[00:05:30] Sorry, that was unintentional. (re @jhsoby: You ok there, MKar ?) [06:27:11] ❤️👍🏻 (re @MKar: Sorry, that was unintentional.) [12:13:47] dr0ptp4kt: Hi, I'm an Outreachy Applicant interested in project "Analyze community authored functions that build Wikipedia infoboxes and more". [12:17:02] dr0ptp4kt: Where do we have to submit initial microtask given on project page? Is there somewhere we can make a PR? [12:20:16] Hi accakks ! You can post to your own public GitHub or GitLab or BitBucket repo. Looking forward to your microtask. [12:20:49] Amazing, thanks a lot! [12:22:11] hi all! If you'd like to discuss further you can email me at abaso @ [12:22:48] wikimedia.org for Outreachy [13:44:08] Hi everyone, [13:44:09] Hope you all are doing well. I am Agha Saad from Pakistan. I got my Outreachy's initial application approved. I am interested in the project "Analyze community authored functions that build Wikipedia infoboxes and more". It is aligned with my interest and I have hands on experience of Python. [13:44:09] I would really appreciate pointers on how to get started. [13:44:10] Thanks [14:36:11] dr0ptp4kt Hi [14:37:04] I'm Omar and I'm applying for outreachy [14:54:01] Hello [19:43:28] dr0ptp4kt Hello, I am an Outreachy Intern and I am interested in contributing to Wikimedia project #1 - Analyze community authored functions that build Wikipedia infoboxes and more. I would appreciate if you could give me further directives on how to proceed. [20:05:06] Just checked the log and I discovered this; dr0ptp4kt: Where do we have to submit initial microtask given on project page? Is there somewhere we can make a PR? [20:05:06] [12:20:16] Hi accakks ! You can post to your own public GitHub or GitLab or BitBucket repo. Looking forward to your microtask. [20:05:45] dr0ptp4kt, I want to know if this is still valid?