[13:06:33] what's the last day when I can use toolserver? [13:09:14] liangent: most tools are dead by now, I think [13:09:29] users can extend their stay for a while [13:09:38] liangent: I think the deadline was previously June 30th, and I'll have to extend dbreps till that. [13:10:18] scfc_de: you noticed the tool expiration mails? [13:10:32] most tools were set to expire today [13:10:43] valhallasw: I know, that's why I have to extend dbreps :-). [13:10:56] Ahh. I should learn how to parse English. [13:11:05] note that you cannot do that with acctrenew [13:11:09] you have to mail ts-admins [13:11:17] I learned yesterday :-). [13:11:19] :-) [13:15:22] note that you cannot do that with acctrenew << what happened? [13:15:31] I acctrenew'ed a few days ago [13:21:09] liangent: You can't extend a tool's account with acctrenew. [13:21:17] (MMP.) [13:23:23] scfc_de: ya I don't have a MMP yet [13:29:42] liangent: "Yet"?! :-) [13:33:15] scfc_de: to try out MMP before toolserver is shut down [14:02:55] michaƂ