[17:03:01] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:03:02] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:03:04] Dagelijks ervaar ik als ik met mijn lichaam praat dat het me helpt, dient, me gezond en vitaal houdt. [17:03:05] Ik leer je met jouw lichaam communiceren. Je ervaart het verschil, of de woorden uit het hart of het hoofd komen. [17:03:07] Je hart wordt weer teruggebracht naar zijn staat van kwetsbaarheid, intuïtie en wijsheid. Je hoofd is meestal vol, druk of verward. [17:03:08] Ik geef je aanwijzingen waardoor het helder, leeg, gefocust is. [17:03:10] Door steeds feedback te geven op jouw specifieke vragen, leer je je eigen lichaamsignalen te interpreteren. Het is je beste vriend-/in! [17:03:11] De beelden die ik gebruik zijn creatief en pakkend. Inzicht en bewustzijn komen op gang.Resultaat: herstel en balans van de diverse lichaamsfuncties. [17:03:13] JIJ KRIJGT CONTACT MET JE KERN EN ALLES OM JE HEEN VERANDERT MEE. JIJ BENT DE CREATOR. [17:03:14] LAAT JE VERWONDEREN! [17:03:16] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:03:17] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:03:19] Dagelijks ervaar ik als ik met mijn lichaam praat dat het me helpt, dient, me gezond en vitaal houdt. [17:03:20] Ik leer je met jouw lichaam communiceren. Je ervaart het verschil, of de woorden uit het hart of het hoofd komen. [17:03:22] Je hart wordt weer teruggebracht naar zijn staat van kwetsbaarheid, intuïtie en wijsheid. Je hoofd is meestal vol, druk of verward. [17:03:23] Ik geef je aanwijzingen waardoor het helder, leeg, gefocust is. [17:03:25] Door steeds feedback te geven op jouw specifieke vragen, leer je je eigen lichaamsignalen te interpreteren. Het is je beste vriend-/in! [17:03:26] De beelden die ik gebruik zijn creatief en pakkend. Inzicht en bewustzijn komen op gang.Resultaat: herstel en balans van de diverse lichaamsfuncties. [17:03:28] JIJ KRIJGT CONTACT MET JE KERN EN ALLES OM JE HEEN VERANDERT MEE. JIJ BENT DE CREATOR. [17:03:29] LAAT JE VERWONDEREN! [17:03:34] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:03:35] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:03:37] Dagelijks ervaar ik als ik met mijn lichaam praat dat het me helpt, dient, me gezond en vitaal houdt. [17:03:38] Ik leer je met jouw lichaam communiceren. Je ervaart het verschil, of de woorden uit het hart of het hoofd komen. [17:03:40] Je hart wordt weer teruggebracht naar zijn staat van kwetsbaarheid, intuïtie en wijsheid. Je hoofd is meestal vol, druk of verward. [17:03:41] Ik geef je aanwijzingen waardoor het helder, leeg, gefocust is. [17:03:43] Door steeds feedback te geven op jouw specifieke vragen, leer je je eigen lichaamsignalen te interpreteren. Het is je beste vriend-/in! [17:03:44] De beelden die ik gebruik zijn creatief en pakkend. Inzicht en bewustzijn komen op gang.Resultaat: herstel en balans van de diverse lichaamsfuncties. [17:03:46] JIJ KRIJGT CONTACT MET JE KERN EN ALLES OM JE HEEN VERANDERT MEE. JIJ BENT DE CREATOR. [17:03:47] LAAT JE VERWONDEREN! [17:03:49] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:03:50] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:03:52] Dagelijks ervaar ik als ik met mijn lichaam praat dat het me helpt, dient, me gezond en vitaal houdt. [17:03:53] Ik leer je met jouw lichaam communiceren. Je ervaart het verschil, of de woorden uit het hart of het hoofd komen. [17:03:55] Je hart wordt weer teruggebracht naar zijn staat van kwetsbaarheid, intuïtie en wijsheid. Je hoofd is meestal vol, druk of verward. [17:03:56] Ik geef je aanwijzingen waardoor het helder, leeg, gefocust is. [17:03:58] Door steeds feedback te geven op jouw specifieke vragen, leer je je eigen lichaamsignalen te interpreteren. Het is je beste vriend-/in! [17:03:59] De beelden die ik gebruik zijn creatief en pakkend. Inzicht en bewustzijn komen op gang.Resultaat: herstel en balans van de diverse lichaamsfuncties. [17:04:01] JIJ KRIJGT CONTACT MET JE KERN EN ALLES OM JE HEEN VERANDERT MEE. JIJ BENT DE CREATOR. [17:04:02] LAAT JE VERWONDEREN! [17:04:05] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:04:07] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:04:08] Dagelijks ervaar ik als ik met mijn lichaam praat dat het me helpt, dient, me gezond en vitaal houdt. [17:04:10] Ik leer je met jouw lichaam communiceren. Je ervaart het verschil, of de woorden uit het hart of het hoofd komen. [17:04:11] Je hart wordt weer teruggebracht naar zijn staat van kwetsbaarheid, intuïtie en wijsheid. Je hoofd is meestal vol, druk of verward. [17:04:13] Ik geef je aanwijzingen waardoor het helder, leeg, gefocust is. [17:04:14] Door steeds feedback te geven op jouw specifieke vragen, leer je je eigen lichaamsignalen te interpreteren. Het is je beste vriend-/in! [17:04:16] De beelden die ik gebruik zijn creatief en pakkend. Inzicht en bewustzijn komen op gang.Resultaat: herstel en balans van de diverse lichaamsfuncties. [17:04:18] JIJ KRIJGT CONTACT MET JE KERN EN ALLES OM JE HEEN VERANDERT MEE. JIJ BENT DE CREATOR. [17:04:19] LAAT JE VERWONDEREN! [17:04:21] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:04:22] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:04:24] Dagelijks ervaar ik als ik met mijn lichaam praat dat het me helpt, dient, me gezond en vitaal houdt. [17:04:25] Ik leer je met jouw lichaam communiceren. Je ervaart het verschil, of de woorden uit het hart of het hoofd komen. [17:04:27] Je hart wordt weer teruggebracht naar zijn staat van kwetsbaarheid, intuïtie en wijsheid. Je hoofd is meestal vol, druk of verward. [17:04:28] Ik geef je aanwijzingen waardoor het helder, leeg, gefocust is. [17:04:30] Door steeds feedback te geven op jouw specifieke vragen, leer je je eigen lichaamsignalen te interpreteren. Het is je beste vriend-/in! [17:04:31] De beelden die ik gebruik zijn creatief en pakkend. Inzicht en bewustzijn komen op gang.Resultaat: herstel en balans van de diverse lichaamsfuncties. [17:04:33] JIJ KRIJGT CONTACT MET JE KERN EN ALLES OM JE HEEN VERANDERT MEE. JIJ BENT DE CREATOR. [17:04:34] LAAT JE VERWONDEREN! [17:04:36] Henk van Hal holistische fysiotherapie http://henkvanhal.com [17:04:37] In jouw lichaam zitten alle antwoorden. [17:35:15] QueenOfFrance> [17:35:31] oh ok you're here [17:35:33] :) [17:57:12] Hello! [17:57:28] hi everyone [17:58:31] I'll be compère again. [17:58:53] Welcome to the Wikimedia Foundation monthly "Metrics" meeting for July 2014. [17:59:00] We'll get started in just a little. [17:59:18] If you have any questions at any time, feel free to ask me. [17:59:30] I'll occasionally also prompt people for questions, but please don't wait. :-) [17:59:43] I'll try to get them asked during the meeting, or, failing that, answered later. [18:00:00] AV comments, good or bad, please ping me here [18:00:02] thanks James. [18:00:33] * guillom waves. [18:00:40] standing by, thanks hangout.... [18:01:15] hey guillom! [18:01:19] link? [18:01:29] hi rfarrand :) [18:01:32] PPena: In the /topic [18:01:35] PPena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=993lpGrittg [18:01:40] Thanks guillom. :-) [18:01:49] Looks like we're about to get started in a few seconds. [18:01:53] thanks :) [18:01:54] ok let’s see if i can open the youtube video on my ipad… [18:02:19] had to bookmark it to ‘watch later’ from desktop, couldn’t just search by the tag number :P [18:02:40] brion: Yay for mobile app developers thinking they know better. ;-) [18:02:46] hehe [18:03:11] I still can't watch YouTube or participate in Hangouts in Chromium, I have to do it in Firefox (where it works like a charm). [18:03:26] ah the glorious future where things randomly don’t work in some browsers ;) [18:03:33] OK, we're starting now. [18:03:44] started, comments please [18:03:48] Speak if you've got … yeah. [18:03:54] still standing by…… [18:04:00] Yup' working [18:04:12] I'm seeing it now [18:04:12] playing now [18:04:14] Excellent. [18:04:19] I'm still standing by. [18:04:26] Maggie_Dennis: Refresh? [18:04:30] hi everybody! [18:04:32] (Now switching to Lila.) [18:04:33] Maggie_Dennis: try reloading, it usually works [18:04:44] works for me now [18:04:45] Thanks, marcoil, James_F. It's running now. [18:04:50] ditto [18:04:55] Hey Maggie_Dennis :) [18:04:56] mike is pretty hot [18:04:59] Cool. [18:05:05] Welcome, everyone [18:05:05] hi ejegg !! [18:05:13] We are in "clap if you like n00bs" segment. :) [18:05:13] I like n00bs! [18:07:19] Santa! [18:08:33] cndiv: Lila's mic is hot [18:08:42] cndiv: I'm getting a small noise from the mic that wasn't there last time… [18:08:51] "Photograph by Neil Armstrong" Hah! [18:09:20] cndiv is working on it [18:09:20] changing... [18:09:38] * bd808 waits 60s to see if it changes :) [18:09:59] better? [18:10:21] she's not talking right now :) [18:10:28] yes, better :) [18:10:31] Thank you [18:10:33] great [18:10:44] cndiv: definitely better [18:11:11] I probably should have just stayed at my desk for this metrics... actually being in the room is making it tougher to see :-/ too many people too little space [18:11:20] hi all, greetings from Wikimedia affiliate in Pakistan [18:11:25] * bd808 agrees that sound is better [18:11:39] wondering if asaf will be here too? [18:11:44] Saqib: Hi! Is there a group of you watching? [18:11:51] hi Saqib! [18:12:09] cndiv: watching what? [18:12:28] Saqib: The live stream happening now of our monthly metrics meeting. See the topic for the stream. [18:12:36] oh yes. [18:12:46] no group. only an individual [18:12:56] Saqib: Happy to have you here. [18:13:07] goddamn hobbits [18:13:07] Youtube is blocked in Pakistan :( [18:13:24] Oh, that presentation won't be freely-licensed :) [18:13:31] (But I like it!) [18:13:47] :) [18:14:59] i just hope i’m not Boromir [18:15:33] brion: I usually call you Gandalf The {{White|Grey}} [18:15:39] since you left & returned [18:15:40] :) [18:15:48] my beard hairs are coming in gray now :( :) [18:15:49] sumanah: haha [18:16:06] First time I've heard that variation of the editor engagement goal. [18:17:23] Any questions? [18:17:33] Other than the licensing of the presentation. :-) [18:17:52] “His is Tron… He fights for the users!” [18:17:58] *name [18:18:03] I am wondering how Lila's editing is going [18:18:05] Now going to Erik on metrics. [18:18:18] sumanah: Ah, sorry; Lila said she might be back at the end. [18:18:21] got it [18:18:28] Q: At what timescale do emergent strategies come in -- and how do we incorporate them into our planning process? [18:18:30] Bah! [18:19:32] Hard to get questions in with the time lag :( [18:19:34] I'm also wondering how we make the quarterly planning efficient -- we seem to spend a lot of time on doing the yearly planning; hopefully we wont lose whole days trying to come up with precise goals [18:19:42] *every quarter [18:20:11] i’ve found quarterly planning meetings to be pretty brutal to our development velocity yeah [18:20:29] mwalker: the engineering community team does quarterly planning andit doesn't take us too much time [18:21:13] I like the mobile-on-desktop view [18:21:39] brion: There's your problem; remove "quarterly planning" from your last sentence :) [18:21:47] heh [18:23:06] yay mobile web team! [18:23:18] \o/ mobile web team are great folks, kudos :D [18:23:21] Now Dan about the Android app launch. [18:23:29] woo [18:23:45] btw fhocutt Dan Garry is a former sciences researcher like you [18:23:54] hey, neat [18:24:00] *clap clap* [18:24:05] o/ [18:24:12] Congrats on the Android launch [18:24:42] Saved pages is cool. [18:24:50] Dan garry was a researcher? [18:24:56] * halfak searchers google scholar [18:24:58] Next, let people edit offline and merge it in. ;) [18:25:12] halfak: biology iirc [18:25:14] superm401: that’s harder, but i’ll put it in our backlog :D [18:25:19] * sumanah is not sure why "if you want to read about icebergs, you can" made her laugh [18:25:26] brion: Umm. :-) [18:25:43] halfak: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/User:DGarry_%28WMF%29 [18:26:15] would be nice to save several pages at once, so you could prepare a "bundle" of pages for others to download [18:26:16] That's the research my wife is doing! [18:26:16] brion, hence the ;). Maybe we should just switch the revision history to git first to make it easier. ;) [18:26:21] does those number count releases.wm.o ? [18:26:44] Mathematical models of epilepsy based on eeg data. [18:26:45] matanya: that’s Play installs only i believe [18:27:33] halfak: wow! [18:27:34] though it _might_ catch people who have google play but installed from the .apk. not sure [18:28:34] Jan_Ainali_WMSE: ooh that’s another good one. sticking that in the ‘far future ideas’ backlog to flesh out later: https://trello.com/b/AKTd6kcw/mobile-app-far-future-ideas [18:28:42] why is Dan so funny [18:28:48] "??? made it here" [18:28:48] sumanah: he’s british [18:28:56] insufficient! [18:29:00] hehe [18:29:06] is this where people kibitz about the Monthly Metrics? [18:29:14] yep [18:29:20] 2% is way higher than on the web (percent that edit), right? [18:30:07] For the others who don't know: kibitz (v) look on and offer unwelcome advice, especially at a card game [18:30:08] i think so yeah, but apples/oranges are hard to compare [18:30:14] what!? no [18:30:17] James_F: how do remote presenters work? Is there a secret Hangout that they join? [18:30:18] I thought kibitz meant "chat" [18:30:28] spagewmf: Yes. [18:30:35] spagewmf: cndiv controls that bit. [18:30:43] * James_F is merely the IRC factotum. [18:30:44] * sumanah is adrift in a world without an Academie Anglaise [18:30:45] yeah i’ve gotten told off for joining the hangout just to watch. ;) [18:30:59] mainly cause there’s a max number of people that can be on the hangout directly [18:31:03] sumanah, seems different dictionaries disagree about which definition is primary. [18:31:17] Merriam Webster agrees with you: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kibitz [18:31:27] Registered at the same time... [18:31:29] cndiv: can you PM the hangout to me? If we have time we'd like Shahyar to demo the new Flow UI [18:31:42] spagewmf: If it's not on the Agenda there's no time. [18:31:42] or PM it to shahyar... [18:31:45] Hoping that's a joke, not a constraint fail. [18:32:02] spagewmf: check with Eloquence_MM if there's time for that. [18:32:25] (Sadly too often there's no time even if it is on the Agenda.) [18:32:28] Does "had an error" just include password failures? [18:32:47] superm401: Or server API issues/network issues, I think. [18:32:59] Right, but hopefully password is a lot more common. [18:33:00] James_F: Flow team is scheduled! "You have no chance to present make your time" [18:33:08] spagewmf: Ha, fair. [18:33:16] (Questions for Dan?) [18:33:19] superm401: includes captcha as well [18:33:27] Julia_W, CAPTCHA for login? [18:33:30] Web doesn't have that. [18:33:34] Deskana|Away: I liked your presentation. Thank you! [18:33:40] superm401: yes it does if you fail login too often [18:33:50] brion, oh yeah, thanks. [18:33:51] Where does Search enter the Android roadmap? [18:34:03] “had an error” includes other things, but password failure is the most common [18:34:09] ragesoss: Asked. [18:34:14] as in, real search instead of having to start typing from the beginning fo the exact name of the article. [18:34:35] Any others. [18:34:50] Ah, now Dan's second personality takes over. [18:34:54] :) [18:34:56] Talking about SUL finalisation. [18:34:56] <^d> Search? [18:34:58] * ^d hides [18:35:01] +1 james. Good voice projection. [18:35:09] James_F, ^ [18:35:09] halfak: could you actually hear him? [18:35:12] notifications ? [18:35:12] Yes. [18:35:13] halfak: Next time hopefully I'll have a mike. [18:35:15] haha [18:35:17] halfak: Gosh. [18:35:27] James, I think there’s a 2nd mic [18:35:28] it didn't register on the volume indicator [18:35:31] there's a lot of mics. [18:35:39] There is, but it went walkies just as I needed to speak. [18:35:42] thanks James_F. [18:35:43] \o/ SUL finalization finally happening [18:35:52] Finally. [18:35:58] weeee [18:35:59] <^d> brion's evil-plans.txt will finally be complete! [18:36:00] Yep [18:36:00] * matanya won't believe until he sees it [18:36:04] >:D [18:36:12] Dan. :D [18:36:18] There's going to be a little temporary chaos, but it will be worth it. [18:36:23] * guillom attached his final unattached account today. [18:36:30] not to mention the headache for stewards [18:36:32] guillom: Congratulations! [18:36:35] i think i’ve got a stray one from a closed wiki ;) [18:36:53] brion: We should re-open the wikis temporarily to fix that. [18:36:57] brion: me too (aswikibooks) but I could still reset password and attach it [18:37:04] I am loving these slides [18:37:18] mi.wikibooks.org & sc.wiktionary.org [18:37:30] I hate that "(WMF)" is blocked for user account names on some wikis. [18:37:49] So even global sysadmin/staff rights accounts (hey!) can't auto-create. [18:37:54] brion: you can still log in on closed wikis, so you should be able to attach it, right? [18:38:01] <^d> jamesofur: Solution: just one account! [18:38:06] eeeeeeehe maybe [18:38:06] <^d> *James_F [18:38:13] I mean, I did it today, and it worked, so I'm guessing it's possible :) [18:38:16] ^d: I don't cross the streams. [18:38:25] ^d: It's a policy of mine. :-) [18:38:33] <^d> Solution: only have one solution :p [18:38:38] Psh. [18:38:45] ^d: +1 to 1 account. [18:38:49] <^d> s/solution/stream/ [18:39:24] Questions for SUL? [18:39:38] No questions, but a lot of encouragement [18:39:42] James_F: to be fair we just remove the rule to let them, it would be better if the override blacklist rule actually let you auto create an account though :) [18:39:44] <^d> James_F: Can we build a time machine instead and go back to fix this in retrospect? [18:39:51] it lets you CREATE an account, but not auto create [18:39:59] ^d: You mean, stop brion? ;-) [18:40:00] Q: will there be a sane way for users to rename their own global accoutns? [18:40:01] cndiv, can you add shahyar to the hangout [18:40:02] * superm401 claps [18:40:14] cndiv: Eloquence_MM says it's OK to add shahyar to the hangout, we may not have time to cut to demo [18:40:14] Eloquence_MM: I'll ping him the link [18:40:22] ta [18:40:56] not again [18:40:59] i wish we’d done login via email addresses at the beginning :) [18:41:06] brion: And no IP editing! [18:41:07] ;-) [18:41:18] brion, or at least not allowed multiple accounts per wiki with the same email. :) [18:41:21] privacy! :P [18:41:22] yeah [18:41:37] brion: yes [18:41:38] Eloquence_MM: He has the link. [18:41:42] James_F: tell him we (stewards) want to be more involved, if he wants us to help :) [18:41:42] kk [18:41:52] matanya: I'm sure he knows. :-) [18:42:01] matanya: I know that they plan to be reaching out to you pretty soon, likely next week [18:42:08] i guess my question is not urgent -- do you have a headache-inducing venn diagram of doom of all the different sets and subsets of people and accounts involved [18:42:11] good to know [18:42:34] Stewards, we will be reaching out soon, I don't want to promise a date but we will. [18:42:36] Anything more? [18:42:46] thanks rdaiccherlb [18:42:57] SORRY [18:43:13] :) [18:43:14] * James_F hugs brion. [18:43:15] <^d> James_F: I meant to go back and fix it when we had 2 wikis. [18:43:17] awwww [18:43:18] * sumanah also hugs brion [18:43:25] <^d> Rather than *after* we had several hundred wikis :p [18:43:26] We should go back farther in time, to when the second Wikipedia was created. [18:43:28] exactly :D [18:43:40] ^d: You mean, /before/ we had a second wiki. [18:43:42] ^d: yay growing tech debt ;) [18:43:51] ^d: Back in the good old days when we didn't have a German Wikipedia. Oh, wait. [18:44:00] yeah when we want usemod->php we ditched all the usemod accounts and started fresh [18:44:03] rdaiccherlb I volunteer to be your point of contact, if you wish [18:44:07] shoulda created a unified database then [18:44:10] *went [18:44:16] ^d: Don't forget to s/enwiki/enwikipedia/ while you are back in time [18:44:32] <^d> That too. [18:44:33] <^d> James_F: Well if a certain board candidacy had won.... ;-) [18:44:35] Oh, point. [18:44:37] <^d> We'd only have enwiki! [18:44:40] lol [18:44:42] * James_F laughs. [18:45:12] oh I am missing this lore/gossip [18:45:29] Same templates on server and client is pretty cool. [18:45:32] <^d> brion: Speaking of old stuff, I was trying to track down an lsearchd bug yesterday. I definitely had quite a few minutes of "HOW DOES THIS EVEN WORK?" [18:45:40] sumanah: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/Board_elections/2007/Candidates/en#User:Kate [18:45:45] superm401: agreed! [18:45:50] I think the rot started when we let Wiktionary fork. [18:45:50] * James_F stops trolling. [18:46:30] i like the new agora styles :) [18:46:43] :) [18:46:55] No transgressive, yet. [18:46:59] But there is regressive in the patch. [18:47:24] we’re using wikifont glyphs on the iOS app a lot too, it’s great [18:47:28] I think the rot started when we let Wiktionary fork. < You mean Wikipedia Dictionary? [18:47:34] don’t have to bundle separate resolution PNGs [18:47:41] no mention or regressive on https://tools.wmflabs.org/styleguide [18:47:59] ragesoss, not merged yet. [18:48:01] ragesoss: i believe the style guide is not up to date [18:48:16] Outdated documentation? Shocking, I say! [18:48:17] brion, that one should be. I think there's a cron job now IIRC. [18:48:21] shocking! [18:48:31] I'm pretty sure it's up to date with what's merged. [18:48:39] ah [18:49:04] guillom: "we let Wiktionary fork" == "we created Wiktionary as a fork of the community". [18:50:12] +1 sane discussion system \o/ [18:50:34] brion: When's it coming to mobile apps? [18:50:39] James_F: I was attempting to get you back into trolling, by referring to the old proposal of renaming non-Wikipedia projects to "Wikipedia ". I failed miserably. [18:50:47] guillom: Oh, yeah, forgot about that. [18:50:52] guillom: That's a new proposal. :-) [18:50:54] Looks forward to subscribing to a single topic. [18:50:55] (Questions?) [18:50:56] James_F: probably a quarter or two down the line, but we’re keeping an eye on it [18:51:05] mobile web is starting on it now [18:51:10] we’ll steal some of their ideas for apps ;) [18:51:11] Awesome. [18:51:18] so, I wasn’t able to actually show you or discuss it due to my limited bandwidth at the moment, but if you have technical questions about Flow, shoot [18:51:23] I can always answer them in IRC [18:51:40] That too. :-) [18:51:41] <^d> mw.org is definitely the real world. [18:51:42] we’re real excited about being able to do push notifications in apps for instance :D (optionally, obviously) [18:51:43] "mediawiki.org is totally the real world," she said, sulking [18:51:57] * James_F loves that ^d and sumanah so clearly agree. [18:52:08] Q: when does flow get deployed everywhere? [18:52:11] brion: That'd be nice. [18:52:32] sumanah, save it for @wmf_microfiction? :) [18:53:54] If only there was some way of combining multiple Wikimedia wikis [18:54:10] Er, wiki accounts [18:54:17] superm401: There is. [18:54:24] James_F, that was a joke reference to SUL [18:54:32] FYI: Flow is currently responsive, so it scales down to mobile. however, there are some features that remain to be polished (eg. tooltips) for handheld devices. [18:54:36] superm401: Ask Deskana|Away about the global merge user tool. It's slightly scary. [18:54:39] This is not *really* on topic for Danny, but maybe it's as much up his alley as anyone's... This is the best thing ever for making my life as an editor more efficient: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Writ_Keeper/Scripts/commonHistory.js [18:54:49] superm401: Oh, right. :-) [18:55:15] It'd be great to see something similar in Notifications and Flow, to make it easy to see the entirety of new additions to a discussion without actually loading the discussion page. [18:55:41] <^d> Coincidentally, we *can* combine multiple wikis too. It's called export/import. [18:55:41] ragesoss: I'll point it out to him. [18:55:46] Now fundraising. [18:55:59] ^d: With millions of mis-attributions without SUL. [18:56:01] Thanks again James_F. [18:56:23] Yay fundraising! Yay my salary! :) [18:56:26] ^d: Apparently dewiki has been using Special:Import with abandon for a while. [18:56:29] James_F, right, or without single user finalization (SUF), which my poorly done joke was supposed to be about. [18:56:29] :D [18:56:43] <^d> James_F: Well if we combine them all into one wiki.....no need for SUL anymore! [18:56:45] superm401: Ha, right. Sorry. :-) [18:57:05] ragesoss: that’s something we’ve thought about, but doesn’t fit into our current plan. [18:57:32] ^d: I think we should just get https://wiki/pedia/en/User:Foo [18:57:32] for future reference, people who are new, it used to be that in every metrics meeting Geoff from Legal would tell a lawyer joke [18:57:44] sumanah, aw, that must have been before my time. [18:58:01] <^d> James_F: Ewwww, scam gTLDs! [18:58:05] James_F, there was some talk about us getting en.wiki [18:58:09] There will be a .wiki TLD [18:58:13] Not sure the status. [18:58:38] <^d> Right now it's before ICANN to get them to release two-letter domains from .wiki [18:58:38] ^d: Not a scam if we owned it. [18:58:44] shhhhhhh! [18:58:44] brion that's cool with the WikiFont. There's a patch to add that to core [18:58:55] ^d: en.wiki/pedia/…? Meh [18:58:59] last famous words James_F [18:59:03] matanya: :-) [18:59:13] <^d> James_F: I'm opposed to the whole *.wiki [18:59:40] OMG, somebody just deleted the main page! [18:59:40] ^d: We should just instantiate '.'. [18:59:49] radio silence! [18:59:51] for a second I thought Erik was saying my name when he was trying to pronounce Sherah [18:59:52] end of the world! [19:00:06] ^d: So "http://en.wikipedia/" :-) [19:00:35] yes! [19:00:47] ragesoss: there's a living style guide built from the CSS+LESS \o/, but it doesn't explain the states either http://ee-flow-extra.wmflabs.org/w/docs/kss/static/section-2.html [19:00:49] GuideStar thing is cool, congratulations. [19:01:09] $50.5! [19:01:13] <^d> James_F: Or, en.wikipedia.org! [19:01:14] Thank you donors! [19:01:15] <^d> What do you know [19:01:17] We appreciate it. [19:01:18] <^d> We already have it [19:01:23] ^d: Indeed. ;-) [19:01:42] <^d> Maybe we can get wikipedia.museum [19:01:48] I never saw a banner, does that indicate i'm poor ? [19:01:51] <^d> Because everyone loves a good .museum gTLD [19:01:55] Would that have brion's baseball cap? [19:02:08] matanya, we only show them to logged out users [19:02:18] why mwalker? [19:02:32] the current thought is that if you're logged in, you're editing and that's contribution enough [19:02:37] thanks spagewmf. excited to see these becoming more widely available. The forms styles are hitting core soon too, right? [19:02:44] mwalker, I wish being logged in meant you were editing. [19:02:47] Would make my job easier. [19:02:54] about $15USD [19:03:15] superm401: Maybe we should make it true? ;-) [19:03:23] James_F, part of my job. :) [19:03:29] superm401: Pseudo-accounts aren't that insane. [19:03:39] superm401: Not quite my meaning. [19:03:44] ragesoss, some are already, e.g. the blue highlight. [19:03:50] Questions for Fundraising? [19:03:57] I meant "I wish "logged in implies editing"" [19:04:05] Ooooh. Yeah. [19:04:06] Not 'I wish "editing implies logged in". [19:04:09] how can I help localise ? [19:04:13] * James_F mis-read, sorry. [19:04:18] No problem. [19:04:22] matanya: Translators-l gets the requests. [19:04:27] ok [19:04:30] thanks [19:04:31] superm401: maybe I'll take another quick jab at making inputbox use the new styles. [19:04:42] ragesoss, cool. [19:05:00] matanya, you can talk to the-wub [19:05:04] he's our coordinator [19:05:25] I think most people are not aware of this [19:05:40] here you go [19:05:40] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising/Translation [19:05:45] James_F: [19:05:53] Thanks meganhernandez. [19:06:01] mwalker, who is the-wub? Feel like I should know this. [19:06:08] Africa is also really low. [19:06:11] Peter Coombe; he's based in the UK [19:06:18] mwalker, ah, thanks. [19:06:41] Thanks everyone! [19:07:24] thanks! [19:07:28] Thanks all [19:07:30] Thanks! [19:07:34] thanks! [19:07:54] yay! off to grab a lunch [19:08:09] bye all :) [19:08:18] bye! [19:33:50] James_F: do you know if anyone has tried to use VE with SMW? [19:34:19] Emufarmers_: I believe someone said they'd got it working. [19:34:26] Emufarmers_: I've not tried it myself. [19:34:34] I don't suppose you recall who? :-) [19:34:45] No, sorry. [19:34:52] Alrighty, thanks. [19:45:28] ---- [19:45:30] Henk van Hal holystische fysioterapie, in jouw lichaam is de antwoorden. [19:45:31] JIJ KRIJD CONTACT MIJ NU!!!! LAAT JE VERWONDEREN. [19:45:33] www.henkvanhal.com [19:46:09] ---- [19:46:11] Henk van Hal holystische fysioterapie, in jouw lichaam is de antwoorden. [19:46:13] JIJ KRIJD CONTACT MIJ NU!!!! LAAT JE VERWONDEREN. [19:46:14] www.henkvanhal.com [19:46:40] hoho [19:48:43] ragesoss, superm401 : the "Agora 2013" left-side blue bar for active input field is not yet in core, you still get the old blue glow. [19:49:10] spagewmf, oh yeah. [19:49:18] ah, thanks. [19:49:40] ---- [19:49:42] Henk van Hal holystische fysioterapie, in jouw lichaam is de antwoorden. [19:49:43] JIJ KRIJD CONTACT MIJ NU!!!! LAAT JE VERWONDEREN. [19:49:45] www.henkvanhal.com [19:50:23] !ops [19:50:40] seriously? [19:50:46] Maggie_Dennis: ^ [19:50:53] legoktm: maggie is the only op around I think [19:50:57] :/ [19:51:20] why don't we have more ops in here...? [19:51:30] legoktm: philippe removed them [19:51:32] legoktm, good question [19:52:50] Thanks Maggie_Dennis. [19:52:58] Maggie_Dennis: can you set /mode +b *!*@ [19:53:16] perfect [19:53:37] QueenOfFrance: can we turn on global bans here? [19:53:43] James_F or Maggie_Dennis: you guys might want to consider opting the channel into our global bans system [19:53:48] legoktm: it's not my channel [19:54:00] ok :) [19:54:07] or talking to philippe about opting it in [19:54:15] I'll ping Philippe, QueenOfFrance. [19:54:31] thanks :) [20:00:49] Maggie_Dennis: If you want I can help op'ing the channel [20:04:53] matanya, I can pass that offer along. :) Thanks! [20:05:41] I come to serve [20:09:35] matanya: the channel used to have community ops, they were removed by philippe a while ago, under apparent directions from higher ups at the foundation (same higher ups who got most non-staffers removed as wikimediafoundation.org admins) [20:10:17] well, ok. I offer :) [20:11:50] matanya: mhm, just don't hold your breath for it :) [20:12:14] it is not on my top volunteering activity either :D [20:12:21] ;-) [21:25:18] ah that's useful, jamesofur [21:25:20] thank you [21:25:35] o7 yeah, sounds like it could be helpful