[01:08:59] Do you know her? If you have a connection with her, let's figure it out. If not, please don't cold email her. We should speak with a unified voice, when we reach out to people. Also, there's a specific action item on how to reach out to experts and integrate them in the project development. Let's discuss that first, and then reach out accordingly. (re @Csisc1994: I will do that.) [01:10:19] Right not, I don't know what actionable request to send to someone such as Emily. [01:11:19] I hope you're adding the links to the wiki (re @Csisc1994: ) [09:39:59] I sent an email. However, I think that it will be better if you personally contact her. I do not know her. However, we both collaborated with Linguistic Data Consortium. (re @vrandecic: Do you know her? If you have a connection with her, let's figure it out. If not, please don't cold email her. We should speak with a unified voice, when we reach out to people. Also, there's a specific action item on how to reach out to exper [09:40:26] I will do that. (re @vrandecic: I hope you're adding the links to the wiki) [15:28:11] /help@wikilinksbot [15:31:20] /setwiki (normallinks|wikibaselinks) https://meta.wikimedia.org/ [15:31:49] meta.wikimedia.org [15:32:11] [[IRC]] [15:32:59] /setwiki https://meta.wikimedia.org/ [15:33:12] [[IRC]]