[21:03:56] Hi folks! This is Chris Schilling, the Program Officer a final proposal clinic for folks working on Project Grant proposals! [21:04:06] oops :( [21:04:20] let me try that again! [21:04:25] This is Chris Schilling, the Program Officer for Project Grants. [21:04:58] I'm hosting a proposal clinic for folks working on their Project Grant proposal, so if you have questions or need some support, please feel free to join the current session: [21:05:05] https://meet.google.com/yxi-wkzf-ipd [21:05:26] I'll be here for just under the next hour. You can also put a message here if you would prefer. [22:03:33] Hi folks, the proposal clinic for Project Grants has ended. Thanks for everyone who was able to join!