[06:40:03] I've changed WebPageTest and the some of the tests against WebPageReplay to use 1920x1080 a minute ago, so if alerts fire that's probably the reason. [16:27:46] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1inejuvPONXPOLKTCcUzOBhPh6QOckMcltnR-E3xyZVQ/edit?ts=5f809f01#heading=h.odc700in1ypg TPAC agenda, first session is ongoing [17:14:32] worth bookmarking: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/speed/metrics_changelog/README.md [20:23:54] dpifke: did you end up deploying the preconnect hint to group1 and group2? [20:24:23] Not yet, need to take a look at metrics first.