[20:54:30] another data model question (as I’m migrating GraalEneyj towards it): is it significant that the keys of a function are K1..K5 rather than Z8K1..Z8K5? [22:40:50] lucaswerkmeister: eventually, yes, because Functions will be generic (they will include the signature), so the type won't just be Z8, but rather Z8([Z4], Z4) or sth like that. And for that the K1..K5 have been defined so far. [22:42:11] In which case Z8K1, Z8K2 etc. will be the keys of the arguments for the function Z8 (of type function) that creates the concrete function-type [22:42:31] but this will only become relevant in the post-generic model. pre-generic, it's just Z8K1 etc. [22:42:39] (sorry, does this make any sense?) [22:43:22] Weekly newsletter: We have two new prototype tools for visualizing the coverage of lexemes in Wikidata https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Updates/2021-02-10 [22:44:00] (if anyone wants to help with them, that would be welcome! Particularly need someone to setup SUL for the annotation tool, and finish the migration to PAWS for the coverage analysis) [23:04:49] ah okay, thanks! [23:04:57] when was that data generated? [23:05:04] the tokens/forms thing I mean [23:05:05] so while I’m sticking to the pre-generic model, I’ll use Z8K5 :) [23:05:30] ('cause I see at least one word I added a week ago) [23:07:19] The data is based on the latest Lexeme dump. I downloaded that yesterday, but I think it only gets generated once or twice a month, let me check [23:08:02] weekly afaik [23:08:58] Ah. Then it would be a week old. [23:09:48] I can try to rerun it, probably tomorrow. Mind saying which Lexeme that was? [23:09:58] Us too! (re @lucaswerkmeister: so while I’m sticking to the pre-generic model, I’ll use Z8K5 :)) [23:12:00] I hope I’ll be able to load all my functions from WikiLambda soon :) (in the meantime I started https://github.com/lucaswerkmeister/abstracttext/) [23:12:24] "beispielsweise" (how appropriate) [23:12:29] also "teilweise"