[14:44:40] _o/ [15:46:09] \o [18:16:57] halfak, what is the most efficient way to get the full text of a specific revision from wmflabs? [18:17:12] API [18:17:21] How many revisions do you want the full text for? [18:22:29] kjschiroo, ^ [18:23:43] probably several thousand. I was just wanting to know if there was an easier way of doing it. For some reason I remember my process getting killed everytime I tried using the api without acting as suggestbot. [18:25:18] Hmm... I dunno about processes getting killed. I don't see why that would be necessary. [18:29:08] It has been a while so I could be wrong about that [18:30:32] Check out this example use of mwapi: https://github.com/mediawiki-utilities/python-mwapi/blob/master/demo_queries.py#L35 [18:30:47] I'd do something like this for getting a large set of revision text based on a set of rev_ids. [18:31:10] You might also want to include some error handling in case there is an outage or other blip.