[00:54:49] Thanks! 👍 (re @Dennis0123: Welcome @A4exocet @wskent @Kshovo @Lmichan 😀) [07:56:39] I study informatics/software systems development in Sweden with a usability focus (the person between the user and the programmer responsible for the project management and success of the new IT-system from a user perspective). [07:56:40] Are there any usability designers involved yet? [08:03:47] I personally really dislike the use of JavaScript on wikidata because it makes the page almost impossible to edit both on mobile and with keyboard editing. I would much rather have page reloads than dynamic JavaScript in the UI. [08:03:47] Also the idea that ALL statements must be fetched when visiting a wikidata item is completely flawed and leads to a total lack of overview and long loading times and sluggishly UI on older PCs and mobile phones. [08:03:49] I would like to help write some user stories for wikifunctiona so we avoid ending up in megabytes of json being loaded, etc. [08:03:50] I imagine that when editing wikifunctions I as an editor will only download and see the generic functions and the functions that are specific to my chosen language(s). [08:03:52] I don't know Hungarian for example so the is no point in sending those wikifunctions ever to my browser.