[04:05:07] http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/dump/%23wm-bot.htm [04:05:15] @recentchanges-on [04:05:15] Feed is enabled [04:13:07] @RC- all User:Petrb* [04:13:07] Deleted item from feed [04:13:27] @RC+ meta Wm-bot* [04:13:27] Unable to insert the string to the list because there is no such wiki site known by a bot, contact some developer with svn access in order to insert it [04:13:35] @RC+ meta_wiki Wm-bot* [04:13:35] Inserted new item to feed of changes [04:13:48] Value of recent-changes-template is: $encoded_wiki_username changed $encoded_wiki_page---$username changed $page [04:14:13] @RC+ all User_talk:Petrb* [04:14:13] Inserted new item to feed of changes [04:15:50] Value $url?title=User:$encoded_wiki_username $action [[$encoded_wiki_page]] ($summary) 》 $url?diff=$link was stored into recent-changes-template to config [07:28:03] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikimedia-operations.htm" is denied. last input was ebraminio chan: #wikimedia-wikidata requestingStreamDeletion: 'Requesting Stream Deletion...' [07:28:05] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was ebraminio chan: #wikimedia-wikidata requestingStreamDeletion: 'Requesting Stream Deletion...' [07:33:25] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikimedia-operations.htm" is denied. last input was icinga-wm chan: #wikimedia-operations PROBLEM - Puppet freshness on virt4 is CRITICAL: No successful Puppet run in the last 10 hours [07:33:27] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was icinga-wm chan: #wikimedia-operations PROBLEM - Puppet freshness on virt4 is CRITICAL: No successful Puppet run in the last 10 hours [07:38:50] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was icinga-wm chan: #wikimedia-operations PROBLEM - Puppet freshness on virt4 is CRITICAL: No successful Puppet run in the last 10 hours [07:44:18] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikimedia-labs.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM host: deployment-cache-upload03.pmtpa.wmflabs is DOWN address: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable ( [07:44:19] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#mediawiki.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM host: deployment-cache-upload03.pmtpa.wmflabs is DOWN address: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable ( [07:44:20] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikipedia-zh-admin.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM host: deployment-cache-upload03.pmtpa.wmflabs is DOWN address: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable ( [07:44:21] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikimedia-labs-offtopic.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM host: deployment-cache-upload03.pmtpa.wmflabs is DOWN address: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable ( [07:44:22] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM host: deployment-cache-upload03.pmtpa.wmflabs is DOWN address: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable ( [07:49:48] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#mediawiki.htm" is denied. last input was Steinsplitter chan: #wikimedia-labs-offtopic looks ok for my xD [07:49:49] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikimedia-labs-offtopic.htm" is denied. last input was Steinsplitter chan: #wikimedia-labs-offtopic looks ok for my xD [07:49:50] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was Steinsplitter chan: #wikimedia-labs-offtopic looks ok for my xD [07:55:11] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#wikipedia-zh-admin.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM Disk Space is now: WARNING on maps-ceph1.pmtpa.wmflabs output: DISK WARNING - free space: / 218 MB (5% inode=80%): [07:55:13] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM Disk Space is now: WARNING on maps-ceph1.pmtpa.wmflabs output: DISK WARNING - free space: / 218 MB (5% inode=80%): [08:00:43] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#mediawiki.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM Total processes is now: WARNING on tools-exec-05.pmtpa.wmflabs output: PROCS WARNING: 166 processes [08:00:45] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was labs-nagios-wm chan: #wikimedia-labs-nagios PROBLEM host: deployment-varnish-t3.pmtpa.wmflabs is DOWN address: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable ( [08:06:12] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/#mediawiki.htm" is denied. last input was wikibugs chan: #mediawiki 03(mod) Updated ogv on Commons not updated - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/48004 +comment (10maic274) [08:06:14] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "/mnt/share/wmib/dump/systemdata.htm" is denied. last input was wikibugs chan: #mediawiki 03(mod) Updated ogv on Commons not updated - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/48004 +comment (10maic274) [10:00:42] . [10:02:09] .\ [10:57:24] Looks like wm-bot was denied access to a db for a couple hours from 6-8 utc [10:57:49] Might want to check the logs petan :) [10:57:59] fixed [10:58:12] :D [10:58:26] no worries this bot is resistant to outages [10:58:36] except for freenode outages [11:00:57] ... [11:02:24] * T13|needsCoffee has had to get someone in -tech to restart wm-bot more than once from getting dropped from freenode... [11:03:29] ? [11:03:37] -tech ?? [11:04:53] #wikimedia-tech [11:05:14] It's where I found aper and reedy to restart wm-bot [11:14:37] ah ok [16:31:16] @add ##WT101 [16:31:16] Permission denied [16:31:28] @add ##WT101 [20:40:03] Yeah.. he is waiting to get his cloak. [20:40:13] Will adjust once he does.