[16:23:31] I still see nothing when I go to the site ... (re @lucaswerkmeister: should be back now, I think it must’ve been an NFS hiccup) [16:25:41] ok, somehow git pull is failing in such a way that it consistently removes includes/skins/SkinMustache.php before crashing o_O [16:26:24] weird??? [16:27:12] restored it and bumped the cron job from 1024M to 2048M because there was a cannot allocate memory error somewhere in the logs [16:27:24] but I guess I should migrate that job to kubernetes sooner rather than later [16:28:01] Working now, thanks! [16:28:12] might break in another ten minutes, we’ll see [16:29:22] I’m about to go out for an hour or so – I added you as a maintainer, if it breaks again try running git -C public_html/w/ checkout @ includes/skins/SkinMustache.php in the notwikilambda tool ^^ [16:29:35] (and then probably jstop cron so it doesn’t break the wiki again) [16:32:37] Ok, I'll keep an eye on it! [16:45:17] Seems to be still working for now... [17:35:11] yay :) [20:26:25] I am aiming to start weekly updates on the project progress. Here's the first one: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Updates/2020-09-30 [21:07:08] @bd808 hi, the bridge to the telegram chat seems down, can you help? or do you remember who can? [21:07:22] (or anyone else who knows) [21:07:37] Is it still down? I restarted the bot earlier today. [21:07:54] right now I don't see messages synch [21:08:21] *nod* let me look at the bot's logs [21:10:08] blerg. the bot keeps getting kicked by freenode for flooding, but I haven't been able to track down which bridge is causing the floods. [21:12:59] Great point, thanks! Done [21:13:18] much better :D [21:13:26] also I see the bridge is back [21:14:05] Ah yes! [21:14:14] Thanks @bd808 for fixing the bridge! [21:14:32] If folks notice the bridge being down again in the near'ish future, please poke on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T264212 [21:14:53] thanks! noted [21:15:15] I'll make some time this evening to look at the logs I have from this latest crash and try to find a new fix [21:16:53] Thank you [21:22:27] Are there more resources for phase beta: object types? [21:24:53] Also if I am a senior at a university at the moment, would that disqualify me from FTE? [21:27:42] Looks great by the way (re @vrandecic: I am aiming to start weekly updates on the project progress. Here's the first one: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Updates/2020-09-30) [21:49:54] @whomstved: more on the phases and individual tasks in the phases is in phabricator, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/4876/ [21:52:03] @whomstved: personally I would recommend to finish school, because FTE plus studying is hard, but I don't think the job description requires a degree [22:19:02] I’m due to graduate soon and am not doing much coursework at the moment [22:19:22] But I hear you and have been bitten by overcommitment before [22:25:42] I'm hopeful that this won't be the only position we're going to post [22:33:50] what's SRE? (other than yet another evil three letter acronym :P) [22:35:47] Site reliability engineering [22:35:56] They make sure there are no downtimes [22:36:02] ahh, thanks [22:36:05] Will clarify in text [22:38:22] Unacronymed it [22:38:30] Thanks [22:39:29] \o/ [22:40:09] I noticed how the number of phases is carefully divided into just the right number that lambda is the last one ^^ [22:42:16] Purely by accident! (whistling while acting innocently) [22:42:25] lol [22:42:30] suuuure :D [22:50:27] 🤨 where?? (re @Nikki: I noticed how the number of phases is carefully divided into just the right number that lambda is the last one ^^) [22:50:50] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Phases :) [22:52:07] which is linked from the update page denny linked (7th paragraph "We have defined eleven phases") [22:53:41] 🙈 well hidden (re @Nikki: which is linked from the update page denny linked (7th paragraph "We have defined eleven phases")) [22:58:29] I actually suspected that that might be the case the other day when I heard that there were phases defined in phabricator but the ones beyond epsilon were empty, but didn't get round to checking exactly how many there were... and was reminded of it when I got to that part of the update