[03:23:43] [02Q - 06Visitor-Yu] surge [03:23:45] [02Q - 06Visitor-Yu] 怎么用 [14:21:07] 03< Telegram: hym hym 加入群組 > [14:38:48] 抱歉小弟近日學務繁重。 JWong 電郵收悉,已經全部設置。 [14:39:29] 谢谢 [14:41:04] thx a lot [14:47:56] 我把flags全部assign進帳戶裡,不再用cloak授權 [14:48:16] 正常每次identify IRC之後就應該可以自動上權限 [14:53:18] 03Waihorace 編輯了  Wikinews:茶馆 ,連結: https://zh.wikinews.org/?diff=120431 ;編輯摘要為:[+129] /* 增加新機器人功能 */ [15:35:57] 我把这里的封禁和 #wikipedia-zh 同步了 [17:32:11] [02T - 13acagastya] Can anyone please translate this article to Chinese? [17:32:13] [02T - 13acagastya] https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Russia_asks_Facebook_to_comply_with_personal_data_policy [22:08:14] [02T - 13acagastya] Translation request: https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia_to_allow_women_drive [22:58:44] 03< Telegram: pomobeins1 加入群組 > [22:59:52] [02T - 04pomobeins1] 05Re acagastya 07「Transla...」: I have translated it [23:00:06] [02T - 04pomobeins1] https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/沙烏地阿拉伯將允許女性駕車