01:55] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) (owner: Eileen) [03:07:56] (PS11) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [03:12:05] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) (owner: Eileen) [03:14:36] (PS12) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [03:26:03] (PS13) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [03:38:04] (PS14) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to keep fields updated [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [04:23:32] (PS15) Eileen: [wip] Add triggers to manage yearly totals & associated custom fields [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425219 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T186168) [13:30:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 9 failures. Last run 9 minutes ago with 9 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/motd.tail],File[/usr/bin/check-raid.py],File[/etc/rssh.conf],File[/usr/local/bin/yubikey_otp_filter] [13:35:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 9 failures. Last run 14 minutes ago with 9 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/motd.tail],File[/usr/bin/check-raid.py],File[/etc/rssh.conf],File[/usr/local/bin/yubikey_otp_filter] [13:40:16] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 3 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:05:03] (CR) Jgleeson: [C: -1] Insert records (mostly dummy) for processors (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421663 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T165695) (owner: Ejegg) [15:12:20] so that needs another rebase? ^^^ [15:15:13] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on samarium is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [15:15:23] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [15:17:52] (PS5) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [15:18:15] hmm, i might as well merge eileen's other patch first [15:20:13] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on samarium is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 4 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:20:14] PROBLEM - check_listener_gc on saiph is CRITICAL: connect to address and port 443: Connection refused [15:20:14] PROBLEM - check_listener_ipn on saiph is CRITICAL: connect to address and port 443: Connection refused [15:20:23] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on saiph is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 10 failures. Last run 7 minutes ago with 10 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/php5/mods-available/pdo.ini],File[/usr/local/bin/aide_new_db],File[/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.freshclam],File[/etc/aliases] [15:20:24] PROBLEM - check_ssl on saiph is CRITICAL: SSL CRITICAL - failed to connect or SSL handshake:Connection refused [15:20:24] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on payments2001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 3 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:21:20] ^^^ the puppet noise is me, sorry [15:22:24] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 (owner: Jgleeson) [15:25:13] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments1004 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [15:25:14] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on mintaka is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [15:25:14] PROBLEM - check_listener_gc on saiph is CRITICAL: connect to address and port 443: Connection refused [15:25:14] PROBLEM - check_listener_ipn on saiph is CRITICAL: connect to address and port 443: Connection refused [15:25:23] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on saiph is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 10 failures. Last run 12 minutes ago with 10 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/php5/mods-available/pdo.ini],File[/usr/local/bin/aide_new_db],File[/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.freshclam],File[/etc/aliases] [15:25:23] PROBLEM - check_ssl on saiph is CRITICAL: SSL CRITICAL - failed to connect or SSL handshake:Connection refused [15:27:27] Fundraising-Backlog, fundraising-tech-ops, Operations, Traffic: SSL cert for links.email.wikimedia.org - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T188561#4123551 (debt) Hi @BBlack - can you add your concerns to this ticket....we're needing to get this figured out soon. Thanks! [15:30:13] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments1004 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [15:30:14] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on americium is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 5 failures. Last run 6 minutes ago with 5 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown) [15:30:14] RECOVERY - check_listener_gc on saiph is OK: HTTP OK: Status line output matched HTTP/1.1 503 - 287 bytes in 0.012 second response time [15:30:14] RECOVERY - check_listener_ipn on saiph is OK: HTTP OK: Status line output matched HTTP/1.1 503 - 287 bytes in 0.007 second response time [15:30:15] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on mintaka is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [15:30:23] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on saiph is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 3 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:30:23] RECOVERY - check_ssl on saiph is OK: SSL OK - Certificate payments-listener.wikimedia.org valid until 2019-02-09 20:31:03 +0000 (expires in 304 days) [15:35:13] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on payments1004 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 3 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:35:14] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on americium is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 5 failures. Last run 11 minutes ago with 5 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown) [15:35:14] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on pay-lvs2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 24 failures. Last run 8 minutes ago with 24 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown) [15:35:15] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on mintaka is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 2 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:40:13] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on pay-lvs2001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 4 minutes ago with 0 failures [15:40:23] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on americium is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 1 minute ago with 0 failures [15:45:39] (PS6) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [15:50:02] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 (owner: Jgleeson) [16:32:24] Fundraising-Backlog, fundraising-tech-ops: frdev access for rschoenbaechler - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T191446#4123909 (cwdent) [17:13:48] man, this wasted like 3 hrs of my time last night: [17:13:52] https://ma.ttias.be/chrome-force-dev-domains-https-via-preloaded-hsts/ [17:14:13] .dev is no longer usable for local development :( [17:14:22] wth [17:14:23] b/c google BOUGHT IT [17:14:44] evil... [17:15:20] that does suck [17:15:37] i refuse to use anything longer, so my .dev sites are all now .d sites [17:16:03] .local [17:16:04] sometimes [17:16:11] but yeah, .dev [17:16:15] rip [17:16:38] it was so appropriate for, yknow, dev sites [17:17:09] ok, back up and running with CRM tables all in the right dbs [17:17:44] just going to smoke test eileen's do_not_solicit patch locally [17:18:13] I just lost 30 minutes watching zuckerberg's testimony [17:18:30] that I wish I could take back [17:18:30] oh man, anything good? [17:18:36] heh, guess not then... [17:18:49] lots of "congressman, can you repeat the question.." [17:19:12] which is a good tactical when he's being asked lengthy questions and his questioners over have a 4 minute slot [17:19:16] tactic* [17:19:28] but yeah, not much else [17:19:34] feels toothless [17:20:04] I don't understand why they don't allow more time [17:31:55] (PS7) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [17:33:52] (PS8) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [17:34:22] grr, lappy freezing up just in time for scrum of scrums [17:34:33] fr-tech anything to share? [17:34:49] nope [17:37:58] ejegg: nothing here, thx! I guess if you want to just mention the CSP stuff for banner previews going out soon, might just be a general topic of interest, in case others are thinking of working on similar anywhere else on the site or in general [17:38:05] kinda a ping about that general RFC [17:38:06] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 (owner: Jgleeson) [17:38:13] yep, will do AndyRussG [17:38:23] not a topic requiring action elsewhere or anything [17:38:25] tho [17:38:27] thx!! [17:40:13] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frqueue1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [17:45:13] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on frqueue1001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 3 minutes ago with 0 failures [17:50:02] (CR) Ejegg: [C: 2] Add new do_not_solicit field as additional view only field. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424178 (owner: Eileen) [17:54:34] (Merged) jenkins-bot: Add new do_not_solicit field as additional view only field. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424178 (owner: Eileen) [17:56:07] (PS7) Jgleeson: Insert records (mostly dummy) for processors [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421663 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T165695) (owner: Ejegg) [17:56:09] (PS9) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [17:56:15] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Insert records (mostly dummy) for processors [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421663 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T165695) (owner: Ejegg) [17:56:21] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 (owner: Jgleeson) [18:00:05] (PS8) Ejegg: Insert records (mostly dummy) for processors [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421663 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T165695) [18:01:37] OK jgleeson, that should merge ^^^ [18:01:42] gonna grab some food... [18:01:53] ah I was just fixing that also [18:02:01] ok will disregard these changes and pull it back in [18:09:42] ejegg|food, I think that latest patch still lose 7635 [18:09:45] loses [18:15:51] (PS10) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [18:20:10] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 (owner: Jgleeson) [18:21:48] (PS11) Jgleeson: Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 [18:26:00] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Updates to handle recurring payment tokens within contributions. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424141 (owner: Jgleeson) [18:43:11] ejegg|food, I'm gonna dig into the two tests that are failing locally, I've managed to get them failing locally! which is actually a good thing. [18:43:20] later on* [19:01:11] jgleeson|away: 7635 is still there - it's not part of the install script, since it's just a production data update [19:17:15] fr-tech anyone feel like +2ing this one? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424604 [19:18:43] Yea, looking [19:19:24] (CR) XenoRyet: [C: 2] Update dLocal api address [extensions/DonationInterface] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424604 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T187809) (owner: Ejegg) [19:21:20] (Merged) jenkins-bot: Update dLocal api address [extensions/DonationInterface] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424604 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T187809) (owner: Ejegg) [19:23:41] XenoRyet: want to tackle some of the investigation tasks with me? [19:24:51] I was actually just about to head to lunch. [19:58:53] (Abandoned) Ejegg: WIP create payment from token [extensions/DonationInterface] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424152 (owner: Ejegg) [20:00:07] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on alnilam is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 5 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:05:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 8 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:05:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on alnilam is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [20:05:18] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 7 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:09:07] fr-tech: a couple other ingenico tickets waiting for review: [20:09:09] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421665 [20:09:23] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421190 [20:09:37] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424150 [20:10:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 13 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:10:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on alnilam is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 13 seconds ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:10:19] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2003 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 8 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:10:19] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 12 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:15:07] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 3 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:15:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb1002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 6 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:15:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on alnilam is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 5 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:15:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 8 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:15:26] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2003 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 13 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:15:26] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [20:20:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 8 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:20:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb1002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 11 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:20:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on alnilam is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 10 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:20:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 13 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:20:18] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [20:20:18] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2003 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 3 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:22:16] booo, the old lappy is freezing up again [20:25:07] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on frdb1002 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 55 seconds ago with 0 failures [20:25:07] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 13 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:25:08] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 4 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:25:08] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on alnilam is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 2 minutes ago with 0 failures [20:25:26] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2003 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 8 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:25:27] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Catalog fetch fail. Either compilation failed or puppetmaster has issues [20:30:16] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 2 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:30:17] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 9 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:30:18] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on payments2003 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 13 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): File[/etc/aliases] [20:30:18] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on payments2002 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 2 minutes ago with 0 failures [20:35:16] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on frbackup2001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 29 seconds ago with 0 failures [20:35:16] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on frdb2001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 2 minutes ago with 0 failures [20:35:17] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on payments2003 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 1 minute ago with 0 failures [21:36:23] (PS1) Eileen: Merge branch 'master' of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/wikimedia/fundraising/crm into deployment [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] (deployment) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425715 [21:40:36] (CR) Eileen: [C: 2] Merge branch 'master' of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/wikimedia/fundraising/crm into deployment [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] (deployment) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425715 (owner: Eileen) [21:41:36] (Merged) jenkins-bot: Merge branch 'master' of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/wikimedia/fundraising/crm into deployment [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] (deployment) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/425715 (owner: Eileen) [21:42:31] XenoRyet: got a few more Ingenico patches in code review [21:42:47] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421665 [21:42:52] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421190 [21:42:57] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424150 [21:43:04] Cool, I'll take a look. [21:43:07] thanks [22:09:09] heading back to the apt while the weather's nice and the streets are clear... back in half an hour! [22:22:35] (CR) XenoRyet: [C: 2] Ingenico: tokenize recurring payments [extensions/DonationInterface] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421190 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T163953) (owner: Ejegg) [22:23:23] (CR) XenoRyet: [C: 2] API call to tokenize old GC recurring [extensions/DonationInterface] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421665 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T169357) (owner: Ejegg) [22:24:19] (Merged) jenkins-bot: Ingenico: tokenize recurring payments [extensions/DonationInterface] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/421190 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T163953) (owner: Ejegg) [22:24:28] (CR) XenoRyet: [C: 2] Ingenico: Create non-hosted payment (i.e. from token) [wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424150 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T163953) (owner: Ejegg) [22:24:56] (Merged) jenkins-bot: Ingenico: Create non-hosted payment (i.e. from token) [wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424150 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T163953) (owner: Ejegg) [22:36:52] (CR) Eileen: "Some concerns on the criteria" (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/423799 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T191338) (owner: Ejegg) [22:37:53] ejegg|afk: if you have time when back might be good to talk through some of the stuff I have in review? [22:50:14] I have put a patch in process-control to enable a second dedupe job targetting the low number contacts. Reason being we have more conflict resolution than we used to - rerunning for first 6000 contacts I get 54 additional merges (& 432 skipped) - can roll out if someone checks it [22:55:28] eileen: now is good! I just need to do the call from my phone [22:58:31] ok, I'll take a look at the process-control repo [23:12:52] ejegg: ok - doesn't have to be voice if it's a pain - I just thought it might be easier to see if there are things that need discussion [23:13:54] eileen no prob at all, we'll just have to use IRC for links b/c of hangouts app dumbness [23:14:02] i'll hop into the usual chat in one min [23:22:15] https://github.com/eileenmcnaughton/nz.co.fuzion.omnipaymultiprocessor [23:23:58] https://github.com/eileenmcnaughton/nz.co.fuzion.omnipaymultiprocessor/blob/master/api/v3/Job/ProcessRecurring.php [23:36:37] (PS6) Eileen: Add extension for reporting on possible fraudsters [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/423831 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T187262) [23:36:39] (PS2) Eileen: Use list of enabled extensions to track in install [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424199 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T187262) [23:36:41] (PS2) Eileen: Enable fraud report. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424200 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T187262) [23:48:56] !log enabled new civicrm contact de-dupe job [23:49:01] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Server_Admin_Log [23:49:19] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/424191/ [23:50:05] (CR) Ejegg: [C: 2] Process eq as a report op [wikimedia/fundraising/crm/civicrm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424191 (owner: Eileen) [23:54:24] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Process eq as a report op [wikimedia/fundraising/crm/civicrm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/424191 (owner: Eileen)