[00:37:49] Coren, ping [00:39:01] Coren is never around when I sneeze him. :/ [00:39:31] @seen Coren [00:39:31] Cyberpower678: I have never seen Coren [00:39:44] petan, ^^ ?? [00:39:46] Cyberpower678: I see you're using 60% of infinite memory on tools-exec-cyberbot ;) [00:40:06] Actually I only have 2. [00:40:08] Gig [00:40:35] Which is why I need to talk to Coren [00:40:39] @seen Coren [00:40:39] Cyberpower678: I have never seen Coren [00:40:53] petan, wm-bot is messed up [00:41:07] @seen petan [00:41:08] Cyberpower678: I have never seen petan [00:41:14] @seen Cyberpower678 [00:41:15] Cyberpower678: I have never seen Cyberpower678 [00:41:24] @seen anomie [00:41:24] Cyberpower678: I have never seen anomie [00:41:29] -.- [00:41:41] !searchlongs [00:41:47] !searchlogs [00:41:54] !logsearch [00:41:54] http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/searchlog [00:43:02] The logs aren't working either. [00:43:11] Grrr. [00:43:14] !newlabs [00:43:15] This is labs. It's another version of toolserver. Because people wanted it just like toolserver, an effort was made to create an almost identical environment. Now users can enjoy replication, similar commands, and bear the burden of instabilities, just like Toolserver. [00:44:33] anomie, is anybody around? [00:45:15] Cyberpower678: No idea. I'm around, but I can't help you with your 2 Gig problem. [00:46:23] anomie, I know. But it is mildly annoying. I've been patiently waiting for Coren so far. I can wait longer, but someone requested spambot be expanded, which means I may need more resources. [00:50:08] Cyberpower678: I'd guess around 11 or 12 hours until Coren is around, considering it's Sunday night in his part of the world. I'd guess petan will show up sooner, though. No idea about YuviPanda|zzz. [00:51:04] * Cyberpower678 develops a script that will hack Coren's pager and page him in the middle of the night. >:D [00:51:49] Bad Cyberpower678. You wouldn't like a wrongly paged wiki-dev. They are very irritable if they're woken for no good reason. [00:53:08] hasteur, can I at least plan the apocalypse? [00:53:34] Cyberpower678: Skynet/HAL9000 is already on that task ;) [00:54:06] I thought Skynet was in charge of dominating the world. [00:54:24] Question: There is no plan to include the current revision of all current pages in en.WP? [00:55:03] hasteur, is that question meant for me? [00:55:11] Cyberpower678: Technology run amuck to cause the destruction of the human race. [00:55:26] hasteur: The wikitext of? I believe that is correct. [00:55:56] A question at large. There's a couple of tools I could write, but are significantly more difficult/computationaly intensive to have to ask for it from the API front end. [00:56:33] And then filter and filter and then ohopefully get the right sub-section. [01:42:17] Hello [01:44:15] [05:54:25 PM] Question: There is no plan to include the current revision of all current pages in en.WP? <-- use a dump? [01:46:42] Hrm... is tools set up to handle the 2TB of an enWP dump? [01:47:31] its already there. [01:47:37] /public/datasets/public/enwiki/ [01:50:01] * Cyberpower678 retires early. He is still suffering from a headache [01:50:06] Hrm.... *scurries away to investigate* [01:51:07] legoktm, I swear I will never complain about a normal headache again. [01:51:15] :/ [01:51:54] I'm just glad a most of it is gone. [01:52:31] And no permanent damage so far�I think. [01:54:23] glad to hear that :D [01:54:27] legoktm, but I have to say, of all the times that could've fallen, it had to happen while I was installing a new outdoor light on the wall. [01:55:26] *that gutter. And when do gutters fall? Never in my life would I have expected that a roof gutter just falls off of the roof. :/ [10:09:31] [bz] (8UNCONFIRMED - created by: 2metatron, priority: 4Unprioritized - 6normal) [Bug 54713] cannot access graphite.wikimedia.org - https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54713 [10:30:10] [bz] (8UNCONFIRMED - created by: 2metatron, priority: 4Unprioritized - 6enhancement) [Bug 54710] No HTTPS/SSL for icinga and ganglia at wmflabs.org - https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54710 [11:54:37] yw [11:55:40] YuviPanda, and do tools have a specific namespace or category in there? [12:30:05] Usually people use some other tools for actually importing things, IIRC [12:30:27] I don't know what WikiImporter does, but if it is actually trying to read the entire file into memory, it's never going to be able to afford enough memory [12:30:30] * YuviPanda checks [12:38:06] I haven't used it either, sadly :( [12:38:19] also I'm not sure what the perf impact of adding XDebug profiling would be [12:38:25] what dump are you running this on? [12:38:45] I'd suggest running it with xdebug on a run over a small file that completes in a reasonable time frame (few minutes), and then examine that to see if you can spot it [12:38:54] YuviPanda: wikidatawiki-20130922-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2 [12:39:24] how big is it? [12:39:52] 1.8G, bz2 compressed [12:40:12] right. I'd suggest running it with xdebug on on something that's like, say, less than 100M, compressed [12:40:15] to get profiling data [12:41:13] the testwikidatawiki one is 100k :/ [12:41:30] that... doesn'ts eem to be of much help :| [12:41:35] find a wikidata dump from a year ago, perhaps? [12:41:50] is wikidata there one year ago? [12:42:12] I think they just hit their anniversary [12:42:19] think that's the two year anniversary? [12:42:21] or one year? [12:42:24] legoktm would know [12:42:34] I still think that using PHP for this is going to keep giving you headaches [12:43:53] YuviPanda: is wfShellExec leaking? [12:44:05] I do it a lot in my script [12:46:29] liangent: what are you shelling out to? [12:48:24] YuviPanda: another one of my scripts running in the context of another wiki [13:09:58] +1 to not hacking [13:10:41] liangent: Could you open a bug for this? I'm going to be doing a lot of bug squishing this week once I'm done with the [bleep] [bleep]ing NFS switch. [13:11:44] you can swear on the internet, Coren :) [13:11:45] it's okay! [13:12:49] Coren: bug about getrusage-inaccuracy or jsub-on-exec? [13:13:32] jsub-on-exec. Strictly speaking, the usage calculation is working as designed per POSIX -- it's just that it wasn't designed to be very useful. :-P [15:35:31] Coren: ping? [16:20:50] nerus: all fixed now? [16:20:56] yurik: [16:20:59] oops [16:21:06] grr [16:21:07] YuviPanda: nope, but working on it [16:21:17] yurik: sorry! [16:21:18] yurik: :P [17:47:13] touch index doesn't work [17:47:37] need to enable something in .htaccess, IIRC [17:47:42] Coren: probably should add this to toolshelp :) [17:48:36] liangent: try "Options Indexes" within a [17:51:54] mutante: thanks. echo Options Indexes > .htaccess works [17:52:08] in that directory [17:52:24] yw [18:30:41] qchris: working now [18:30:59] Ryan_Lane: Awesome! Thanks! [18:31:36] yw