[01:47:10] PROBLEM - check_log_messages on frav1002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Amazon_endpoint_critical 1 [=1] [01:52:10] RECOVERY - check_log_messages on frav1002 is OK: OK [02:13:07] (PS2) Eileen: Use mergehandler to get preferred donor [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616701 [02:13:09] (PS4) Eileen: Move handling & test of postal code suffix pseudo-conflict to deduper [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616702 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [02:22:15] PROBLEM - check_kafkatee on frban2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: kafka-jumbo1008:down [02:23:47] (PS1) Eileen: Move test for handling country only to deduper [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616964 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [02:24:20] (PS2) Eileen: Move test for handling country only to deduper [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616964 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [02:27:15] PROBLEM - check_kafkatee on frban2001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: kafka-jumbo1006:down [02:32:15] RECOVERY - check_kafkatee on frban2001 is OK: OK: brokers:9 topics:2 [03:03:55] (PS1) Eileen: Move handling for country only to the deduper. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616965 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [03:04:27] (PS2) Eileen: Move handling for country only to the deduper. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616965 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [03:11:26] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Move handling for country only to the deduper. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616965 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) (owner: Eileen) [03:34:09] (PS3) Eileen: Move handling for country only to the deduper. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616965 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [03:41:59] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Move handling for country only to the deduper. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616965 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) (owner: Eileen) [03:44:58] (CR) Eileen: "recheck" [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616965 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) (owner: Eileen) [06:10:15] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdev1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 5 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): Package[mariadb-client] [06:15:15] PROBLEM - check_puppetrun on frdev1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Puppet has 1 failures. Last run 10 minutes ago with 1 failures. Failed resources (up to 3 shown): Package[mariadb-client] [06:20:13] RECOVERY - check_puppetrun on frdev1001 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 4 minutes ago with 0 failures [10:06:51] Fundraising-Backlog, Fr-CentralNotice-Translation-Bugs, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralNotice, MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, and 2 others: BannerExistenceException due to non-existing CentralNotice banner (after Special:LanguageStats view) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157997 (LarsWirzenius... [10:07:24] Fundraising-Backlog, Fr-CentralNotice-Translation-Bugs, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralNotice, MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, and 2 others: BannerExistenceException due to non-existing CentralNotice banner (after Special:LanguageStats view) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157997 (LarsWirzenius... [11:38:15] Fundraising-Backlog, Operations: New wiki for fundraising Thank You pages with similar config as donatewiki - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259002 (Pcoombe) @Krinkle I do quite like the idea of exploring a microsite in the longer term, but it would involve more work that we hadn't planned for. We're... [13:17:48] Fundraising Sprint Nyan cats for everyone, Fundraising-Backlog, FR-Ingenico: Ingenico: server timeout message for successful contribs? 7/21/2020 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258462 (EMartin) Hi All, I had Sielo test a transaction on donate wiki in JP. He was able to get a TY page: https://d... [13:43:10] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (EMartin) [14:08:01] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (EMartin) I obtained further clarification from paytm about the difference in the recent logo: Hi Evelyn, It is a very small change, let me outline it clearly, we know we get that a lot, so, giving you exact details :) On... [14:54:00] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (DStrine) @spatton and @Pcoombe as FYI. This might require a banner change too. I'll talk to fr-tech about the payments update [15:07:06] fr-tech besides the new wiki, anything more to share in the scrum-o-scrums update? [15:22:48] nothing from here ejegg [15:23:21] here... being the part of this channel that I occupy :) [16:16:33] Fundraising-Backlog: Adding new staff members to the Assignee list - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259144 (Aklapper) @NNichols: Assuming this task is about #fundraising-backlog, hence adding that project tag so other people can also find this task when searching via projects. Please set appropriate pro... [16:20:49] Fundraising-Backlog: Make panExplain form variant the default in India - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259146 (spatton) [16:22:13] PROBLEM - check_redis on frqueue1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: donations is 20746 20000 - REDIS 5.0.3 on has 1 databases (db0) with 12 keys, up 65 days 26 minutes - memory use is 24.45M (peak 59.11M, 0.36% of max, fragmentation 1.21%), connected_slaves is 2, jobs is 0, jobs-adyen is 259, jobs-paypal is 739, payments-antifraud is 1587, payments-init is 536, pending is 377, recurring is 418, refund is 0, unsubscribe is [16:27:15] PROBLEM - check_redis on frqueue1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: donations is 22722 20000 - REDIS 5.0.3 on has 1 databases (db0) with 12 keys, up 65 days 31 minutes - memory use is 25.16M (peak 59.11M, 0.38% of max, fragmentation 1.23%), connected_slaves is 2, jobs is 0, jobs-adyen is 84, jobs-paypal is 477, payments-antifraud is 1421, payments-init is 937, pending is 94, recurring is 624, refund is 0, unsubscribe is 5 [16:32:13] PROBLEM - check_redis on frqueue1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: donations is 24032 20000 - REDIS 5.0.3 on has 1 databases (db0) with 12 keys, up 65 days 36 minutes - memory use is 26.03M (peak 59.11M, 0.39% of max, fragmentation 1.21%), connected_slaves is 2, jobs is 0, jobs-adyen is 317, jobs-paypal is 208, payments-antifraud is 1209, payments-init is 486, pending is 10, recurring is 772, refund is 0, unsubscribe is [16:37:15] PROBLEM - check_redis on frqueue1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: donations is 24311 20000 - REDIS 5.0.3 on has 1 databases (db0) with 12 keys, up 65 days 41 minutes - memory use is 27.62M (peak 59.11M, 0.40% of max, fragmentation 1.17%), connected_slaves is 2, jobs is 0, jobs-adyen is 213, jobs-paypal is 741, payments-antifraud is 1355, payments-init is 960, pending is 290, recurring is 852, refund is 0, unsubscribe is [16:42:15] PROBLEM - check_redis on frqueue1001 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: donations is 27011 20000 - REDIS 5.0.3 on has 1 databases (db0) with 12 keys, up 65 days 46 minutes - memory use is 28.32M (peak 59.11M, 0.41% of max, fragmentation 1.19%), connected_slaves is 2, jobs is 0, jobs-adyen is 96, jobs-paypal is 298, payments-antifraud is 1319, payments-init is 479, pending is 5, recurring is 510, refund is 0, unsubscribe is 99 [17:30:16] (CR) Mepps: Fix tests to purge tables between tests (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/tools] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616948 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T253152) (owner: Eileen) [17:44:33] Fundraising-Backlog: TY Email Decimals/Commas - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259168 (CDenes_WMF) [17:48:52] Wikimedia-Fundraising-Banners: QA for en4C pre-test on July 30 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258646 (jbolorinos-ctr) Open→Resolved a:jbolorinos-ctr Thanks for confirming the regionName will not be included in this test. Closing this as Resolved now as all issues found have been reported an... [17:57:44] PROBLEM - check_log_messages on frav1002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Paypal_endpoint_critical 1 [=1] [18:02:44] RECOVERY - check_log_messages on frav1002 is OK: OK [18:03:50] Fundraising Sprint Nyan cats for everyone, Fundraising-Backlog, FR-Ingenico: Ingenico: server timeout message for successful contribs? 7/21/2020 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258462 (EMartin) Seilo in JP was able to get to the TY page in a test transaction or two today. [18:05:21] Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Automatic TY for Stock Gifts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259173 (LeanneS) [18:54:57] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, FR-Ingenico: Japanese donors seeing errors on week of July 27th - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259070 (mepps) Also from the earlier task: @Ejegg > Nothing helpful in the logs for these 4, unfortunately > > CID 35144540 was monthlyConver... [19:02:18] PROBLEM - check_log_messages on frav1002 is CRITICAL: CRITICAL: Paypal_endpoint_critical 1 [=1] [19:07:18] RECOVERY - check_log_messages on frav1002 is OK: OK [19:08:21] Wikimedia-Fundraising-Banners: [Candidate] JP Banners due Aug 3 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259076 (jbolorinos-ctr) Thanks @TSkaff! Getting started on these now, will let you know if I have any questions! [19:10:57] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, FR-Ingenico: Japanese donors seeing errors on week of July 27th - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259070 (mepps) Hmm so with the second CID, so far I can't find a record of either transaction getting to the thank you page in the hive weblogs.. [19:11:47] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, FR-Ingenico: Japanese donors seeing errors on week of July 27th - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259070 (mepps) Also I wanted to mention, we determined that for at least one of the donors who multiple times, both txns had gotten to the thank y... [19:20:47] Wikimedia-Fundraising-Banners: Percentage and donation amount in copy appears bold in JP - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259188 (jbolorinos-ctr) [19:23:01] Wikimedia-Fundraising-Banners: [Candidate] JP Banners due Aug 3 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259076 (jbolorinos-ctr) Also to answer your question @TSkaff, there may still be layout issues when the language changes, even if there arent any code differences, so I do prefer being able to see both when d... [19:26:38] Wikimedia-Fundraising-Banners: Percentage and donation amount in copy appears bold in JP - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259188 (jbolorinos-ctr) This is also observable on M lg - https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%9A%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%82%A2&banner=B2021_080... [19:33:29] Fundraising-Backlog: High Unique Clicks for nlNL RML program - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259189 (KHaggard) [19:34:03] Fundraising-Backlog: High Unique Clicks for nlNL RML program - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259189 (KHaggard) p:Triage→Medium [19:35:25] Fundraising-Backlog: High Unique Clicks for nlNL RML program - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259189 (KHaggard) Could someone from email team drop in the full email URL for that track? [19:47:11] RECOVERY - check_redis on frqueue1001 is OK: OK: REDIS 5.0.3 on has 1 databases (db0) with 10 keys, up 65 days 3 hours - memory use is 15.53M (peak 59.11M, 0.26% of max, fragmentation 1.38%), connected_slaves is 2, donations is 18080, jobs is 0, jobs-adyen is 2, jobs-paypal is 0, payments-antifraud is 129, payments-init is 0, pending is 2, recurring is 199, refund is 0, unsubscribe is 145 [19:51:07] Fundraising-Backlog: Adding new staff members to the Assignee list - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259144 (DStrine) Open→Resolved [19:54:58] Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Filtering Fund-to-Fund Transfer gift source out of reporting/search - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258984 (DStrine) Eileen mentioned making a new status for this so that it doesn't show up on most searches. [19:55:13] Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM, FR-Q2-FY2020-21-cleanup-list: Filtering Fund-to-Fund Transfer gift source out of reporting/search - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258984 (DStrine) [20:03:30] Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Automatic TY for Stock Gifts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259173 (DStrine) Talking about this in civi fortnightly we need the fair market value as a new field in civi. Then we can show both values in the standard TY email. [20:04:38] Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM, FR-Q2-FY2020-21-cleanup-list: Automatic TY for Stock Gifts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259173 (DStrine) [20:16:21] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) Okay I've gotten further. For now I just updated the symlinks for my drush though I'd like to fix this systemically. I... [20:18:50] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) drush cvsqlc is basically a wrapper for drush_sql_cli(). [20:24:04] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) Okay it's resetting the global on line 1392 of civicrm.drush.inc. [20:25:26] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) It looks like CIVICRM_DSN is not set. [21:15:38] Wikimedia-Fundraising-Banners: [Candidate] JP Banners due Aug 3 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259076 (jbolorinos-ctr) **`enJP Banners`** **Screenshot Test Results - Desktop:** - **Desktop large** - Control: https://app.crossbrowsertesting.com/public/i15b74a2dc92badb/screenshots/z0341e21e4f7ffc823... [21:19:03] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (Eileenmcnaughton) @mepps yeah - that's the rpow thing - I suspect we'll need to submit an upstream patch to make that command t... [21:36:30] Fundraising-Backlog: Delays in transaction completion for India - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259195 (EMartin) [21:38:26] Fundraising-Backlog: Delays in transaction completion for India - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259195 (EMartin) [21:39:02] Fundraising-Backlog: Delays in transaction completion for India - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259195 (EMartin) Trying to piece together other examples. DS is stating the issue is growing. [21:39:46] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) Ah okay, it's coming from here: define('CIVICRM_DSN', 'civirpow://'); // define('CIVICRM_DSN', $config['masters'][... [21:42:51] (CR) Eileen: Fix tests to purge tables between tests (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/tools] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616948 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T253152) (owner: Eileen) [21:43:17] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) Yay!!! @Eileen uncommmenting define('CIVICRM_DSN', $config['slaves'][0]); makes the drush command work :). [21:44:43] (PS1) Mepps: Use readonly db for drush cvsqlc [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/617270 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350) [21:47:23] (PS2) Mepps: Use readonly db for drush cvsqlc [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/617270 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350) [21:50:35] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM, Patch-For-Review: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (Eileenmcnaughton) @mepps - but does it disable the use of the read only connection? [21:52:21] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM, Patch-For-Review: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) @Eileenmcnaughton I'll look into that more tomorrow. [22:01:41] I suspect removing that index will help with failmail - it's a quick thing to do & we might be better able to detect any difference if we do it now while failmail is fairly high [22:11:39] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (spatton) Yeah, looks like this needs updating in banners, too. @scervantes, are you able to take a look at this? [22:22:27] eileen: I'm trying to use API4 to create the contacts in that synchronizer test [22:22:35] and keep getting UnauthorizedException [22:22:47] ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) [22:22:49] even if I copy your imitateAdminUser() fn from MergeTest and call that in the setup [22:22:52] ahah [22:22:54] thanks! [22:23:59] ejegg: when we next upgrade we can use this - https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/17874 [22:24:41] speaking of permissions - this should be easy to check https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/fundraising/crm/+/616626 [22:26:32] (PS3) Ejegg: MG sync: use API v4 [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/615262 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T257963) [22:34:48] (PS2) Ejegg: Fix bug where access CiviCRM is not enough to send emails [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616626 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258651) (owner: Eileen) [22:34:57] thanks [22:34:57] (CR) Ejegg: [C: +2] Fix bug where access CiviCRM is not enough to send emails [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616626 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258651) (owner: Eileen) [22:36:01] sure thing! [22:36:11] I think that API4 patch is ok to review now too [22:36:39] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Fix bug where access CiviCRM is not enough to send emails [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616626 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258651) (owner: Eileen) [22:36:42] grr [22:37:23] is the groupmemberload failure db-load-related? [22:42:05] (Merged) jenkins-bot: Fix bug where access CiviCRM is not enough to send emails [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616626 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258651) (owner: Eileen) [22:45:34] (CR) Eileen: MG sync: use API v4 (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/615262 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T257963) (owner: Ejegg) [22:46:10] the failmail? [22:46:44] my theory is that we will see a sharp drop if we remove the FK on the acl_contact_cache & replace with an index [22:46:48] yah [22:46:51] oh really? [22:47:00] re: Contact::save() [22:47:38] yep [22:47:40] so save() -> setValues( the same values you would use for the old v3 Create ) -> execute() [22:47:43] ? [22:47:55] i.e. if it has an ID it's an update, otherwise a create? [22:48:08] it's a bit different [22:48:12] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/SEvNUp0D/ [22:48:17] Civi\Api4\Afform::save() [22:48:17] ->addRecord(['name' => $directiveName, 'layout' => $example['html']]) [22:49:08] oh weird [22:49:13] it has the idea you can have multiple things to update [22:49:21] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (scervantes) @EMartin Hi! Can you share a link to the specific logo file they sent? I don't know which one of those 2 is the one they want us to implement and honestly I can't see the difference they mention. Did they send... [22:49:24] this might be a better example [22:49:24] $messageTemplate = MessageTemplate::save()->setDefaults($params)->setRecords([['id' => $this->_id]])->execute()->first(); [22:49:58] hmm hmm, so wouldn't I still need to have different syntax for the different cases (add/update) ? [22:50:39] if I can't just feed different arrays to the same syntax, I'd prefer sticking with the create / update syntax [22:50:42] seems clearer [22:51:41] yeah it's fine too [22:52:04] save needs docs - https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-dev-docs/issues/837 [22:53:26] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (EMartin) I can ask them for an SVG. They didn't provide that. They sent the logos attached to the task. That's all I have. [22:54:07] ejegg: yes that failmail is definitely deadlock & I think this https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258661 [22:54:32] is that job throttled on the # of recently added donations? [22:55:12] I think it's deduping & deleting if I'm right about the acl_cache being the point of contention [22:55:22] oh hmm, truncate is deadlocking even on an empty table? [22:55:22] but no, I don't think so [22:55:38] i wonder if 'delete from' would deadlock [22:56:04] I think the issue is that it does checks on the contact table because of the foreign key - so it snarls it up [22:56:23] but per that phab - we don't need a foreign key on the cache tabale [22:57:01] It doesn't take a long time but that query runs often & I keep spotting it in show processlist; [22:57:51] actually more detail in the linked gitlab [22:58:06] (PS1) Eileen: Comment blocks cleanup [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/617277 [22:58:08] (PS1) Eileen: Move handling of dismissing blank addresses to the resolver. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/617278 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [23:04:49] (PS4) Ejegg: MG sync: use API v4 [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/615262 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T257963) [23:05:39] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Move handling of dismissing blank addresses to the resolver. [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/617278 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) (owner: Eileen) [23:10:13] ejegg: I'll take a look at that patch now but if you have any capacity to look at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/fundraising/crm/+/616702 I'm getting in a muddle unravelling this stuff & it would be good to make the stuff early in the chain is ok [23:10:31] yep, looking now eileen [23:10:43] (PS3) Ejegg: Use mergehandler to get preferred donor [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616701 (owner: Eileen) [23:10:58] (CR) Ejegg: "Love seeing the dedupe code get deduped!" [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616701 (owner: Eileen) [23:12:34] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] Use mergehandler to get preferred donor [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616701 (owner: Eileen) [23:12:36] lol [23:13:11] (CR) Eileen: "recheck" [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616701 (owner: Eileen) [23:32:48] Fundraising-Backlog: New logo for Paytm - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T259130 (scervantes) Yes please ask for the SVG, as I'm not sure which one of the ones they sent is actually the one they want. [23:32:48] (CR) Ejegg: "still pondering the intent of the hasSamePostalCodeButDifferentSuffix, but in the meantime found a typo" (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616702 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) (owner: Eileen) [23:33:12] eileen: I'm looking at the postal code conflict handling [23:33:27] yep - is the meaning of suffix unclear? [23:33:41] no, just the 'different', I guess [23:33:56] so we wouldn't want to merge 90210-1111 with 90210-2222, right? [23:34:09] only 90210 with 90210-1111 [23:34:22] ? [23:35:46] yep [23:37:54] (PS1) Eileen: Test & fix get in MG apiv4 conversion [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/617290 [23:38:44] ejegg: I did some checks on your commit & the GET calls aren't working - I think it is the permissions - this seems to work (over the top) https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/fundraising/crm/+/617290 [23:38:56] ah, thanks! [23:39:22] that addSelect should make it lighter weight too I guess [23:40:45] (CR) Eileen: "I renamed that function" (1 comment) [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616702 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) (owner: Eileen) [23:41:05] ejegg: I think with no addSelect it returns nothing [23:41:26] but then I only tested that before deciding setCheckPermissions was the issue [23:41:40] ahh [23:41:50] - if my changes work you can maybe suck them into yours [23:42:25] I had actually been following examples for the apiv4 explorer [23:42:42] but I guess I hadn't been choosing select fields in the dropdown there [23:43:23] since we only need ID here, i'm happy to have it! [23:48:06] ok, will merge your patches in [23:48:57] yeah you can add '*' too [23:53:42] whew, these merge tests are taking a long time to run locally [23:54:45] OK, I modified the test slightly to give both a suffix, but different values [23:54:55] and it happily merges 90210-6666 with 90210-9999 [23:55:07] I think that fn needs slightly different logic too [23:55:40] (CR) Eileen: "recheck" [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616701 (owner: Eileen) [23:56:12] ah ok - will check - I suspect that has been the case already... [23:56:18] but good to fix [23:56:28] (PS5) Eileen: Move handling & test of postal code suffix pseudo-conflict to deduper [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/616702 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T256316) [23:56:29] it looks like the old code only merged when one was blank [23:57:04] (PS5) Ejegg: MG sync: use API v4 [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/615262 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T257963) [23:57:12] ok, squashed and rebased ^^^^ [23:57:16] thanks for the fix! [23:58:32] Fundraising Sprint Octopus hugs, Fundraising-Backlog, Wikimedia-Fundraising-CiviCRM, Patch-For-Review: Readonly DB connection available to turn on - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T237350 (mepps) > Okay it's resetting the global on line 1392 of civicrm.drush.inc. @Eileenmcnaughton I think thi... [23:59:04] (CR) jerkins-bot: [V: -1] MG sync: use API v4 [wikimedia/fundraising/crm] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/615262 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T257963) (owner: Ejegg)