[10:17:46] Reminder: today at 17:00 UTC, we will run a Q&A with Denny and Lydia about Abstract Wikipedia, how the project would be connected to Lexemes, and what languages we should focus on. More info: [[Wikidata:Events/30 lexic-o-days 2021]] & [[Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Focus languages]] [10:50:52] * [[d:Wikidata:Events/30 lexic-o-days 2021]] [[d:Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Focus languages]] [16:42:33] The Abstract Wikipedia & Lexemes Q&A is starting in ~20 minutes here: https://meet.jit.si/Lexicodays2021 (re @Auregann: Reminder: today at 17:00 UTC, we will run a Q&A with Denny and Lydia about Abstract Wikipedia, how the project would be connected to Lexemes, and what languages we should focus on. More info: [[Wikidata:Events/30 lexic-o-days 2021]] & [[Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Focus languages]])