[07:37:09] hello zeljkof [07:38:39] hi vikasyaligar [07:39:26] zeljkof: did you look into why the screenshot job was failing ? [07:39:46] vikasyaligar: oops, no [07:40:14] will do in an hour or two, I have to finish something first [07:40:29] ok thank you :) [08:52:41] good morning!ç [08:52:53] zeljkof: I am back :] [08:53:05] hashar: welcome back! :) [08:53:45] zeljkof: how are the browser tests behaving ? [08:53:54] hashar: good, in general [08:54:11] I have to debug vikas' job now, there is something wrong [08:55:37] hello hashar ! welcome back :) [09:01:51] vikas: starting to debug the job now [09:02:16] zeljkof: great ! thank you [09:03:52] hashar: Is it possible to give me configure permission to this job => "https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/view/BrowserTests/job/browsertests-VisualEditor-language-screenshot-linux-firefox-sauce/" ? [09:11:39] vikas: we don't grant configuration rights to volunteers sorry :-D [09:12:19] vikas: but you can pair with us to adjust the config [09:12:23] what is going wrong there? [09:12:35] hashar: I am looking at it right now [09:12:43] it used to work, but now breaks [09:12:50] it seems the job used to mostly pass until build #59 [09:13:28] 03:15:13 EmptyPass (MediawikiApi::LoginError) [09:13:57] zeljkof: maybe we should drop the --backtrace option from cucumber [09:14:09] I am not sure there is any added value in throwing out huge ruby backtraces [09:14:18] 03:15:43 Throttled (MediawikiApi::LoginError) [09:14:19] doh [09:14:33] maybe it attempts to login every single time [09:14:47] iirc some wikis prevent more than X logins per Y minute or something like that [09:14:51] hashar: yes, we should do some tweaking, I would like to keep it until we debug selenium problems [09:15:09] hashar: no, first it fails, then it rejects it after a few failures [09:15:21] probably an env variable is not set (correctly) [09:15:31] hashar: by the way, I have started playing with vim [09:15:40] it is strange, but I like it so far [09:16:10] ah I see the first error is an EmptyPass [09:19:05] bah memcached is dead on apaches :/ [09:19:09] on beta cluster I mean [09:19:24] hashar: fun times :) [09:19:33] I think I have found the problem [09:19:33] testing [09:19:42] (the problem with VE job) [09:19:50] vikas: ^ [09:20:15] ah ! really ! let me check [09:22:15] zeljkof: I am rebooting the beta cluster apaches [09:22:18] one after the otehr [09:22:37] vikas: looks like you need to login (via api) from every scenario in language_screenshots.feature [09:23:05] checking if every scenario, or just a few [09:29:15] zeljkof: It logins every time for each scenario [09:30:12] vikas: then we have to either tag all scenarios, or the feature [09:30:18] do yo know how to do it? [09:30:31] you need to add tag @login to the to of the file [09:30:44] hashar: should not be a problem, I will bug you or zeljkof, whenever required :) [09:32:55] zeljkof: vikas I think beta cluster is broken now :-] [09:33:26] vikas: looks like the last three scenarios do not need to login (lines 109, 114, 119) [09:33:40] hashar: any estimates on when it will be back up? [09:34:36] zeljkof: it is running fine :-] [09:34:47] I had a typo in my URL hehe [09:35:15] zeljkof: but it is working on my system, also VE tests with similar steps are passing without using @login tag ? [09:36:18] vikas: we slightly differently assign env variables on jenkins machine [09:36:18] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-selenium/blob/master/lib/mediawiki_selenium/support/hooks.rb#L17 [09:36:42] so we could hide the actual passwords from being displayed in console output [09:38:22] zeljkof: ah ! that makes sense, will do it right away [09:42:45] zeljkof: I think last three scenarios(line 109,114,119) also require login tag as I am using "Given I am logged in" in 109, 114 and 119 uses API inside another step [09:43:18] vikas: feel free to add @login tag to the top of the file [09:43:27] we can tweak it later, if needed [09:50:13] zeljkof: ok ! it will take a bit of time, looks like I have to install git review in my new system :) [09:50:50] vikas: did you buy a mac? [09:51:04] zeljkof: yes I did :) [09:51:11] vikas: woohoo :) [09:51:14] do you like it so far? [09:51:30] zeljkof: yup I am loving it :) [10:32:28] lunch time bbl [10:38:50] Whenever I try git review I get this error => fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor/' any ideas ? [10:57:52] vikas: can you post the entire stack trace? [10:58:05] (somewhere and link it here) [11:04:17] zeljkof: here it is => https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/vikas-gerrit [11:05:32] vikas: which version of git review do you have? [11:05:40] why is it complaining that you have an old version? [11:08:29] zeljkof: I am using the older one itself(1.23); The one we followed before using "pip install git-review==1.23" [11:08:43] why? isnt't that problem fixed? [11:09:02] zeljkof: I get some other error ! Let me try that again [11:09:07] I am using 1.24 [11:09:17] oh ! it is fixed ? [11:09:39] vikas: I think so, try finding the thread on wikitech [11:09:48] let me know if you can not find it [11:15:22] * zeljkof is out to lunch [11:25:00] zeljkof: I am getting the same error => https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/vikas-gerrit [11:57:16] vikas: are you sure you have provided the correct username and password? [11:57:41] try typing your password in a text file, maybe mac keyboard is different [12:02:31] zeljkof: I tried it ! but no luck :( [12:02:55] can you log in to gerrit from the browser? [12:03:22] yes ! [12:06:39] hashar: how many jobs can wikimedia integration run in parallel like how we have done in language screenshot job ? [12:06:46] hashar: around? [12:06:55] I have a bash and a vim question :) [12:08:58] vikas: is there a reason you have cloned the repo via https? [12:09:03] why not via ssh? [12:12:26] zeljkof: trying it out :) [12:15:09] vikas: left a comment on your commit [12:15:59] zeljkof: ah ! ya tahnk you for that :) [12:16:04] *thank [12:18:57] ah ! finally pushed it with new laptop ! thank you that ssh worked :) [12:19:10] vikas: zeljkof yup around [12:19:44] vikas: it depends. Most jobs can run in parallel. They are assigned labels which are available on slaves [12:19:47] vikas: ssh ftw :) [12:19:55] vikas: each slave has some executor slots. [12:20:22] vikas: we have 3 slaves in labs with each 5 executors. So jobs bound to those slaves can have up to 15 parallel runs :) [12:20:38] zeljkof: shoot your bash / vim questions! :D [12:20:54] hashar: wow ! awesome :) thank you for that information :) [12:21:18] hashar: if I want to fold ruby code in vim, do I have to put anything in .vimrc? [12:21:31] zeljkof: ah [12:21:41] hashar: this is what I have so far https://github.com/zeljkofilipin/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc [12:21:44] zeljkof: you probably need a fancy vim plugin [12:22:02] hashar: I just need _any_ folding for now [12:22:04] zeljkof: what does "set foldmethod" yields? [12:22:12] vim has several way to handle folding [12:22:17] it does not have to be ruby specific [12:22:22] the most popular being 'indent' which is based on spaces / tabs [12:22:27] the other one is 'syntax' [12:22:39] which uses some regex in the ruby syntax file (if there is any) [12:22:41] foldmethod=manual [12:23:05] set foldmethod=syntax [12:23:05] set foldlevelstart=99 " default to unfolded [12:23:07] that is what I have [12:23:35] so I should put this in .vimrc? set foldmethod=syntax [12:23:41] yup [12:23:45] and it might just work [12:24:08] /usr/share/vim/vim74/syntax/ruby.vim describe the ruby syntax has it is known by vim [12:24:18] it probably has some other settings [12:24:30] my file has stuff like: ruby_space_errors ruby_no_tab_space_error etc [12:24:38] iirc you can set them with: [12:24:48] let ruby_no_tab_space_error=1 [12:24:48] let ruby_operators=1 [12:24:55] that will enable the relevant code in the syntax file [12:25:24] zeljkof: you most probably want to install a third party plugin though [12:25:27] example https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby [12:25:41] hashar: sure, later, I just need to fold something now :) [12:26:15] to easily manage vim plugins / have them load automatically, you want to use https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen [12:33:06] vikas: merged the commit [12:33:17] hashar: and bash question follows [12:33:30] how would I delete all branches except master and cloudbees? [12:33:40] this is what I have so far [12:33:41] https://github.com/zeljkofilipin/dotfiles/blob/master/.mrconfig#L5 [12:33:59] zeljkof: thank you, let me rerun the job [12:34:39] I remember trying to make it work last week, but was doing something wrong with grep arguments in this piped line [12:35:02] vikas: ping me if it still breaks [12:36:13] hashar: and how to tell vim that I want all spaces displayed? [12:36:28] I found how to do it for tabs, line ends and stuff, but not for regular old spaces [12:37:06] zeljkof: https://github.com/hashar/alix/blob/master/vimrc#L66 line 66 to 69 [12:37:32] zeljkof: lines 71 to 74 are to highlight in cyan the non breaking spaces created with Ctrl + Space (iirc) [12:37:38] which are very annoying [12:37:58] there is a bunch of other interesting thing in that vim file :] [12:38:10] I have some plugins list at https://github.com/hashar/alix/tree/master/vim [12:38:36] hashar: I do not really care about trailing spaces and stuff, just any normal old space [12:38:42] https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter is quite useful [12:38:52] ahhh [12:39:05] like spaces represented by a small dot ? [12:39:09] yes [12:39:13] something like taht [12:39:14] that [12:39:53] zeljkof: have a look at list and listchars [12:40:02] :help nolist [12:40:27] something like set lcs=tab:>-,eol:<,nbsp:% [12:40:36] hashar: I was looking there, slightly overwhelmed right now :) [12:40:46] and http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Highlight_unwanted_spaces [12:41:05] or just: set list lcs=trail:·,tab:»· (from http://usevim.com/2013/02/27/understanding-listchars/ ) [12:41:11] hashar: yes, found that too, but they highlight a ton of stuff, but not regular spaces [12:41:34] hashar: anyway, thanks, will take a look [13:13:51] 3Wikimedia / 3Quality Assurance: Mark flaky tests in Jenkins - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/64957#c8 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) 5ASSI>3RESO/FIX The browser tests have been migrated out of Cloudbees to Wikimedia Jenkins. They should all have the claim plugin enabled now. [13:24:56] zeljkof: do you have a minute? [13:25:03] Tobi_WMDE: sure [13:25:32] there was a new version of page-object released on saturday: https://github.com/cheezy/page-object/blob/master/ChangeLog [13:25:35] version 1.0.1 [13:26:11] this is causing issues now with the tests: http://wdjenkins.wmflabs.org/ci/job/wikibase-build-browsertests-saucelabs/83/console [13:26:29] but I do not understand exactly why [13:26:35] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: Set up integration slaves with Ubuntu Trusty - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68256 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [13:26:36] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Set up automatic builds for extensions ported to HHVM - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63120#c4 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Blocked by Bug 68256 - Jenkins: Set up integration slaves with Ubuntu Trusty [13:26:51] Tobi_WMDE: let me see [13:27:01] and I'm asking if you had similar issues or if you just did not update to the new page-object version yet [13:27:17] Tobi_WMDE: we explicitly updated to 1.0, wee needed a feature [13:27:19] if I use version 1.0 it is fine [13:27:26] not sure if we updated to 1.0.1 anywhere [13:27:34] version 1.0.1 is not working for me [13:27:58] Tobi_WMDE: by the way, I can not pair at usual time on Thursday, can we move it to 9:30-10:30? [13:27:59] and the "enhancement" that broke it for me was "* Checks the name of generated methods to ensure they do not colide with existing page-object methods" [13:28:28] zeljkof: I'll check my calendar [13:28:28] or 4-5pm? [13:28:48] or the usual time, but on Friday? [13:29:16] I am mostly free on Friday, so any time 9am-3pm is fine with me [13:29:16] zeljkof: what about 2-3 on friday? [13:29:20] would that also work? [13:29:31] sure, 2-3 pm on Friday [13:29:39] ok, I'll move it then [13:29:40] will update the event in the calendar [13:29:55] oh, now I see, it is in your calendar :) [13:29:57] please do [13:30:08] zeljkof: done :) [13:30:46] zeljkof: if you don't have time to look into the problem right now it's fine if we do it on friday [13:30:58] I'll stick with version 1.0 till then [13:31:25] Tobi_WMDE: please do, I will take a quick look, but I am in the middle of something completely different [13:31:39] ok, then let's talk on friday [13:31:43] Tobi_WMDE: Identifier 'username' conflicts with page-object method of the same name (NameError) [13:31:45] ouch [13:31:58] I did not know page-object had such method [13:32:27] zeljkof: I tried to change the name but it doesn't matter to what I change it (also a random string) the error would not go away [13:32:40] http://rdoc.info/gems/page-object [13:32:47] and I can not find "username" in method list [13:32:48] so, there's something really broken [13:33:05] yes, looks like there is a bug [13:33:32] revert to 1.0 until friday, we can report the bug then [13:33:40] ok [13:33:41] thx [13:33:55] Tobi_WMDE: https://github.com/cheezy/page-object/issues/223#issuecomment-49603714 [13:34:01] looks like 1.0.1 is broken [13:34:25] ha! ok [13:34:28] then.. [13:34:42] guess they'll fix it until friday if it is broken for everybody [13:35:07] "they" is just one person, not sure if he will have the time this week .) [13:35:08] :) [13:36:06] zeljkof: right! I always forget this [13:36:23] page-object is a small project [13:36:32] but it is safe to go back to 1.0 until it is fixed [13:37:08] hashar: around? [13:38:02] hashar: what do we need to do, to have a (local, clean) mediawiki instance available when running a jenkins job? [13:38:38] for example, I would like to run this test using a local mediawiki (it is api test) [13:38:39] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-ruby-api/blob/master/spec/client_spec.rb [13:45:51] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Track and graph mean time to merge - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68114#c1 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Created attachment 15992 --> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/attachment.cgi?id=15992&action=edit Mean time spent in Zuul/Jenkins by Mediawiki core changes after the... [13:47:01] zeljkof: there is a bunch of macro in jjb to create a wiki [13:47:09] but they are very hacky [13:54:43] hashar: are we able to use mediawiki-vagrant there? [13:54:52] I just need a clean wiki [13:57:06] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Alert when time to merge (from +2 in Gerrit to merged in git) exceeds a known bad limit - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68113#c1 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Created attachment 15993 --> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/attachment.cgi?id=15993&action=edit Gearman queue... [14:00:21] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Alert when time to merge (from +2 in Gerrit to merged in git) exceeds a known bad limit - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68113#c2 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Created attachment 15994 --> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/attachment.cgi?id=15994&action=edit Gearman queue... [14:02:05] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Alert when time to merge (from +2 in Gerrit to merged in git) exceeds a known bad limit - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68113#c3 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Note: a similar graph is available on our Zuul homepage at https://integration.wikimedia.org/zuul/ . That is the... [14:02:36] zeljkof: na can't use mediawiki vagrant [14:02:43] we don't have vagrant on Jenkins slaves :/ [14:03:21] zeljkof: the qunit jobs are using a mediawiki install [14:03:25] macro.yaml qunit-querystring [14:03:28] that is ugly [14:04:09] hashar: is there a reason we do not have vagrant on slaves? [14:04:21] zeljkof: in the same file there is a macro "browsertests" which I created to run browser tests against a fresh wiki [14:04:25] lamely copy pasted :/ [14:04:33] no use for vagrant yet ? [14:04:47] the aim is to run tests in isolated instances that are fresh and destroyed after a test is run [14:04:57] we would need a thin wrapper to easily setup mediawiki [14:05:07] hashar: wouldn't vagrant be perfect for that? [14:05:17] to populate an instance yes [14:05:21] it has roles [14:05:29] the idea would be to use vagrant to populates images [14:05:30] no roles is just a clean wiki [14:05:42] then use either docker or openstack (most probably openstack) to boot instances out of that image [14:05:51] and let developers do whatever they want [14:06:02] hashar: how hard would that be to do? [14:06:23] oh [14:06:34] not that hard [14:06:36] just long [14:06:45] we lacked resources on ops side for most of last year [14:06:52] and most of the beginning of this year [14:06:56] that is being resurected [14:07:00] I wrote a RFC about it [14:07:13] and gotta figure out a technical architecture with ops then get stuff done [14:08:33] hashar: ok, so not a quick hack :) [14:08:40] nop :-] [14:08:50] Timo and I want something that is robust and scales well [14:08:55] and maintainable [14:09:08] though that will end up with a slightly complicated / overkill architecture :D [14:09:14] but it will be able to scale very well [14:16:28] hashar: thanks [14:44:07] (03PS1) 10Zfilipin: Use "let" keyword to define local variables [ruby/api] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148083 [14:46:59] (03PS1) 10Zfilipin: json gem is not used in tests [ruby/api] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148085 [15:14:38] zeljkof: I am off, will be back in the evening [15:14:51] hasharMeeting: see you later then [15:14:52] zeljkof: will eventually have to figure out one day how to set up a fresh mediawiki install easily :] [15:15:09] meanwhile, I got to migrate Zuul and work on isolating Jenkins jobs in disposable instances hehe [15:15:12] see you later! [17:49:53] hey, I notice http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page no longer has "beta" spray-painted on its top-left logo. Is this intentional? It makes it harder to tell from real enwiki. [17:50:03] s/tell/distinguish/ [17:54:23] spagewmf: It has beta on the logo for me. [17:56:37] JohnLewis: hmm, not in Firefox. According to Firebug There's an element.style with a background-image: url("//upload.beta.wmflabs.org/wikipedia/en/b/bc/Wiki.png") that obscures the #p.logo a with a background-image: url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b3/Wikipedia-logo-v2-en.svg/204px-Wikipedia-logo-v2-en.svg.png") !important [17:56:51] the former doesn't have spray paint, the latter does. [17:57:37] works as expected in Chromium [17:58:07] I'm using Chromium so that's why. Hm. [17:59:29] oh I see where it is; hold on :) [18:00:56] uh, I think other way around. The #p.logo a doesn't have spray and you see it in Firefox. [18:01:34] I hate errors when saving pages :( [18:02:19] spagewmf: try now? Might have to purge cache though - I don't know how FireFox does it [18:03:37] JohnLewis: fixed in new private window, thanks! [18:05:13] someday a spray-painted red 'β' on the beta labs favicon [18:06:04] Yeah, spagewmf: make one and force it on :D [18:06:20] http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Common.css&diff=114356&oldid=112015 fwiw is what I did :) [18:06:35] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Set up automatic builds for extensions ported to HHVM - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/63120#c5 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Ori, can you craft a puppet class that provides all the packages? You can add them to modules/contint/manifests/packages.pp , the class is includ... [18:08:20] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: [OPS] Jenkins: Package for mobile jobs (androidsdk, libdclass) missing in Trusty - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68259#c2 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) The packages were needed to use the Android SDK and provide nightly build of the mobile apps. I am pretty sure the nig... [18:17:36] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: browserstests puppet manifest fails on "File[/var/lib/elasticsearch]:ensure" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68260#c2 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) 5PATC>3NEW The problem is that the elasticsearch package creates /var/lib/elasticsearch and populate it with s... [18:24:37] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: core mediawiki.util test failing in Flow qunit Jenkins jobs - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68188#c3 (10Jon) Correct.. but the test it refers to is a core test that Flow shouldn't be interfering with. Does anyone know why we might be getting this issue? I just can't... [18:31:20] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Add jenkins jobs for mediawiki/skins/CologneBlue , Nostalgia, Modern, Example - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926#c7 (10Bartosz Dziewoński) (Example skin too, please: https://git.wikimedia.org/tree/mediawiki%2Fskins%2FExample.git) [18:41:21] (03PS1) 10Hashar: php lint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) [18:50:07] chrismcmahon: thoughts? https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68188 [18:50:21] (03PS2) 10Hashar: php lint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) [18:50:47] (03CR) 10Hashar: "Keeps camelcasing" [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) (owner: 10Hashar) [18:56:45] greg-g: I know approximately zero about qunit, so nope [18:57:50] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: core mediawiki.util test failing in Flow qunit Jenkins jobs - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68188#c4 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) Jon, it might be a regression in mw/core or Flow badly interacting with that specific case. A way to reproduce would be to have a fresh med... [18:58:09] chrismcmahonafk: /me nods, hashar just replied with some hints [19:04:52] (03PS1) 10MaxSem: Make PageTriage tests voting [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148135 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68205) [19:05:03] (03PS1) 10Hashar: phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148136 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) [19:07:53] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148136 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) (owner: 10Hashar) [19:08:04] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148136 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) (owner: 10Hashar) [19:08:11] (03PS3) 10Hashar: phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) [19:21:08] (03PS4) 10Hashar: php lint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) [19:24:11] (03PS5) 10Hashar: phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) [19:24:27] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) (owner: 10Hashar) [19:24:59] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: phplint jobs for MediaWiki skins [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148130 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926) (owner: 10Hashar) [19:27:36] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Add jenkins jobs for mediawiki/skins/CologneBlue, Nostalgia, Modern, Example - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926#c12 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) I have configured Jenkins and Zuul to trigger a phplint job. The configuration and tests jobs are sharing the same Change-... [19:27:36] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Add jenkins jobs for mediawiki/skins/CologneBlue, Nostalgia, Modern, Example - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) 5PATC>3NEW [19:38:36] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: All repositories should pass jshint test (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/60619 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [19:38:36] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Add jenkins jobs for mediawiki/skins/CologneBlue, Nostalgia, Modern, Example - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/66926 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [20:14:15] (03PS2) 10Hashar: Make PageTriage tests voting [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148135 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68205) (owner: 10MaxSem) [20:14:50] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 04-1] Make PageTriage tests voting (031 comment) [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148135 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68205) (owner: 10MaxSem) [20:22:31] (03PS3) 10MaxSem: Make PageTriage tests voting [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148135 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68205) [20:25:51] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: core mediawiki.util test failing in Flow qunit Jenkins jobs - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68188#c5 (10Jon) Okay I can replicate this now. Thanks for the hint :) [20:36:50] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Setup QUnit tests on Jenkins for Flow - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/67734#c16 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) According to Bug 68188 - "core mediawiki.util test failing in Flow qunit Jenkins jobs", the job is passing now. One should edit Zuul configuration file in ssh:/... [20:45:52] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: Set up integration slaves with Ubuntu Trusty - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68256#c1 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) We have integration-slave1004-trusty.eqiad.wmflabs instance to play with. It is not pooled in Jenkins though. [20:56:52] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: label slaves with their ubuntu version - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68340 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) 3NEW p:3Unprio s:3normal a:3None To prevent jobs from roaming between different Ubuntu versions (i.e. Precise / Trusty) we need different labels ap... [20:57:23] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: label slaves with their ubuntu version - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68340 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [20:57:23] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: Set up integration slaves with Ubuntu Trusty - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68256 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) [21:05:35] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: Job runner slaves in labs no longer updated by puppet - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68254#c4 (10Greg Grossmeier) (In reply to Antoine "hashar" Musso from comment #3) > Cleared out /var/log/diamond/diamond.log on the three slaves + on > puppetmaster. Has th... [21:12:20] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: browserstests puppet manifest fails on "File[/var/lib/elasticsearch]:ensure" - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68260#c4 (10Antoine "hashar" Musso) I have created the instance integration-slave1004-trusty.eqiad.wmflabs , switched it to use the project puppetmast... [21:41:14] (03PS1) 10Dzahn: add jzerebecki to trusted users in zuul [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148238 [21:43:00] (03CR) 10Matanya: [C: 031] "Yes! trusted." [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148238 (owner: 10Dzahn) [21:58:34] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 04-1] "email need to be added at two places :-D" (031 comment) [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148238 (owner: 10Dzahn) [22:04:34] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Setup QUnit tests on Jenkins for Flow - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/67734#c17 (10Jon) You can make this happen now. It might motivate people to merge the other patch ;-) [22:06:39] (03PS1) 10Jdlrobson: Make Flow QUnit tests voting [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148244 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/67734) [22:09:22] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: Job runner slaves in labs no longer updated by puppet - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68254#c5 (10Chase) what is the _latest_ time stamp for these logs. My guess is they are orphaned and can be removed. [22:23:35] 3Wikimedia / 3Continuous integration: Jenkins: Job runner slaves in labs no longer updated by puppet - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/68254#c6 (10Greg Grossmeier) Looks like the underlying issue has already been fixed, thanks Chase. https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66458 Confirmation that p... [22:25:24] (03PS2) 10Dzahn: add jzerebecki to trusted users in zuul [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148238 [22:25:24] (03PS1) 10Ori.livneh: Fix-up for I2cddc62d421: Fix unbalanced parens in regex [operations/apache-config] (betacluster) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/148250 [23:07:28] FYI: while the Beta Cluster db is locked due to the schema update, ori is going to A) upgrade us from precise-trusty and B) switch to HHVM [23:09:54] nvm, the schema update is causing jenkins to fill up with pending merges, which ori needs to do the work [23:44:13] Never mind the never mind, beta is running on hhvm -- http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Version